The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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Indeed, I played against the guy who won our BRs last week and he was worried when I had Thundurus out. It's not quite as strong because Darkrai can OHKO with little effort, but it's still the best starter you can ask for in Eels.
Cinema said:
I misspoke, I didn't mean it doesn't OHKO anything, obviously I know 80 OHKO's a Tynamo. I meant it doesn't OHKO any main attackers, not like Zekrom does. It's also easier to OHKO and doesn't force you to make a choice whether to hit the Zekrom and take Outrage damage or to ignore it.

But it easily gets energy into play and the discard pile. Not to mention that T2 80 is not to be sniffed at. That easily makes any Darkrai or Mewtwo OHKO next turn.

Zekrom is a really poor starter, Mewtwo is meh because of the premature Mewtwo wars, Tornadus ex is suicide in the mirror match and Raikou again is poor early game because of the high energy attacks.

Thundurus is still the perfect starter because of the energy acceleration.
Cinema said:
I misspoke, I didn't mean it doesn't OHKO anything, obviously I know 80 OHKO's a Tynamo. I meant it doesn't OHKO any main attackers, not like Zekrom does. It's also easier to OHKO and doesn't force you to make a choice whether to hit the Zekrom and take Outrage damage or to ignore it.

They will usually ignore it and use their active (Smeargle/Thundurus) to take advantage of the sitation. This will give them the upper hand for the remainder of the game.
the best start I could ask for in zeels would be with either smeargle or thundurus active (depending on the matchup) and 1-2 tynamo on the bench.... Thundurus loses alot of power late game, but he's still about the best starter we've got... (outside of maybe smeargle)
I find myself being in hot water when I'm playing the mirror and my opponent has Thundurus and I don't. I took him out of my list, but he really is a good one-of to have. I run 9 Lightning Energy, and you don't always draw into them. Charge makes your deck smaller and grabs them for you. 80, in comparison to other attacks, looks pathetic. But in combination with a Bolt Strike, you are 2HKOing everything. Every attack counts nowadays against these huge EXs.
I went 3-1 at a BR's with zeels. my 1 loss had nothing to do with the deck (it surprisingly played consistently in all my matches) rather I though a fully loaded terrakion had 120 damage (it only had 100) so I called outrage on my fresh zekrom, realized the mistake too late,and he took his last prize....

anyways now that BR's are over and we know that the rotation is going to be BW-on, I'd like to spark a discussion on zeels post-rotation :)
interesting..... I was thinking of lowering the juniper count and upping N to like 4.... (bianca and ultra ball is going to be great too, and no more smeargle :D )

I heard that zekrom EX/raikou EX are supposed to get good after the rotation :3
Raikou EX is extremely good after the rotation, and Zekrom is definitely at least decent. It's good against Terrakion techs since in the slower format it's less likely that they'll be able to retaliate KO you right away, especially if you have Eviolite attached.
^ agreed, with the extra space I can now definetly fit both zekrom EX and Raikou EX in, along with other cool techs/higher counts of cards that I just couldn't use before because I had Junk Arm, smeargle, and collector/dual ball to fit in....
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