The Mega Man Franchise

I revived the Brother Band thread if you guys wanna start taking this over to that topic.

Megaman forever.
My favorite Mega Man games were on the old NES I also used the have the anniversary Collection for GCN and played those on there as well. I love putting in the boss cheats and occasionally tried for Dr. Wily but I never made it very far except in Mega Man 3 anyway I got pretty far in that one. I think I made it just past the Mega Man fakes level too.:)
The SF games got better, yes.

The BN games were like this:

BN1 = below-average, but it was the first in the series so it's forgiven
BN2 = pretty good, fixed some of the stuff in 1, but made PAs overpowered
BN3 = best in the series, fixed some of the stuff in 2, more strategy involved but easier to be cheap
BN4 = worst in the series, had a lot of good ideas but also a lot of bad ones, and suffered from lousy implementation
BN5 = probably second-best in the series, fixed everything bad that was in 4 and added Liberations, but made Dark Chips usable by Light Megaman
BN6 = pretty good, essentially a happy medium between 3 and 5, had some good combos but not BN3-overbearing combos

In all,
3 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 4
DNA you forgot Chip challenge and network transmission.

My BN list (Only the ones that stick to the main storyline, no spin-offs)

BN1 - Bad, bad game. Sure, it's the beginning of the game series, but they could've at least added names of the internet area...

BN2 - Great! Added Styles (Favorite feature of BN games), fixed all with BN1, added more colorful areas, actual good boss music. And in all, I felt it was an actual game that once you began, can't stop!

BN3- My first one. Best one of them all. Period. The plot was intense, the ending was plot-twisting, the music was awesome! (The normal boss music is repetitive though...) And the ACDC town was fixed.

BN4 - Ah, the dump of the series. I kinda liked it, but the fact you must beat the game 3 times was blargh. And the plotline was so.... bad.

BN5 - Amazing! Love music, the game is addicting, the liberation missions are fun once you get the hang of them, I am currently on the Gyroman liberation.

BN6 - Good music, characters grow to you. Too easy though...

DNA you forgot Chip challenge and network transmission.
And 4.5 too, but I don't include spinoffs in my ranking.
I played BCC. It's bad because it's too short and there's no reliable way to get chips - it's all luck-of-the-draw.
Salamencetrainer34 said:
You guys hear about the new megaman game? It's ground-breaking.

[/spoiler] It's a freaking board game -.- [/spoiler]

A link/image would be appreciated.
I don't think there are any images yet, or at least I don't see any, but this is a thing. Looks like it was announced a while ago.

Apparently Jasco Games is making the official board game. I'm interested. I won't put it off because it's just a board game. I can imagine all sorts of things for it.
Sounds interesting. I wonder how they'll implement the 8 robot master formula into a tabletop game.
The new Board Game is not run by Capcom. It is run by Jasco Games who has merchandising rights to use Mega Man for the TCG known as UFS (It's a shame people complain about this though - good example of fans that lower themselves to the mindless side of the fandom) aswell as craft their own board game. I for one support this, it's not uncommon for a video game franchise to get a board game, it took Mega Man 25 years.

Also I'm thinking the board game will be something probably along the lines of Munchkin, with expansions and items. Basically going through a whole adventure with friends, fighting against different robot masters and enemies.
Salamencetrainer34 said:
I still hate it.

Ohwell, people's preferences.

Really lookin forward to the UFS set the most though because that card game is really fun <3

Even better, one of my friends who doesn't play Mega Man was a winner of the playmat raffle and we're just gonna swap playmats (and she's gonna trade me some of the possible Mega Man Promos that come with it) so I'll have a lovely Mega Man playmat to take with me to pokemon league~uwu
I saw it earlier on tumblr and I'm super stoked, so I'll see what I can scrape together for the kickstarter.
Man I can't wait to play Smash Bros for 3DS so I can try out Mega Man. I wonder how to use the weapons that he has. That looks pretty cool. I can get the past games on my 3DS as well. I will try to get those and beat them since I can create restore points XD.:)
xxashxx said:
Man I can't wait to play Smash Bros for 3DS so I can try out Mega Man. I wonder how to use the weapons that he has.

Are you asking what his move set is? Because (based on the videos shown) it is:
A Combo - Mega Buster
Up Tilt - Mega Upper [From MvC]
Side Tilt - Mega Buster
Down Tilt - Slide Attack
Up Smash - Spark Shot (Spark Man)
Side Smash - Mega Buster Charge Shot
Down Smash - Flame Blast (Flame Man)
Dash - Top Spin
B - Metal Blade (Metal Man)
Up B - Rush Coil
Side B - Crash Bomber (Crash Man)
Down B - Leaf Shield (Wood Man)
Nair - Mega Buster
Fair - Flame Sword (Sword Man)
Dair - Hard Knuckle (Hard Man)
Bair - Slash Claw (Slash Man)
He also uses the Super Arm (Guts Man) for his grabs... or his throws... really, they didn't show much on how that works beyond a single throw, while his other throws, grab attack, Uair and Final Smash have yet to be revealed.

And yes, his Mega Buster is assigned to his A Combo, Forward Tilt and Nair, but this lets him fire while standing, walking and jumping, much like he does in a Mega Man game...

Now, all that might make me sound something like a Mega Man expert, but I'm afraid I am not--quite the contrary, I've never before played a Mega Man game (I got all the info from the Developer Direct video). That said, I've often thought of playing a few of the Classic Mega Man titles, and now that Mega Man is in Smash, it's left me even more tempted to give them a try.

I've often heard Mega Man 2 is the best of the series, but can I skip right to it, or should I start with 1? I've also heard that some of the latter Mega Man titles can be iffy, so are there any other Classic Mega Man titles I should really consider? And which ones should I consider avoiding?
You're not really missing any story (for the most part) if you skip around older titles, but it helps to play them chronologically after MM3, since Protoman makes his debut there and his saga continues thereafter. And as far as avoiding any classic titles, don't! Each original Mega Man game brings something unique and fun to the table, so play as many as you can! I like the X series even more, although X6 and X7 have really bad level design due to a rush in development. I still like them, though. And while you're at it, you may as well give Battle Network a shot.
Ah ok. Are there other weapons as well? I have watched the video in the 3DS eshop and his moves look pretty cool XD.:)