Pokemon The Most Forgotten Pokémon

SheNinja said:
The last one is Petilil

I'm sound with my Pokemon names :)
I'm good until gen 5's English names. I learned most of them in Japanese, and never really re-learned them in English...I still call Snivy Tsutarja and Scrafty Zuruzukin...:p I love what they're doing with gen 6, announcing the Pokemon at the same time in both regions so I can learn the names early. xD
Geomancer said:

I can't even remember the name of this one. And that's saying something, for me at least. I literally cannot even think of this dude's name.

SOMEONE will be visiting you shortly, with a VERY pissed Lilligant.

This pokemon, in case you've forgotten.
Known aliases: doredia, "the quiver dancing death" and "oh god! make it stop! MAKE IT STOP PLEASE! ARRRRGHHHHHH!" *last guy who forgot petilil's name*

I'd tell you who I always forget, but I can't seem to recall it's name right now.
Just kidding. It's... It's....
... It is bad that I say Treecko? Whenever I try to remember all the starters, Treecko is the last one to come to my mind, and it always requires maybe a couple minutes of thinking.

Machoke - Ive never used one, nor have I wanted too. I always forget Machamp has a pre evolution... I've never used Machamp, but I can actually remember Machamp...

Sneasel - I forget about this little... What type is it? Grass/Poison? The point is, this pokemon will always be unknown to me. I away from those ugly little monsters.

(Wow, that was actually hard :()
James86134 said:
Sneasel - I forget about this little... What type is it? Grass/Poison? The point is, this pokemon will always be unknown to me. I away from those ugly little monsters.

(Wow, that was actually hard :()
But... but.... your profile picture.... I don't... understand....
Corsola. Quilfish. Phione. The one that comes before Shiftree, Nuzleaf. Yea Nuzleaf.
Jaquii said:
Corsola. Quilfish. Phione. The one that comes before Shiftree, Nuzleaf. Yea Nuzleaf.

I think seedot and nuzleaf are equally forgotten. And yes, definitely quilfish. Phione I'm like 90% sure is the least known legendary and corsola has the anime so I'm pretty sure people remember her.
Yay! I've been looking for this thread. These are some forgettable Pokemon that I really like. So basically all forgettable Pokemon!

Kanto Pokemon:
- Beedrill
- Arbok
- Sandslash
- Nidoking
- Clefable
- Wigglytuff
- Parasect
- Venomoth
- Persian
- Victreebel
- Slowbro
- Farfetch'd
- Dodrio
- Muk
- Kingler
- Lickitung
- Weezing
- Pinsir
- Tauros
- Ditto
- Flareon
- Omastar

Johto Pokemon:
- Noctowl
- Ledian
- Ariados
- Lanturn
- Xatu
- Sudowoodo
- Jumpluff
- Sunflora
- Quagsire
- Wobbuffet
- Girafarig
- Dunsparce
- Granbull
- Qwilfish
- Ursaring
- Magcargo
- Corsola
- Octillery
- Delibird
- Donphan
- Stantler
- Smeargle

Hoenn Pokemon:
- Mightyena
- Linoone
- Beautifly
- Dustox
- Swellow
- Masquerain
- Ninjask
- Shedinja
- Exploud
- Hariyama
- Delcatty
- Sableye
- Mawile
- Medicham
- Manectric
- Volbeat
- Illumise
- Swalot
- Camerupt
- Torkoal
- Grumpig
- Spinda
- Cacturne
- Altaria
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Whiscash
- Crawdaunt
- Claydol
- Cradily
- Armaldo
- Castform
- Kecleon
- Banette
- Tropius
- Chimecho
- Glailie
- Huntail
- Gorebyss
- Relicanth
- Luvdisc

Sinnoh Pokemon:
- Kricketune
- Bastiodon
- Wormadam
- Mothim
- Vespiquen
- Pachirisu
- Floatzel
- Cherrim
- Ambipom
- Purugly
- Skuntank
- Bronzong
- Chatot
- Spiritomb
- Drapion
- Toxicroak
- Carnivine
- Lumineon
- Lickilicky
- Yanmega
- Probopass

Now, you may be mad at me for not putting up any of the Unova region Pokemon. This is because it is the latest series to be released as X and Y have not come out yet. So every Pokemon isn't really forgettable except maybe Crustle or something.
The most forgettable pokemon were for me were Gorebyss and Huntail. Especially Huntail :p
Robot_Fishy said:
The most forgettable pokemon were for me were Gorebyss and Huntail. Especially Huntail :p

Me too, for a while. Now they're both solid members of my Water Monotype, despite lackluster stats. Now I just can't forget them! RAAAAAWR! But also, it's sad, because Huntail only gets one appearence in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, while Gorebyss gets none in those games. Also, they never appear in any NPC's party. At least they had an episode made specifically for them :D!

Also, I forgot to put down Phione (see, forget much?). The legendary that no-one uses because they don't want to invest the time to trade over a Ditto from HGSS and a Manaphy Egg from PR: Shadows of Almia and then trade it over again to BW2. Then you have to make sure that the egg is found quick and then bike around with it in your party for a while. People these days...
GoobieDoob said:
Also, I forgot to put down Phione (see, forget much?). The legendary that no-one uses because they don't want to invest the time to trade over a Ditto from HGSS and a Manaphy Egg from PR: Shadows of Almia and then trade it over again to BW2. Then you have to make sure that the egg is found quick and then bike around with it in your party for a while. People these days...

Plus it sucks. Don't forget that it sucks.
Ohman177 said:
GoobieDoob said:
Also, I forgot to put down Phione (see, forget much?). The legendary that no-one uses because they don't want to invest the time to trade over a Ditto from HGSS and a Manaphy Egg from PR: Shadows of Almia and then trade it over again to BW2. Then you have to make sure that the egg is found quick and then bike around with it in your party for a while. People these days...

Plus it sucks. Don't forget that it sucks.

Actually I've used one before in Diamond. She (even though Phione has no gender) actually turned out to be a very speedy special sweeper in the sense that everything in Post-game is underwhelmingly easy :D!
Shellos and Gastrodon, for sure. I actually have a soft spot for Shellos, and I want to get a shiny one via Masuda Method. Although that will probably never happen. A guy can dream can't he?
ShinyXatu said:
Shellos and Gastrodon, for sure. I actually have a soft spot for Shellos, and I want to get a shiny one via Masuda Method. Although that will probably never happen. A guy can dream can't he?
Funny considering my first shiny Pokemon ever was a shiny blue Shellos. I'd trade it to you but I don't have the save file anymore. I'm sure you'll find one via Masuda Method! Just gotta believe!

debugs said:
Laybia or whatever. That lady bug pokemon.
You mean Ledyba and Ledian? It is rather hard to remember for most people, mostly because it doesn't really learn anything other than Normal and Psychic type attacks. It also gets lost in the crowd because of its Bug/Flying type. It has the stats and look to potentially be changed to Bug/Fighting, Bug/Fairy or Bug/Normal one of these days.
Chingling. I like Chimecho and all, and it received a decent amount of spotlight in the anime. And it's not that I don't necessarily like Chingling. It's just...so underfeatured. There was maybe one episode sorta kinda about it (I never saw the episode) and it has barely shown up elsewhere. And it was just a fairly unnecessary pokemon in the first place, if you ask me.
Octillary. Or however you spell it. I like just remembered that guy.
-Venonat line (like only in Safari Zone in Gen 1)
-Doduo line (really, a two-headed Dodo bird?)
-Goldeen line (not very popular)
-Jynx (who wants to remember her?)
-Qwilfish (it's a blowfish with a Ping-Pong paddle for a tail)
-Corsola (only mentioned to hold up Pacifidlog Town, makes me think its in Gen 3, and isn't even there)
-Volbeat & Illumise (I didn't even know Volbeat could only be male, and how are you supposed to say Illumise?)

That's what I had to look up for the first 3 Gens.