The oddest opponents thread! Gather 'round and share the experience!

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A Kid who talks english the whole time and says not funny things. ( I live in Holland btw )
Or a kid who talks to himself.
One time at League I had offered to play against a kid who was Junior division age (what, like 7 or so?). We get set up and I can immediately see that he had no idea how to play (even though he said he did). He starts with a Slugma (the one w/Active Volcano Poke-Power, but I digress), and said he is using Growl. I told him that the Slugma didn't have a 'Growl' attack and told him what he could do on his turn (attach an energy to a Pokemon, basically). He then kept talking as if I had said nothing.

It went nowhere, and fortunately, his parents came along within 2 minutes and said that he had to leave. I looked across to my friend (who was sitting in the chair next to me), and we exchange glances and laugh. (I kept whispering to him 'Help me' as a little joke, since the junior had no idea what he was doing.) It was pretty frustrating, as even all the Juniors know how to play Pokemon TCG. (They don't have good decks per se, but still they know how turn flow works.)

Note to self: Not all Juniors are worth easy League points, especially the ones who play too much DS.
These three are all one and the same person, funnily enough.

CC Aalsmeer '07-08
I cannot stand losing. So when I play a deck that dishes out 40 damage a turn (Donphan SW-Jumpluff SW) and get paired up with a damage reducer (Kingdra Ex) who can hit pretty hard in return, I am not happy. However due to some odd twist of fate I still manage to pull through this game, but I can imagine I wasn't the most...pleasant company to be around during this game. Afterwards, she picks up her deck, says "I hope I never get to play someone like you again, it was pure intimidation" and stomps off.
CC Rotterdam '07-08
This time I was playing Gardellade. As we sit down and set up she mulligans twice. I saw a Seadra Delta in her deck so I'm confident she plays Kingdra Ex this time around. After two Mulligans, she says "Oh, I have the wrong deck" and switches decks. I'm just completely flabbergasted...especially when the judge told me that I had to put my 2 Mulligan cards back AFTER REVEALING THEM TO HER (Geez, thanks for making me show what I play) and we'd continue. I got punished for her errors, mmmkay. Still won though.
BR Leiden '08-09
I played Gliscor X - Jumpluff SW, a primitive version of Glistomb if you wish. Again against her, with her playing...Togekiss-Something else. Anyway, since you can't really DO much against Gliscor, she got bored fast and actually nearly fell asleep during the game, making completely random errors whilst playing.

She doesn't seem to play anymore...
Dutch Nationals 2010, Top 8, Seniors.

My opponent: Plays LunaRock, slightly overweight, wearing a huge orange inflatable football crown, constantly swearing at his deck. Took me some effort not to laugh out loud until the game was finished.
I battled with some real jerks in my time. Some people would complain consistently and threaten me. Others would call me a cheater and would even cheat themselves. Behaviors like this is one reason I never have been in a league since 2001.
Well most opponents are very courteous, and if a bit strange they try their best to be nice. Of course there are some jerks or complete wierdos, but there are those people in every aspect of life, so you have to deal with it.
During one of my cities I flipped heads on fainting spell against my opponents fully charged Flygon Lv.X. They just stared at me O_O. I felt sooo bad XD.
^I have flipped heads like that many times. They always look at me like I'm sort of lucksack.
And I am.
@ Bugmaniac
Arnoud really did that?
Got one: At BRA Rotterdam is was playing Vilegar and my opponent didn't know he can use supporters. His whole hand was full of them and then somebody told him...
I once played a kid who goes to my league, and when I did he tried to convince me rescue energy only lets you take the highest evolution. It was really annoying because he kept reading the card and saying it didn't even mention the other pokemon. Oh, and he was running a deck with assorted normal type pokemon from triumphant. I mean, he had some basics in his deck he couldn't even evolve. The sad thing is when I was looking at his trades he had a lot more primes, lvl X's etc. than me >_> Another weird thing about that league is that there are 3 other people who go there who have the same name as me. And all the little kids I play flip my cards for me whenever a match starts. It's kind of annoying.
I was at states last year in CA. I saw a few people with furry tails and had to play one. He kept his cards right in front of his face and yelled out attacks like they do in the cartoon. Oh, this was a masters player too.
^Yea, a lot of people do that, this one guy in my league does that a bit too, but he talks more like a Yu-gi-oh duelist than a Pokemon player. "Your Steelix isn't gonna last another blow from my Arcanine!" He ended up trading me a RH Vileplume :D
@Mace Tenchu: I probably know exactly who you're talking about (as I go to CA states and I saw at least 2 people there with furry tails). Let me guess, was he wearing a Team Rocket uniform as well?

@Tyraniking: talking like yugioh when playing pokemon is freaking awesome; what are you talking about
Oh yeah that reminds me that at SOCAL regionals there was a guy there wearing white gloves, a Team Rocket shirt and a big furry tail, and he was pretty old and even acted like a thief like rubbing his hands together and what not.
I was playing in a local tourney and in between rounds I played some league. I was playing Sablelock against some random dark deck that a Junior was playing. I ended up attacking with Crobat G and timed it perfectly so that his T-tar would be KO'd when it was my turn so he couldn't send up his charged T-tar and KO me. Realizing this he puts the 20 damage on, then says, what? Oh yeah poison. He puts another 20 on so I explain the poison rules to him. He looks like he's going to cry and says, "But don't you want another Pokemon to be knocked out earlier?" He discards it kills my Bat, then as pairings are called, he says, "send something else up and pass so I can win." I just picked up my cards to go to the next round.
@DNA: In the anime of Yu-gi-oh they don't act like they are TCG players. The guy I battled was more talking like that about strategy and stuff so he sounded more like a Yu-gi-oh player on the anime than a Pokemon player on the anime.
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