The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Gaiermite

@LillipupFTW: Haha nice observation! I always liked to see Snake take off on that thing. The banners are going....ehhh. I am trying to get to them. I have been trying practice with my graphic tablet. I promise I'll get on them.

@superstarxalien169: Holding onto a blind flying helmet thingy would be a bad idea.

@RayquazaMaster: A windmill Pokemon would be awesome!

Before I release today's new Fakemon, I promised to provide some information regarding the three new types, Sound, Light, and Cyber.
Japanese Name: 音 (Oto)
Sound types are usually based on a instrument, a certain type of sound, a type of singer, or related to music. Most attacks specialize in altering stats such as Growl and Howl while others like Uproar cause physical attacks.

Weak against: Steel and Flying
Strong against: Rock and Psychic

Old Pokemon switched to Sound type:
Whismur (Sound/Normal)
Loudred (Sound/Normal)
Exploud (Sound/Normal)
Chingling (Psychic/Sound)
Chimecho (Psychic/Sound)
Kricketune (Bug/Sound)
Chatot (Flying/Sound)
CDisK (Electric/Sound)
DeeJay (Electric/Sound)
Amatlent (Psychic/Sound)
Spiyonce (Psychic/Sound)
Rihagaga (Psychic/Sound)
Eltovana (Psychic/Sound)
Beatlkson (Psychic/Sound)

Some new Sound attacks is:

Tantrum (Physical) - 3 to 5 turn attack, Raises attack if hit.
Sonic Voice (Physical) Causes damage and possibly confused opponent.
Blare (Physical) Deal out damage according to the hold item.
Echo (Non-physical) May cause confusion several turns after use.
Whisper (Non-Physical) Lowers done defense
Sudden Scream (Physical) Works in conjunction with Whisper. If whisper is used before, it will cause 4x more damage.

Old attacks turned into Sound types:
Belly Drum
Perish Song
Sleep Talk
Heal Bell
Hyper Voice
Lucky Chant
Echoed Voice
Relic Song

Japanese Name: 光 (Hikari)
The Light type is opposite of Dark. Pokemon who are light types are usually based off a light source, embodiment of good, or electrical lighting. Most attacks focus on lowering accuracy and dealing out light-based moves.

Weak Against: Dark, Grass, Ground
Strong Against: Dark, Ghost, Flying

Old Pokemon switched to the Light type:
Chinchou (Water/Light)
Lanturn (Water/Light)
Volbeat (Bug/Light)
Illuminse (Bug/Light)
Bulbitate (Electric/Light)
Flouresitate (Electric/Light)

New Light type Moves:

Holy Ray (Physical) Lowers accuracy while dealing Light0type damage
Light Sword (Physical) Forms a sword made out of light
Light Beam (Physical) Takes two turns to charge.
Blinding Light (Non-Physical) drastically lowers accuracy
Disorient (Non-physical) Confused opponent

Moves switched to Light-type:
Light Screen
Morning Sun
Sunny Day
Signal Beam

Japanese Name: サイバー (Cyber)
Cyber is a little known type that usually is found in human-created Pokemon such as Porygon. Cyber-type Pokemon are usually based from electronic/cybernetic forms created by human or human intervention.The Cyber type excels in Evasion, Defense, and Special attack. Most of their attacks deal in trumping other Pokemon such as lowering stats or disabling attacks.

Weak Against: Cyber, Electric, Ice
Strong Against: Cyber, Steel, Fighting

Old Pokemon switched to Cyber Type:
Porygon (Cyber/Normal)
Porygon2 (Cyber/Normal)
Proygon-Z (Cyber/Normal)
Viracine (Cyber/Poison)
Antivacine (Cyber/Psychic)

New Cyber-type Moves
Hack (Non-Physical) Controls the opponents actions for one turn
Bandwidth (Non-Physical) Disables use of items for 3 turns
Firewall (Non-Physical) Prevents any status altering moves
Short Circuit (Physical) Deals damage while paralyzing or confusing
Reboot (Non-Physical) Forces Pokemon out of field until its the last Pokemon standing.
Cyberhack (Physical) Deals Cyber-type damage

Old Moves switched to the Cyber-type
Conversion 2

Well, both Lillipup and superstarxalien are both right! Today's Pokemon is the Soaring Pokemon, Helicap.

#078 Helicap
The Soaring Pokemon
Type: Flying/Steel
Color: Red
Ability: Run Away/Motor Drive
Height: 2'8
Weight: 10 lbs.
Evolves into: None

Helipcap is the Soaring Pokemon. It is a dual Flying/Steel type Pokemon and has the abilities Run Away/Motor Drive. It does not evolve/into any other Pokemon.

Helicap enjoys perching itself on top its trainers head. When someone touches its "handles", it will start to take off. It can carry its trainers for long distances. When it takes off, the trainers hands are magnetized to the handles.

Helipcap is based off a propeller hat. The concept came from Calvin and Hobbes where Calvin orders a propeller hat and pretends it enables him to fly as he waits for it to come (only to find out it won't do that). Its design was based off from Snakes flying gear (forgot the name ><)

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form and types it could possibly be! Also, let me know your thoughts and opinions on Helicap!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Helicap/3 New Types

Nice! I like Helicap! This is the pre evolution of the monkey sound pokemon. Also, what are these Pokemon?

Viracine (Cyber/Poison)
Antivacine (Cyber/Psychic)

Yeah! I was right about it!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Helicap/3 New Types

The shadow is a pre evolution of bandaboom.Helicap is cool.I also like the idea of turning the porgons into cyber types.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Helicap/3 New Types

Looks like a evolution/pre-evolution of that monkey pokemon you posted a while back, and it looks like a sound type. Helicap is cute, I like it.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Helicap/3 New Types

@LillipupFTW: Sorry, I made them into Englisg. It was Bairakin and Antibairakin from the Ongan Region.

@Reshiwott: Thanks! I have always wanted to have a Cyber types.

@silazu: Good guess! It seems pretty easy.

@superstarxalien169: It is supposed to be happy lol. It carries people off into the sky!

Today's new Pokemon is the Howling Pokemon, Primaria

#025 Primaria
The Howling Pokemon
Type: Normal/Sound
Color: Purple
Ability: Soundproof
Height: 2'9
Weight: 28 lbs.
Evolves into: Trumonet at level 20

Primaria is the Howling Pokemon. It is a dual Normal/Sound and has the Soundproof ability. It evolves into Trumonet at level 20.

Primaria live in open jungles where it will constantly bray the trumpets on its cheeks and tail. If anything comes within its territory; it will make very loud noises in order to chase out the intruder.

Primaria is based off a howler monkey. Its name comes from primate and aria.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form and type it could be! Also, let me know what you think about Primaria.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Helicap/3 New Types

Awesome! Super cute! The last one looks like all the Regi's on a Popsicile stick. Hey LV, what is your favorite Pokemon from this region?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Primaria

A kong thing with blue crystals, ehh :p. It is obvious that Primaria should evolve into Bandoaboom.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Primaria

Primaria looks good...But do you know that Primaria means Elementary School in Spanish? o_O
When I saw the name I thought about a little human-like Pokémon holding a little backpack thing...

Oh and the shadow looks like an evolution of Giglith (I like to call him that)
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Primaria

Oh, true. Nice job, superstarxalien! It looks like him.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Primaria

@LillipupFTW: Hmm, my favorite Pokemon has yet to appear! However, if I had to say of the ones that have appeared thus far, its a throw up between Shibaite and Bandaboom though I do like today's new Pokemon (Bandaboom incidently was one of the first Pokemon created for this region as I was working on the Ongan Region).

I began developing the actual fakdex (taking old and new designs and putting them into a actual fakedex) half way through the Ongan Fakedex. I have already started getting some ideas rounded together for the next region o_0

@superstarxalien169: Yeah, I assume it would be a given. Good guess though and you are correct!

@Gleafeon: Haha I don't know Spanish save for counting, some colors, and some phrases. I do speak Japanese and Chinese though. I will not include any Unova Pokemon pre/evolutions since the continent Unova is on and the continent Kanto, Johto, etc. are on are seperate. I mean, you normally don't see elephants running around in Texas or tiger prowling the antarctic. This region is still part of the Kanto. Johto, continent. If I do a Unova-continent region, then I will include evolutions.

I would like to say that I will be getting onto banners/avatars in the next couple of weeks. I am sorry but I have been fairly swamped at work and my nights have been unusually busy. As well, I want to focus on completing the Yuttou Fakedex artwork as well as take all the Ongan Region Fakemon and put it into one Fakedex picture.

Today's new Pokemon is the Crystal Formation Pokemon, Crystillumate.

#028 Crystillumate
The Crystal Formation Pokemon
Type: Rock/Light
Color: Blue
Ability: Super Shrine
Height: 3'5
Weight: 302 lbs.
Evolves from: Crystalite at level 28

Crystillumate is the Crystal Formation Pokemon. It is a dual Rock/Light Pmon and has the Super Shrine ability. It evolves from Crystalite at level 28. Super Shine is a common Light-type ability. It lowers the opponents accuracy when it enters the field.

Crystillumate can be found in deep caves where it collects what little there is and stores it deep inside the crystals on its back. You can tell the age of a Crystallumate by how strong the light of its crystals are. One with very bright lights are at its peak physically. Dimmer ones are either young or old.

Crystallumate is based of a crystal formation. It's name comes from crystal and illuminate. (its the name is the hardest to spell of any Fakemon I made)

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form and types it could be! Also, let me know how you liked Crystillumate!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystillumate

Nice! It is the evolution of the mosquito Pokemon. Also, did you get my PM?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystillumate

Crystillumate looks awesome! Only thing is (and I know it's a fake region so the rules don't necessarily apply), the maximum number of characters a Pokémon's name can have is 10 or 11.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystillumate

@LillipupFTW: Yes, I did. Sorry, it sometimes take mes a while to get back to some messages.

@superstarxalien169: Or a Zapdos Mosquito! That would be scary.

@CMP: Thanks :). I am not the best at naming Pokemon so I tend to go over that limit ><

Lillipup, I made some quick banners but I plan on making some original art in the near future.

Since I missed yesterdays update, here is a double update for today!
Today's new two Fakemon is the Mosquito Pokemon, Agrequito and the Fire Snake Pokemon, Serpitth.

#018 Agrequito
The Mosquito Pokemon
Type: Bug/Poison
Color: Green
Ability: Poison Point/Speed Boost
Height: 3'1
Weight: 20 lbs
Evolves from: Mosqrritate at level 20

Agrequito is the Mosquito Pokemon. It is a dual Bug/Poison type Pokemon and has the abilities Poison Point and Speed Boost. It evolves from Mosqrritate at level 20.

Agrequito are considered a nuisance and a pest to many people for their blood-sucking behavior. They have been known to latch on to anyone by piercing the skin with their needle-like nose and suck out blood. Towns and villages go to great lengths to keep these Pokemon out.

Agrequito is based off a mosquito. Its name comes from Agrrevate and mosquito.


#022 Serpitth
The Fire Snake Pokemon
Type: Fire/Psychic
Color: Red
Ability: Ability: Keen Eye/Anger Point
Height: 5'6
Weight: 25 lbs
Evolves from: Flamtherin at level 22
Evolves into: ?

Serpitth is the Fire Snake Pokemon. It is a dual Fire/Psychic type Pokemon and has the Keen Eye/Anger Point abilities. It evolves from Flamtherin at level 22 however it is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Serpitth can be found in warm, dry environments. It soaks up heat in order to fuel the fires inside of its body. When it raises itself to its full height, it can sway back and forth and hypnotize whoever is in front of them.

Serpitth is based off a cobra. Its name comes from serpent, and pit.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form and types it could possibly be. Also, let me know what you think about Agrequito and Serpitth.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Agrequito/Serpitth plus two banners!

The shadow looks like a frog, the wavy part of the shadow makes the pokemon look like it could be ghost or water, but it could also be sound because frogs are a bit vocal. I really like serpitth, it looks cool.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Agrequito/Serpitth plus two banners!

Cool banners, and cool Pokemon! The shadow somehow looks like a prevolution or evolution of the fire toad.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Agrequito/Serpitth plus two banners!

Love days with double the Pokémon! Both are great. Agrequito is cool in its own little way, and Serpitth (especially its head) is awesome. The tongue/flame is a nice touch!