This is on a
Silver ROM. I will be grinding EVERYTHING in my party until it is about 5 levels above the GL.
My Rules!!!
- Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be PERMANENTLY BOXED.
- I must catch the FIRST Pokemon in each area, UNLESS I already have caught it as my 1 pokemon per route
- All pokemon MUST be nicknamed
- Considering a black out/white out to be "game over," even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.
- Limiting Pokémon Center visits to a certain number per town.
- I MAY use more PokeCenters, but I must pay a $400 Fine each time (Discard 2 PokeBalls)
- Rather than releasing the Pokémon, it can be migrated or permanently boxed should it happen to faint.
- Legendaries may be caught (For use after the Nuzlocke), BUT must be PERMANENTLY Boxed!
- Pokemon presented to me in the storyline MAY be used, and WILL NOT Count as my pokemon for that route (Eg. Lake of Rage G-dos)
PokeCenter Tally
CherryGrove City - 1
Violet City - 2 + 1
Union Cave - 2
Azalea Town - 2 + 1
Goldenrod - 1
Pokemon Per Route
Route 29 - N/A (No Pokeballs Yet)
Route 30 - N/A (No Pokeballs)
Route 31 - Bacchus (Bellsprout)
Route 32 - Kampe (Ekans)
Route 33 - Aeolus (Spearrow)
Route 34 - Janus (Hypno)
Violet City (Sprout Tower) - Faunus (Ratatta)
Violet City (Prof.'s Aide) - Athena (Togepi)
Ruins of Alph - None seen yet
Union Cave - Terra (Geodude)
SlowPoke Well - Somnus (Zubat)
Ilex Forest - Aquilon (Kakuna)
Zephyr badge
Hive Badge
Plain Badge
In Storage
Somnus (Zubat) lv. ???
Aeolus (Spearrow) lv. ???
Aquilon (Kakuna) lv.6
Janus (Hypno) Lv.???
My Losses
Terra (Geodude) lv.19 (Lost to a Critical hit by Whitney's Miltank

Current Team
Jupiter (Quilava) lv.20
Bacchus (Bellsprout) lv.16
Faunus (Ratatta) lv.10
Kampe (Ekans) lv.11
Athena (Togepi) lv.10