thundurus definitely isn't as good as he used to be, with 40 hp tynamo takin over your zeels build, unless you based the deck around him and ran 3-4 copies, getting a T1 Charge is going to be rare. However I'd always have at least 1 copy of him in zeels, as he does help the CMT and mirror matches, and is a nice starter when you draw him. basically, if you run 1 thundurus, run 40 hp tynamo, if you run 40hp tynamo, run SAB (skyarrow bridge), if you run SAB, then run tornadus EX and smeargle, if you run those two, then Collector > Dual ball. That's the way I build my zeels deck, and I really like it right now. (I've won almost all of my matches on playtcg, including fighting type pair ups)