The Night Sky Clan! Is now dead :(

Possible Mascot Change? (Voting ends on the 31st)

  • Keep Darkrai as the Mascot of the clan.

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Change the clan Mascot to Zoroark.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

It's the one I keep beating you with :p.
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

lol, I would wait until after our war with team D, but you can save a draft of it for now.
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

HAy are you on a war i didnt know that but who is battling? I wish you luck
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

sorry you couldn't be in the war, but oh well.

Also, who else wants this shirt? (I didn't make it, but please vote for it to be remade so that I can have it!)
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

Hatman said:
sorry you couldn't be in the war, but oh well.

Also, who else wants this shirt?
Oh its okay i did my job yeterday BTW that T-shirt looks amazing

And how do you like my banner Super Sleuth made it ?
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

That's an awesome T-Shirt I can't wait to show this to one of my friends. He wears alot of shirts kinda like that one.
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

tubbs beat me
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

OH it looks bad for us we lost 2 and won 1 we can do it
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

I just lost my battle with Void so make it 3 loss 1 win...
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Having a war with Team D! Good Luck to all!

hmmm... Oh well, nice try everyone. I'll update the front page
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

Well I'd better start posting my newest team on a RMT page
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

Guys look in my sig at my Pokeadoptable which I am going to delete very soon and look at my new userbar.

War Match-up's: We Lost! I would like Giratina487 and Dragonexpert to finish their match to have exact war record even if we lost.

Hatman v PDC
Dragonexpert v Giratina487
Rotom-Cut v Charizard88
Batiu4 v TubbsW
Culex77 v Void

- Rotom-Cut
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

whats the current topic

P.S. feed rilou and zoura there hungry
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

My awesome one:

New Topic: What is your Favorite Tier and why

- Rotom-cut
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

^sure. I like anything but UU, NU, NFE (Not Fully Evolved), and LC (Little Cup). I just can't work with Pokemon like that. And OU is probably my fave bacause you can use anything, excluding ubers, of course.
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

I guesss my favorite would have to be a tie between OU and Uber. I don't know why but I kinda like those tiers.
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

my fav is OU just the best one i can do in

rotom how did u get yoshi
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

Found it and adopted it! also my favorite is probbally UU or OU.

- Rotom-Cut
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

Ok, i haz new topik:

What is your favrite pokemon to use in OU?
(idk how to spell :p)
RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Lost the war to Team D... Good Job to all who participated!

That's a tough one... I'd say Weavile because of how fast it is.
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