The Next Rotation

LoneWolf2113 said:
Hmm... Maybe searching for 2 Trainer Cards instead of just 1. That'd be soooo cool!

Can you imagine how broken that would be for Blastoise? 2 Prof letters early on. 2 Energy Retrievals. Rare Candy, Prof Letter in one card. Having 4 of that in blastoise would make turn 2 Blastoise more of a guarantee rather than a chance.
That is a pretty valid point. That'd make Blastoise decks so much harder to tech for because of the need to get T2 Blastoise with guaranteed 2 energy attachments with the Letter. If Pokemon does make an OP Skyla, searching for 2 Trainer Cards, then there'd need to be another Blastoise tech possibly coming in Rising Fist or the last set of this year.
If PLS-on, I will be sad at my Town Map, which will be rotated out if it's true...

If BCR-on, my sister will be sad at Seismitoad, which will be rotated out if it's true...

Anyway, despite the above, we lose some, and gain some back, if only in the form of replacements... well, except in the case of Skyla, or at least in non-Florges form, but that will end your turn, as it's an attack, so...

^Whatever set they choose that establishes the rotation line, I'm glad that the game is even again, although it has some drawbacks, like basic legends now counter-able by Pyroar, assuming your Litleo is not Lysandre'd and sniped out of play before it has a chance to evolve into the "pyroar of doom" to basics
I forgot to mention that PF-on would effectively kill Blastoise by rotating Black Kyurem EX (a good thing--Blastoise is terrible for the format). Really hoping that Plasma Storm leaves, although unfortunately that probably isn't what is going to happen.
cardgjammer said:
If PLS-on, I will be sad at my Town Map, which will be rotated out if it's true...

If BCR-on, my sister will be sad at Seismitoad, which will be rotated out if it's true...

Anyway, despite the above, we lose some, and gain some back, if only in the form of replacements... well, except in the case of Skyla, or at least in non-Florges form, but that will end your turn, as it's an attack, so...

^Whatever set they choose that establishes the rotation line, I'm glad that the game is even again, although it has some drawbacks, like basic legends now counter-able by Pyroar, assuming your Litleo is not Lysandre'd and sniped out of play before it has a chance to evolve into the "pyroar of doom" to basics
Sorry, which Seismitoad,again?

Blah said:
I forgot to mention that PF-on would effectively kill Blastoise by rotating Black Kyurem EX (a good thing--Blastoise is terrible for the format). Really hoping that Plasma Storm leaves, although unfortunately that probably isn't what is going to happen.
A PLF-on would horrendously kill the format, since:
-It would take away all "Playable" Ace-Specs (Computer Search, Dowsing Machine and Scramble Switch)
-Remove a chance to make up for this by playing 2 Supporters(Plama Magnezone)
-Make Cobalion-EX and PlasmaKlang dissapear, rendering Metal type almost useless
-Vanish HypnoVank,
-Take away draw power in Bicicle and Colress(as well as Random Reciever).

That would be SO bad that most people will rage-quit from the game. Yeah, some changes from there might be good, but most of them are catastrophic.
I am sure they won't rotate the Plasma sets, any of them, because, in some new boxes they put some Plasma boosters.

I don't really know if that's correct, so correct me if I'm wrong.

EDIT: And as a person that uses a Blastoise deck, rotating BCR would be bad, very bad.
Eron said:
I am sure they won't rotate the Plasma sets, any of them, because, in some new boxes they put some Plasma boosters.

I don't really know if that's correct, so correct me if I'm wrong.

EDIT: And as a person that uses a Blastoise deck, rotating BCR would be bad, very bad.

For... Squirtle...? XD Blastoise is still in Plasma Blast.
Luispipe8 said:
Eron said:
I am sure they won't rotate the Plasma sets, any of them, because, in some new boxes they put some Plasma boosters.

I don't really know if that's correct, so correct me if I'm wrong.

EDIT: And as a person that uses a Blastoise deck, rotating BCR would be bad, very bad.

For... Squirtle...? XD Blastoise is still in Plasma Blast.

No, because of Skyla, it's a very helpful card.
Eron said:
Luispipe8 said:
For... Squirtle...? XD Blastoise is still in Plasma Blast.

No, because of Skyla, it's a very helpful card.

Oh, if that's the case, then every deck is going to suffer. That's why I rather run rogue decks where Skyla isn't as important. And even though, in any deck I play, the most I play is 2, because I'd rather have drawpower that search for 1 Trainer. If you fret about Skyla, well, heavy Evosoda and thick Stage 1's would be my suggestion, but otherwise, I'd just play Fan Club and Lysandre instead of Skyla.
Luispipe8 said:
Eron said:
No, because of Skyla, it's a very helpful card.

Oh, if that's the case, then every deck is going to suffer. That's why I rather run rogue decks where Skyla isn't as important. And even though, in any deck I play, the most I play is 2, because I'd rather have drawpower that search for 1 Trainer. If you fret about Skyla, well, heavy Evosoda and thick Stage 1's would be my suggestion, but otherwise, I'd just play Fan Club and Lysandre instead of Skyla.

Actually, I am trying to - and want to - make a new deck, I can't use Blastoise all the time, something that is not Skyla dependent, Toxicroak EX/Dragalge, I know it's not the same as using an Yveltal EX/Darkrai EX or many decks, but it seems to be a good deck, that can be competitive.

And I don't really want any Plasma set to be rotated, but at some point I also want.
Blah said:
I forgot to mention that PF-on would effectively kill Blastoise by rotating Black Kyurem EX (a good thing--Blastoise is terrible for the format). Really hoping that Plasma Storm leaves, although unfortunately that probably isn't what is going to happen.
That's interesting that you feel that way. Blastoise, in my opinion, along with Emboar, is good for the format. It's been so long that I couldn't imagine a modern format without it.
Eron said:
Luispipe8 said:
Oh, if that's the case, then every deck is going to suffer. That's why I rather run rogue decks where Skyla isn't as important. And even though, in any deck I play, the most I play is 2, because I'd rather have drawpower that search for 1 Trainer. If you fret about Skyla, well, heavy Evosoda and thick Stage 1's would be my suggestion, but otherwise, I'd just play Fan Club and Lysandre instead of Skyla.

Actually, I am trying to - and want to - make a new deck, I can't use Blastoise all the time, something that is not Skyla dependent, Toxicroak EX/Dragalge, I know it's not the same as using an Yveltal EX/Darkrai EX or many decks, but it seems to be a good deck, that can be competitive.

And I don't really want any Plasma set to be rotated, but at some point I also want.
Those are the crazy decks I talk about. XD I own many decks, all crazy, non-traditional and most of them(or at least their core) will remain after rotation:
-Aromatisse/Xerneas/Various Tecks.
-Seismitoad/Meloetta-EX Round
-Exploud/Meloetta-EX Round with Blastoise

Am I crazy or what? XD I also couldn't imagine longer names, right? ;P
Frost Mage said:
Blah said:
I forgot to mention that PF-on would effectively kill Blastoise by rotating Black Kyurem EX (a good thing--Blastoise is terrible for the format). Really hoping that Plasma Storm leaves, although unfortunately that probably isn't what is going to happen.
That's interesting that you feel that way. Blastoise, in my opinion, along with Emboar, is good for the format. It's been so long that I couldn't imagine a modern format without it.

Yeah, and it'll be the same way when a "Lightning Storm"/"Rock Slide"/"Foundry"/"Dark Winds" Pokémon appear, giving that type an AMAZING boost. Imagine a format without Blastoise or Emboar, but with "Energy Rain" Ampharos and/or Gigalith. Those types would be way better than they are now, and Fire and Water would be almost useless except for energy manipulation decks or as techs.
Luispipe8 said:
cardgjammer said:
If PLS-on, I will be sad at my Town Map, which will be rotated out if it's true...

If BCR-on, my sister will be sad at Seismitoad, which will be rotated out if it's true...

Anyway, despite the above, we lose some, and gain some back, if only in the form of replacements... well, except in the case of Skyla, or at least in non-Florges form, but that will end your turn, as it's an attack, so...

^Whatever set they choose that establishes the rotation line, I'm glad that the game is even again, although it has some drawbacks, like basic legends now counter-able by Pyroar, assuming your Litleo is not Lysandre'd and sniped out of play before it has a chance to evolve into the "pyroar of doom" to basics
Sorry, which Seismitoad,again?

Blah said:
I forgot to mention that PF-on would effectively kill Blastoise by rotating Black Kyurem EX (a good thing--Blastoise is terrible for the format). Really hoping that Plasma Storm leaves, although unfortunately that probably isn't what is going to happen.
A PLF-on would horrendously kill the format, since:
-It would take away all "Playable" Ace-Specs (Computer Search, Dowsing Machine and Scramble Switch)
-Remove a chance to make up for this by playing 2 Supporters(Plama Magnezone)
-Make Cobalion-EX and PlasmaKlang dissapear, rendering Metal type almost useless
-Vanish HypnoVank,
-Take away draw power in Bicicle and Colress(as well as Random Reciever).

That would be SO bad that most people will rage-quit from the game. Yeah, some changes from there might be good, but most of them are catastrophic.

...the one with Echoed Voice... After my post, when I thought the one that damages the bench too would be rotated, but after research on that, I find that the one I thought as going out of format isn't in danger of being rotated out this time, but rather, the one that has the attack that "once used, the next time it is used will do 50 damage more to the Defending Pokemon", or something like that, could be rotated out instead, assuming BCR-on...
cardgjammer said:
...the one with Echoed Voice... After my post, when I thought the one that damages the bench too would be rotated, but after research on that, I believe the one I thought as going out of format isn't in danger of being rotated out this time, but rather, the attack that once used, the next time it is used will do 50 damage more could be rotated out instead, assuming BCR-on...
Yeah, that one's pretty much gone. :p
Also regarding possibility of PLS-on, we would also lose Time Travel Celebi-EX, which could ruin a combo that can help Sinister Hand Dusknoir in terms of ensuring a damage-counter-moving heyday, with Vibrava's Sand Pulse(via Time Travel) and Flygon's ability to put 1 damage counter on opposing pokemon in between turns: although Vibrava and Flygon will be gone if PLS-on, Dusknoir will stay in Standard(due to its PLB secret rare reprint, provided TPCi does not make a new rule restricting playable reprints in the form of not allowing non-secret rare versions of cards in standard play as long as its only non-rotated reprint is a secret rare), but that does not mean that other critical cards to the combo won't bite the dust when it comes to standard play legitimacy when it comes to age(Computer Search, I'm talking about you, please don't be rotated out by PLS-on and force rage-quitting for those who had good cards while the BW group was still going, due to the fact they can't use them anymore outside of unlimited). At least dowsing machine is safe from the rotation line by virtue of being printed for the Plasma Storm expansion, PLS-on or BCR-on...

^ I hope that TPCi doesn't make the above true in the upcoming rotation. If they try, I'll be ready to allow a PB staff member to organize a petition to try and overturn such a action that, correct me if I'm wrong, makes the game have no counter for Plasma decks that feature Plasma steel klinklang, Deoxys EX and stage 1 Eeveelutions outside of the Lysandre snipe of prevention and/or Pyroar(although Lysandre and pyroar are XY cards), making plasma decks not only the BDIF(if not including XY cards), but virtually a broken best of the remaining three choices of deck(bar the XY group of cards) that are still not rotated out of Modified/Standard(assuming PLS-on), with the other two being Emboar and Blastoise(which are beat for BDIF by Frozen City)... :(
I am betting the rotation is PLS on with korrina... it would be a more balanced format.
Yeah. that could be possible. At least I have a Dowsing Machine now, because if Computer Search rotates out, Dowsing Machine is going to rise in price a lot... :p Too bad for Landorus and Celebi, too... u.u
Yeah, it sucks that Landorus is going, but I think Lucario is going to be its replacement. 90 for 1 Strong Energy + Muscle Band + New Fighting Stadium to an Yveltal? Yes please.