The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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I live in Massachusetts, which is a very competitive area. At max there are like 20 people at a BR. Now think about places like the midwest.
when I think of BR's I think of places like Florida or Texas or even CA, MA is competitive, but not as much as those states :/

if there were only 5 at a BR though I would agree, it's not collective enough, when I say BR's I'm thinking bigger things than you are :p
Yes, well, you were quoting BRs from all over the world. And there are a lot more non competitive area than places like FL or CA. Quite a lot more.

edit: Wow. I just checked Pokegym. There are only 9 tournaments recorded there, and 4 of them are Darkrai, 2 of them are ZekEels...

There goes your main argument.
yeah, places like *coughcoughConnecticutcoughcoguh* :p

anyways this argument is getting old, time to start another one! On another forum this topic has been getting some talk, Raikou EX or Zekrom EX? Both have advantages over the other and I know alot of people would just write off zekrom EX as "inferior" to raikou but Raikou doesn't offer much more than catcher does, or does he? also zekrom EX Hits big time on CMT, Darkrai, any stage 2 based rouge decks etc. then again Raikou gives you an almost auto win against lock decks, so which one would you run?
They both serve completely different purposes. It shouldn't be a choice between one or the other, like a choice between two different draw supporters or Revive vs. Super Rod would be. It should be a choice between which you need and which you don't need, or if you need both or don't need either.
I agree, however since zeels is a tight list it only has room for one, not both.... (now if only someone could come up with a winning list that utilized both...)
The only reason that there are more Darkrai wining is because it is new and exciting. More people are playing it. Wait until Nats.
I don't think darkrai has won more events yet, but whatever :/ the deck seems to be alot like CMT to me (in the regard of how fast it is...)
Could you guys not argue for one minute??

Darkrai is better than Zekeels now, and that's just that. Currently the most competitive states I know are MA, and Arizona. Both of which hold killer states, and attract a lot of attention.

Darkrai and CMT are totally different things... CMT takes 1-2 turns to start attacking, Darkrai has tooken up to 3-4 turns. At the current moment Darkrai is the most played deck, and it's just hyped that way. This is why it's winning more. Wait till we get some new cards, Darkrai will drop like Zekeels did.

Also, Zek, and Raikou EX together have worked for me. You keep a constant heavy hitting attacker attacking.
Hey guys, let's get back on topic. This thread is about Zek Eels as a deck, not whether or not Zek Eels is better than Darkrai. The next person who posts the word "Darkrai" in this thread is getting a 30% warning. Unless of course you are talking about how to improve the match up or something. Alright.
I am more for Zekrom EX at this point, unless you run a couple of Skyarrow Bridge. Raikou EX can work wonders when picking off opposing Eels, Zoroarks, etc. It can slow the opponent down a lot. That being said, it's kind of situational. I don't like the fact you lose all of your Lightning Energy. You become more dependent on Eelektrik. With Zekrom EX, you may have room for another shot with Glinting Claw. (Which is almost always enough after a Strong Volt.) The Retreat Cost, however, is the drawback. The fact that you can Volt Bolt and Retreat to a charged-up Pokemon is nice. Quick snipe, then get back to owning with Zekrom. It depends on the player.
I'm really having trouble smoothing out my decklist after a mediocre performance at last week's BRs. I know they don't matter that much but it shows how the format's changed and I'd like to make my list better. Any tips?

3 Tynamo DEX 45 (not too important, I almost never attack with them)
1 Tynamo NV 38
3 Eelektrik
1 Thundurus
2 Zekrom
1 Bouffalant
1 Tornadus-EX
2 Mewtwo-EX

2 PlusPower
2 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Level Ball
1 Super Rod
2 Eviolite
2 Ultra Ball
3 Dual Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
1 Switch
1 Random Receiver
3 N
4 Juniper

9 L

I plan to replace probably a PlusPower with Raikou-EX.
DecaDang said:
I'm really having trouble smoothing out my decklist after a mediocre performance at last week's BRs. I know they don't matter that much but it shows how the format's changed and I'd like to make my list better. Any tips?

3 Tynamo DEX 45 (not too important, I almost never attack with them)
1 Tynamo NV 38
3 Eelektrik
1 Thundurus
2 Zekrom
1 Bouffalant
1 Tornadus-EX
2 Mewtwo-EX

2 PlusPower
2 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Level Ball
1 Super Rod
2 Eviolite
2 Ultra Ball
3 Dual Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
1 Switch
1 Random Receiver
3 N
4 Juniper

9 L

I plan to replace probably a PlusPower with Raikou-EX.

The problem is, your deck doesn't look consistent enough. You need to absolutely have 4 Dual balls, 2 Random Receivers and 2 Thundurus. ZekEels is relatively slow in comparison to some other decks and hence you need it to be as consistent as possible to get out your Eels T2 or T3. For your list, I'd drop one Lightning energy, one Juniper and one Plus power.
I don't think Thundurus is really needed in this deck. It makes you a little too prone to a T2 Bolt Strike or any OHKO on Thundurus, and it makes you a little too reliant on the T1 Charge. I prefer to go aggro Zekrom and just go for the T3 Bolt Strike, since Disaster Volt doesn't OHKO anything and can't even 2HKO EX's.
Cinema said:
I don't think Thundurus is really needed in this deck. It makes you a little too prone to a T2 Bolt Strike or any OHKO on Thundurus, and it makes you a little too reliant on the T1 Charge. I prefer to go aggro Zekrom and just go for the T3 Bolt Strike, since Disaster Volt doesn't OHKO anything and can't even 2HKO EX's.

Disaster volt can OHKO a lot of things. Tynamos, Smeargle, Baby pokemon, Celebi, Tornadus, Weavile. These are just from it's base attack.

If you add just one plus power, you can OHKO Elektrick and Tornadus ex.

There are probably more that I've missed out but to say that Thundurus doesn't OHKO anything is frankly embarrassing.
I don't like Thundurus either. Turn 2 80 is just not cool anymore. I try to go for turn 1 Blow Through or X-ball. Basically I want to take a prize from turn 1 onwards to keep up with Darkrai and CMT, and Thundurus won't let me do that.
thundurus definitely isn't as good as he used to be, with 40 hp tynamo takin over your zeels build, unless you based the deck around him and ran 3-4 copies, getting a T1 Charge is going to be rare. However I'd always have at least 1 copy of him in zeels, as he does help the CMT and mirror matches, and is a nice starter when you draw him. basically, if you run 1 thundurus, run 40 hp tynamo, if you run 40hp tynamo, run SAB (skyarrow bridge), if you run SAB, then run tornadus EX and smeargle, if you run those two, then Collector > Dual ball. That's the way I build my zeels deck, and I really like it right now. (I've won almost all of my matches on playtcg, including fighting type pair ups)
Ka$h Money said:
Disaster volt can OHKO a lot of things. Tynamos, Smeargle, Baby pokemon, Celebi, Tornadus, Weavile. These are just from it's base attack.

If you add just one plus power, you can OHKO Elektrick and Tornadus ex.

There are probably more that I've missed out but to say that Thundurus doesn't OHKO anything is frankly embarrassing.

I misspoke, I didn't mean it doesn't OHKO anything, obviously I know 80 OHKO's a Tynamo. I meant it doesn't OHKO any main attackers, not like Zekrom does. It's also easier to OHKO and doesn't force you to make a choice whether to hit the Zekrom and take Outrage damage or to ignore it.
Thundurus is very good because it sets up your energies. I usually use Charge once or twice before I start attacking. This makes it so there are no questions about have too little energy in the discard or not having energy in play to shaymin.
^ yeah, that and I recently discovered that thundurus acts as a great EX softener in the early game (especially when you want to weaken something deadly like darkrai) to set up future ko's with Raikou EX/zekrom/Zekrom EX :)

however since I'm not trying to go aggro on the thundurus, and I only run 40hp tynamo, I'm going to end up running 1 thundurus, not 2
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