Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

After Pre-release yesterday I left with quite disappointing pulls. 2 Rev Rares (Sceptile and Metagross) and a GX (Banette) in 7 packs. :( Plus the Celesteela promo
That isnt all that bad I had multiple prereleases with ) GX's or bad GX's like alolan raticate
I've opened 21 (i know random amount)pack of celestial storm and pulled:
FA Copycat :)
Palossand GX
Shiftry GX
Scizor GX
Latios prism star
Latias prism star
4x Holo rare
4x Reverse holo rares
Forbidden Light box. It was bad, Ultra Necromza being one of the 4 regular GXs was a slight redemption. Hopefully Celestial Storm will provide me better luck.

It did. :)

Celestial Storm box pulls:

- Mr. Mime GX
- Electrode GX
- Rayquaza GX
- Blaziken GX full art
- Tate & Liza full art
- Acro Bike secret rare
Just pulled an ETB - would’ve been super lucky if any other GX, but alas we got RA Mr. Mime and FA Mr. Mime. At least Latias * and rev Magcargo are neat...

In general though, we’ve pulled a large majority of Mime and Banette
I opened a Latios Pin Collection box (one of my LGSs sold one to me a day early) and this is what I got from the packs. I love the FA Altaria-GX!
This were my best pulls from the Elite Trainer Box. What do you think?

Decided to buy the new Solgaleo GX today at my local store. Didn't expect much out of the four packs...

But I got SR Beast Ring and FA Articuno GX!! So stoked. Definitely worth it. :)

These were the pulls my sister and I got from two Dragon's Majesty ETBs which I think were pretty good pulls. Oh and not pictured but we also opened 4 total pin boxes and in addition to these our Dragon's Majesty pulls included two more Reshiram GXs, Victini <>, and two more Altaria. And a grass and lightning holo energy which I put in my Rayquaza GX deck because it just fit.
Opened two CES Booster Boxes:
1st had Alolan Raticate GX, Arcticuno GX, Rayquaza GX, Tate & Liza FA, 2 Shrines actually very sad pulls
2nd one was better with Mr. Mime, Stakataka, Rayquaza, Blaziken, Life Herb SR and Copycat FA
Just been to my LOT Pre-Release and got probably my luckiest packs ever.
Pre-Release Kit
Suicune Promo (SM149)
Naganadel x1
Natu x2
Pack 1: RR Sigilyph GX
Pack 2: Thunder Mountain Prism Star
Pack 3: Unown Hand
Pack 4: Tyranitar GX Regular Art
Prize Packs
Pack 1: FA Sceptile GX
Pack 2: Tapu Koko Holo
Pack 3: Alolan Ninetales GX Regular Art

My god I've never had this luck before. The league leader gave me a playset of league promo Empoleon he had left over as well!? Somebody Please help me....
My Pre-release haul was pretty average.

From the build and battle box I got the Tapu Lele promo and Xerneas <> (and a couple of the non-GX Shuckles that I love)

Then from my 5 prize boosters I got a holo Ampharos, holo Jumpluff, Thunder Mountain <>, and a secret rare Electropower. Plus a couple other non-holo cards that I wanted like Zebstrika and the new Grovyle
This is what I pulled from my prerelease (with more to follow), they’re not bad but they’re not good either.


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