Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

I opened 2 Marshadow figure collecrions recently. Each comes with 2 Crimson Invasion, 1 Steam Siege, and 1 Ancient Origins.

My pulls were garbage (what do you expect lol) with only a M Steelix EX and Yveltal BREAK between the two.

Still, I was in it for the promos so I can't complain.
I went to pre release today for Team Up, which I didn't do nearly as good as last time due to prizing my win condition. But the notable things I pulled from the boxes and prize packs were Pikachu and Zekrom Gx Full Art and Tapu Koko <> which is going straight into my rayquaza deck
I opened a Lost Thunder booster box and got a SR Net Ball, a Lugia GX, a Tyranitar GX, and a Sigilyph GX. What’re the odds?
Team Up Booster Box
-FA Dana
-FA Gengar/Mimikyu GX
-Gengar/Mimikyu GX
-Celebi/Venusaur GX
-Lycanroc GX
-Cobalion GX
-Tapu Koko prism
-Wonderous Labyrinth prism

Team Up ETB
-Latias/Latios GX RR
-Incineroar GX
My Team Up Prelease

Nidoquen Box
-4 Packs
4 Rares (Don't remeber)
1 Reverse - Jirachi
-3 Packs
2 Rares
Hoopa GX NA & Koko Prism Star (Same Pack)

Open an Ultra Necrozma Blister
-3 Packs
2 Rares
Charizard Reverse & Gengar&Mimkyu GX NA (Same Pack)
Team Up booster box:
5 holos
1 SR Pokémon Communication
2 FA: Hoopa GX, Evelyn
3 GX: Hoopa, Mr. Mime, Cobalion

11 is bad, because the average is 12. Having a secret rare is good - but I think it is almost guaranteed. 2 FA is good, but in my opinion 2 of the most boring ones. 3 GX is average, but again rather boring ones, no tag team, no alternate art.
So I would call it an slightly average box because of SR/FA numbers, but in terms of the specific cards, below my expectations.
I would have hoped for some of those cards: Gengar&Mimikyu, Celebi&Venusaur, alternate art of either of those or Wailord&Magikarp, Erika FA, Sabrina FA, maybe Nanu FA.

Are the tag team GXs really rather that is happens often to not have one in a box or what is your experience?
Opened a Team Up ETB from a good friend and a Pikachu and Eevee Figure and Pokeball dealy from Gamestop last weekend :)

I opened 3 GX Ultra Shiny booster boxes, because I love the shiny Pokémon so much, but it was really sad. There are 100 Secret Rares, and you get 3 per box, in very rare cases 4 (if you get a gold card), and I got Ho-Oh GX twice and Poipole 3 times. I don't know if I want to open more of these boxes, because they are expensive. But I really want that Espeon GX (and Charizard, Eeeve and a few more wouldn't be bad either).
My daughter bought the three pack blister with the ultra necrozma and pulled a secret rare magikarp&Wailord tag team, a Gengar&Mimikyu tagteam and then the last pack was the fairy Alolan ninetales. Totally busted pulls
Did anyone ever open a Korean GX Ultra Shiny booster box?

Because they sell for 23 € + 6 € shipping on Ebay, while the Japanese are ~70 € + shipping. However, if their pull rates are as bad as from other Korean boxes, there might only be 1 shiny card per box and then it's not worth it.
I ended up buying the Pikachu & Zekrom GX tin and some Lost Thunder packs while I was at my usual Saturday League. I didn't pull anything of note from the tin (which contains 2 Team Up packs , 1 Forbidden Light pack, and 1 Evolutions pack). I had luck on par with the tin's in regards to the Lost Thunder packs, but I at least pulled a Blacephalon GX and an Electropower.
Hi everyone im looking to buy 5 or 6 boxes of unbroken bonds once it comes out does anyone know pull rates?

Thx guys,

I managed to find a Jolteon GX box despite it being sold almost everywhere. Notable cards that were pulled were a FA Whitney, FA Copycat, and a regular Electropower.
Just got back into the game after I found the online game. Went to a comic shop near me and bought 2 Team Up packs and 2 Lost Thunder packs, pulled a Pikachu & Zekrom GX (not sure what to call it :p) rainbow holo and a Suicune GX. Now to just figure out what to do with them lol.
I opened the 3 tins and another Team Up booster box.

Then tins were bad. They cost 35 € here. The artworks on the tag teams are gorgeous, but 2 holos and one GX in 3 tins (12 packs) is bad for that money. I think the most valuable card was a reverse holo Charizard from Team Up.

Is there a trend though with booster boxes only having 11 holos+UR?
Both my Team Up boxes had this. In the past I had it only happen to me once in about 10 boxes.

The pulls were OK. None of the 6 FA/GX were one I had pulled in my first box, which is really good, also the rainbow rare Pikachu&Zekrom. I will not sell it or play with it, but it is a good feeling pulling a valuable card. Still no Erika (neither holo nor FA) or FA Sabrina though :(.
Just got back from a pre-release

My evolution pack was Persian/Incineroar/Seaking

I left the gold fish. Lost all 3 match. such bad luck
My first 4 booster, i got a Secret Electro Radar & NA Blastoise GX (Forget the 2 rares)
From my 3 consolation prize, 1 was Red's Holo and one was NA Machamp/Marshadow GX
The last pack only had 9 card with the Rare card being missing