Man it's been a while since I've updated you all on my pulls. been waiting for the Evolutions ETB's to come out due to being in Ireland and the price of things here is kinda bad. Brought some random packs here and there, and got some trades. Among my pack pulls, I've gotten a Pidgeot EX, holos of Grass, Fire and Steel Energy (Got a Double Colorless holo in a trade, so that set's coming on nicely

), Gyarados, Charizard, Here Comes Team Rocket! and Flying Pikachu.
I got the retro half-art Mega Charizard EX in a trade, so I'm getting there slowly. Hell, I'd buy a whole box of Evolutions to try my luck if they weren't over £120 right now.
in non-Evolutions pulls, I got a Gengar EX from one of the Alola collections (I've got to ask, is that useable? I know the set it's from, Phantom Forces, is out of rotation, but given its odd inclusion in the ALola collection, as well as the Gengar-EX Box, I'm just curious), got a Leafeon EX in a trade (Putting that aside for the eventual Decidueye deck), and I completed my Mythical Collection and Radiant Collection sets