The oddest opponents thread! Gather 'round and share the experience!

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I put the "laughter" in "slaughter&
So, I noticed that everybody has a story that starts with, "One time I played this person who...". So, I decided to make a thread where everybody can share their exeriences! We're looking for the weirdest, wildest, wackiest, and sometimes even the rudest players you've played, so let us hear your tale!

Here are a couple of mine:
1.) *At the HS: Triumphant Pre Release*

I'm sitting at an empty table, playing a fun game with my friend Jon. For a moment I stop to listen to my league leader's competitive match behind me, and I hear his opponent. When she breaks a rule, he tries to help her and subtly corrects her. When asked to shuffle her deck (which she refused to do) her response was, "My mommy says I can do whatever I want!". When the judge told her she had to play by the rules, she says, "My mommy's gonna kick your ***!" I am utterly astounded by the rudeness, when all other players are just having fun. Whenever my league leader retreated a Pokemon, she would start saying, "Yeah, run you coward! Run away from the power of Nidoqueen!" She's from a town over 3 hours from this location, but she came all the way up here because she has been banned from going to any in the Southern half of our state.

2.) *At Illinois States 2010*

We park our stuff and start talking to nearby players. One guy is talking in a helium-like voice, has a red tail and a blue tail hanging from his pants, which are furry, and is talking nonsense. We had some laughs, but began to become concerned. After a friend of mine played him, we figured out that his whole strategy was to distract his opponent into a loss. Needless to say, he made Top Cut.

3.) *At Indiana Regionals, 2007*

In Top Cut, I face a guy playing Empoleon. For some reason, he continually tries to predict my moves by telling me what I should do. "So, you uh, shuffle your deck." "So, uh, you're gonna, uh, uh, use that one attack? That one, uh, Endless Darkness? No, you're gonna retreat? You're gonna knock me out?" this went on for the ENTIRE ROUND. We played 3 matches. The judge had to sit there and give him warnings and at one point a penalty. As I later found out, I played the girl from Story 1 at that VERY SAME TOURNAMENT!!! She ran Pachirisu and thought everything she did meant, "Shuffle hand into deck and draw 7 cards."

So, who else has a story for me?:p
I played this one guy at National this year and he was playing Fossils (Kabutops and Omastar). I was playing SF Gengar. So he would talk talk talk talk and randomly blab on about stupid stuff to distract me. Whenever I would get a heads on Fainting Spell he would always say "I didn't see that, could you flip again" or "I wasn't paying attention. Sorry" just so he could try and win.
There was this girl at the RR Prerelease once. She would literally say everything she had in her hand, out loud, to herself. She would sometimes go on like, "Let's see. I have a Steelix GL, Lucario GL, and three Metal Energy in my hand." Yeah.

EDIT: Are you talking to me, Rikko?
I was playing this one guy at my TR PR, and they were giving out prizes for bringing new players or being a new player and stuff like that. There were a lot, and I was hungry and wanted to get the round over with.
My opponent starts getting made at me and stuff. The person near by me was starting to laugh. So, I cut his deck, he drew, and said, "Mulligan. Good job cutting dou***." I was like ok...
I cut again just to annoy him, and he was getting angry from my cheap Carnivine KOs. He scooped. I didn't get it...
People's sheer random rudeness never ceases to amaze me.
One time at the UL pre-realese I had to play this one kid who had absolutely no idea what he was doing, he had a T-tar Prime out and I had Floatzel and I said, "Waterfall" he replied with "huh?" He did that EVERY TIME I CALLED OUT AN ATTACK, even when I grabbed 6 energy with Interviewers he just kept replied with "huh?"

So happy when THAT round was over.... :/
Story #1 ....MN Battle Roads
So at the Minnesota Battle Roads last month, there was this kid who was using a Fire Arceus starter deck, I was running LuxChomp, so I of course beat him. The moment I said, "Game" , the kid threw his deck on the floor and started SCREAMING and CRYING. The Judge disqualified the kid.

Story #2 ....Weird kid who doesn't agree with the modified format.
In Mid-September, I battled this kid who was running this "deck" that was a pile of random cards. I donked him, and after the match he asks, "Is my deck in the modified format? How would you rate it?" My reply was, "No, It's not in the modified format. Only a few of your cards are legal." The kid holds up a Secret Wonders Magmar, "THIS is too legal!" I said, "No it isn't. The current modified format is Majestic Dawn on." The Kid said, "I dont believe you. You're just being a big meanie."
Me: "Yanni(My league leader)!" Yanni: "Yes?" Me: "Is this legal(Holds up SW Magmar)?" Yanni: "I am very disappointed with you, YOU of all people should know that's illegal!" I turned to the brat kid. "SEE?? HA!!!!" xD
Alright, so I was at my Battle Roads and there was this kid who was about my age, maybe a tiny bit younger. He starts, and I a running T-Tar Prime at the time. He did 20 to my Larvitar. Then I played Rare Candy and Play T-tar Prime. Then I use Darkness howl. On the kids turn, he asked, what does rare candy do? I told him and for some reason he didn't believe me. He read the card for what was like ten minutes. The he says, "Oh I get it." Then he evolves his Castform into Charizard and his buizel into Blastoise. I didn't know what to say when he did that. I told him that he couldn't do that and he would keep saying that I did that. It was a long day at school and I wasn't in the mood to get into any arguments, so I let it slide. I beat him anyway due to the fact that his deck was full of inproper energies. Still, that game was a good 20 minutes of agony.
@FlamingDriscoll99~ You mean illegal, right?

"Me: "Yanni(My league leader)!" Yanni: "Yes?" Me: "Is this legal(Holds up SW Magmar)?" Yanni: "I am very disappointed with you, YOU of all people should know that's legal!" I turned to the brat kid. "SEE?? HA!!" xD"

I'm going to try and think of more people that I battled who are weird. I can't believe I'm not remembering anyone else.
lol, it's not hard to think of if you went to nationals! xD
Well I didn't play to many weird people. D:

I guess one could be at Angola for Regionals in 2009. I couldn't even tell what gender my opponent was. The name didn't even help because it was some weird thing too. 0.0
Wait, you play in Indiana? PM me your info, lol, I think I know you. (I was there, too, so even if you don't play in IN I still may know you.)
Ill just say a cheater.

The round just started and my friend played this extremely grouchy kid. He forgets to put his prizes but it doesnt search and its league btw. Then he makes his own rulings and says he auto loses. My friend calls the league leader and he starts to laugh at how stupid that ruling was. The league leader just puts my friends 6 prizes and then leaves.

I play this kid all the time and hes extremely annoying.
Oh, if we're gonna go into cheaters, I have a couple more tales to tell!
1.) **At NATIONALS.**

So I believe it was round 7 of Nationals, and I'm 5-1. I'm playing a person who is on Poke'Beach. *Cough*Coltsfan####*cough* I don't remember the numbers in his username. But anyways, we're setting up, and when I offer him the cut he starts shuffling my deck. This is all fine and well, but I watch like a hawk when somebody touches my deck. He is shuffling with the cards tilting about 45 degrees to his left, and looking at every card. Evidentally, he is playing Jumpluff. He gets a "perfect hand" and we flip with his coin. I go first. He gets a donk. I'm surprised. Really.

2.) **Illinois States 2010**

First round, I'm playing Daniel Galvan. He's playing Charizard. Throughout the entire game I'm calling him on cheats. He moves energies, Roast Reveals twice, even picks up and lays down expert belts. But the judge will do nothing. A crowd gathers and many people see him cheat. The judge does nothing. By Round 4, there are more than a dozen of us, lined up at the judges' table telling them that this kid is cheating. What do they do? Squat. Nothing. Zip. (To my pleasure, I found him at Nationals. He wanted to trade and stomped off when I told him who I was. He was later kickedo out of the tournament for cheating!)
Nationals 2010

Round 2 V.S Flygar
I own him with jumpluff and i only see him get a flygon out while we play. I ask him what he plays and he says flygar. I was sitting beside my friend Cam this game and he just gave me a weird look. The kid had poor sportsmanship as he wouldnt shake hands after and was mad at me for beating him.

It wasnt any better when he said I sucked..
This was when I was a newbie at my league. I was playing a guy (like 14 or 15) who had what I think was some type of Empoleon deck. When he layed down a Piplup, he would always go "Piplup!" and sound just like the animated TV show ones. His voice is really high pitched, too. When he used SSU, he would omit a "flushing-like" sound. I swear he made sound effects for every card. I don't see him anymore.
Well at the UD prerelease, I faced a pretty new(b) player, and I know she wasnt experienced, but come on! She took soooo long on her turn. She would just sit there staring at her cards in her hand when there was an obvious play, or like the only thing she could do was attack with one attack! The match took really long, and to top it all off, she didnt talk above a whisper, and it was loud in the room. This other girl whistles whenever shes playing, and stares at things eerily..
Um, this guy in seniors, he was playing lions, only that he only got shinx out vs. my Gallade 4.

He swaggered me to death

(but it was only between matches)

I think that's the oddest experience I've ever done
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