The oddest opponents thread! Gather 'round and share the experience!

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Let's see, at this past Regionals I played the kid who ended up winning. I played him three times (once in Swiss, twice in Top-Cut). He was a cool guy, friendly and stuff, but he talked in a fake kinda-almost British accent, and always said stuff like "shall" and "if you so wish."

When I was at this past States, it was the second Swiss round, and I had gotten lucky winning my first round, so I was playing some other kid who was 1-0. We start and he flips over a Machop and a Chansey. On his first turn he plays BTS and wastes his Blissey Prime by playing right onto his Chansey when no damage had been done. THen he Warp Energies it to the bench. I got out a Luxray and kinda started sweeping his side, but over 4 turns while I was KOing his Blissey he built up a Lickylicky PL. He kept trying to psyche me out, saying stuff like, "You have no idea what I'm going to do do you?" And I was kinda like, "dude, your main attacker is Lickilicky, I guess I don't.
I love it when you get weird opponents, also I love playing mind games, I had some scoop a game because I was weirding them out so much, in top cut... at States. Anyways I'd have to say that the weirdest person I've played would be ToasterstrudelFrenzy, he is a really cool kid and I end up playing him at every tournament. The best battle we had was in top 2 at BR's. We were pretty much both just sitting there have a conversation and asking eachother if we could switch cards on the field because the ones in our hands were reverse holo. He was also calling Cyrus's Conspiracy, Britney's Conspiracy, and the judge almost gave us a warning because we weren't taking the match seriously enough. Good times, good times.
TR pre-release, my friend was playing some kid.
the kids deck was only spoinks, shuppets and psychic energies.
he did no damage whatsoever, only using sleep pearl with spoink and disable with shuppet.
one of the most annoying things ive seen cuz my friend was unable to do anything.
Hah.. I think i'm one of the people you might write about here ^^ When i play vs one of my friend (he thinks to much) I always say what he can do and what he should do (lol) before he dose it and i give him options and say something like;

You can do that but then on my turn i k.o that one, but if you do the other way i can do this but not that. (not so detailed)

So, i give him options to mess with him and then he over thinks his moves and miss plays a lot. And i also say;

-Oh you won, if you do that...

And he's like ,

- What? what can i do! how can i win this turn?

And takes a while to think about it. it's fun to see him sweat in panic ^^

Yesterday at league there was this kid that was SO annoying. He was playing Charizard, but a really bad one, and he kept on saying no matter what I did "Haha, that is so *I forgot what word he said* messed!" or he said "I have a random question". Seriously. Every single sentence. So when he was talking to me while I was finishing my turn, I got so upset that I ignored him, and said when he was finishing one of the two sentences "SHADOW ROOM CHARMELEON, GOOD GAME!"

EDIT: I remember why I was so upset. He burned me with Charmeleon and I flipped, but he said you lay a counter each turn, so he kept trying to back his statement. Some kid who can't even play Charizard vs. someone who's friend plays Blaziken FB X/Blaziken PL, a deck completely based on burning, gone to 5 Battle Roads, and placed in 3 and played for almost a year GEEZ, I WONDER WHO'S RIGHT?

@VY: That's a good strategy, I'm gonna try that.

Oh yea, and there was this one kid in league who again, wouldn't stop talking. Don't get me wrong, I'm a talkative person, but he had to make a remark at EVERYTHING.

There was this one junior in the UL PR that put his fingers in his mouth, his neck, and tipped the table. My mom was there and told him that was wrong, and he stared at her, and then she stuck her tounge out and crossed her eyes, and he looked away XD

Also, as for mean people, this one kid was playing Empoleon/Flygon, and after I beat him by T2 BECAUSE HE MISPLAYED with Gigas, he called me a lucky *Censored* the tournament after he still called me that. This kid would also say "I'm using profane language!" When he wanted a judge, and when the raffles were out, and someone got a deckbox he was like "AW DANGIT! YOU LUCKY PIECE OF CRUD!" or something like that, then they called his name for the deck box and he was like "YEAA! GIMMEE!!!" And he gave it to the person next to him shortly after that.
I once played this girl at Leagues who was WAY younger than me and didn't know the rules at all. She kept putting energies on her bench and then putting pokemon on them, but I was afraid to correct her because I know how some people get when you correct them(thanks to my brother) and she looked like one of those people. Plus whenever it was her turn she would just sit there and stare at me blankly unless I told her what to do. And I asked her if I could see her deck afterwards, and I swear there was not a single evolved pokemon in there! I hate battling people like that.
lol, this is at regionals:
My friend Dean and I are playing right next to one another, and our opponents are pretty nice. We sit there with our opponents, just goofing off, making jokes, and having a conversation with each other and both opponents! We figured out 22 names for Hoppips! And we figured out the riddle of life: Why can't we have cell phones at the game tables? Because every time our opponents blink we call our Japanese grandmas who tell us how to win. The person I was playing was running Jumpluff, and Dean and I both won that round. I won 6-0, he won 2-0.
I got one.

I was at Nationals this year and in round 7 I think, I go up against an adult playing Jumpluff. My deck was set up to counter jumpluff pretty well so I want worried.
Anyways, its his turn and he benches a luxray gl. He then retreats and levels up his luxray in the same turn. Im like, "Uh, what are you doing?" And he's all like; "Im leveling up. I can do that cause of BTS." lol wut? I told him he CANNOT do that. We had to call a Judge over for this. Just fail.
^Same thing happened to me at league.

Except this person has been playing since the ex series, so I thought he knew better. =\

At regionals, I played a girl who showed up late, played extremely slow, and cried and called a judge when asked to speed up. I couldn't have asked any nicer. The judge started timing our turns and she got up on prizes just as time was called. I was fairly new, so I didn't know a player couldn't win if they showed up late.
^ I share that same kind of situation. Also at Nationals, I was in a match against some girl playing Gatre Prime and Lanturn Prime. It isnt a good match up for Garchomp (stage 2) but I managed a good lead. Its down to our last 2 prize cards each and its her turn. There was not a move possible for her to win this in this one turn. Next turn I would KO her belted lanturn and take the win. The most she could do is take 1 prize. She is sitting there for forever and time is called. Then she is all like; "Oh, I know! Attack."

She won due to time. Cause if I could of had my turn, I would of actually taken all my prizes....
Eh, that's not good. :( I played a kid at Nats who showed up late and even though I beat him 14 seconds before time was called, he started cursing under his breath like nobody could hear him about how that was unfair that he couldn't win by being timed out. I was rather baffled...

(Why does it seem that I play a lot of weirdos?)
Lol at BR's in like 08 there was this kid (around my age at the time,12) who acted like Paul from the anime. He would go up against the wall looking down with his eyes closed and toothpick in his mouth. He never talked. I thought he was so cool he was weird :p
^Well, if there were no weirdos then there'd be no normal people (Even though that'd be really fun) and everybody'd be the same, which, in conclusion, would result in a LOT OF MIRROR MATCHES :p So moral of the story, you should be thankful to have weirdos :p

It really depends where you live. In an area with highly educated players, you don't get too many bad matches, but once you get to different places, where Pokemon isn't as
I remember another story. This kid is the gym leader's son, and he is BAD. I think he's six or seven. Anyway, he would take so long on turns, and when he "finished" his turn, he just sat there. He forgot to call an attack, and he always said "Is it my turn?" when I didn't even know it was my turn because he never said he was done with his turn. When I knocked him out, he asked if the energy on that Pokemon that was knocked out got discarded. I'm like "Yeah...". One more thing, when I won because he had no more Pokemon in play, I said "I won the match" and he shakes his head no. And then draws a card and lays down a Pupitar as an active Pokemon. I just left him there. He ticks me off and he's mental, and you would think the gym leader would teach his own dang son better, and the gym leader's daughter (same age as boy), is a brat. But that's a whole other story there.
I don't have too many issues in my area, except at PRs. Ohio is very competitive, so we have very educated players.
I'll post a story for fun though:
At States, I get paired up against someone I've never said before. He takes one look at my start, and says: "I am tired and you won. I should have stayed in bed." I had to stop him from scooping...
I was playing a guy at '09 Cities in Nashville and every time I attacked he'd say "I Kurumba". He was using a Promo Darkrai in a deck I was pretty sure had no water or steel energy.:p
Oh yea, I remember this one time in league I was a newb and was against this one guy and finished my turn. "Alright, your turn," I said, and he was watching the TV at league the whole time. I even tapped him, and he kept watching it, and even smiled when there was a joke. He was completely in space. My dad and I exchange "Lol wut?" glances, and even he starts saying it's his turn. FINALLY when the commercial is over, he's like "Is it my turn?"

Another one was when this kid was against me and the whole time was like "Is it my turn yet?" Even when he ended his turn, and I drew the first card, he was still like "Is it my turn yet?" and in the middle of his turn he started talking to his friend and he said "Is it my turn yet?" That thing drives me crazy. I ALWAYS pay attention to matches, except when I'm trying to get a good trade.
Guy at league randomly picked up all his prizes and took one and put the rest down. He looked at me as if nothing happened.
Well I haven't played any extremely weird people myself (at least I don't think so) but at a prerelease my cousin played this girl who was young and not very nice and according to him whenever she attacked she took the two pokemon cards, hit them together and went "BOOM!"
i dont have a weird one i do have annoying little kids at league who touch your cards for no reason kids that through temper tantrums when they lose
there was this one time in an ar pre release some kid didnt get a lvx she went crazy
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