Wi-Fi Trades The Master GTS (A Co-op Trade Thread) Opened! Owners: Pokemon99 & ElectricPokemonMaster

*Goes to get DS to check* I know I ahve a Tailow, Poohyena, Ponyta, Shinx, and Nidoran Male(Not sure about this one) And I'll go into the DW tonight.
Ready to trade? I can trade now XD. Thanks.:)
@Ash, it'll probably be very hard to find a time to trade over the next two weeks, because I have exams to study for...
However, if I see you on, we can try to get it done.

@Everyone else. I've added prefixes to the thread (4G + 5G), and I'm going to be updating this with more events, and also add a file section. This also has plans to be redone, and made neater.
Oh ok. Sounds good. I was getting worried because I have not heard from you for days. Thanks man.:)
I'll be free today, but only before 5PM EST. If you get on, Post here. I'll try to check every half-hour or so.
And I just put everything away and am starting to do math.

Are you available at about 5:30PM EST tomorrow?
That is my dinner hour man. I can do it right now. What events did you want again? It should only take 10 or 15 minutes for 2 Pokes XD. Thanks.:)
Ash, I'm not able to trade at all after about 5.

Lillipup, I have a female lv. 1 Kangaskan with DW Ability. Interested?
Aw crud. Not even in evenings? What about on weekends?:)
Ash, on weekends I may be able to trade at about 6, but It'll be tentative, because I have exams to study for.

I will CYL Soon.