The oddest opponents thread! Gather 'round and share the experience!

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@minimidget: Yeah, I know him; he plays his part very well. (Speaking of which, why don't you say hi to me at those tournaments?)
@Tyraniking: I know. That's what I was talking about when I said that (I have watched the YGO anime before).
@WhimsicalBox: durhurhur
So get this, I'm a noob (I just started in Pokémon last year, 2009) and I was at the SV pre-release and I brought my fun deck (for fun of course :)), and apparently (since we were nearing worlds) it turned out an entire family (I think from Sweden) came to participate at worlds and they decided to join in our pre-release. So I and another kid are playing an innocent fun game, and I (being left handed) set my deck to my left and prizes to the right sometimes. This absolutely infuriated him, I think he judges part-time because I saw him answering some tricky questions during the tournament, so as he is just outraged my local tournament organizer proceeds to calm him down and declare to him that is was a legal procedure. I swapped it to the "accepted format" for the duration of the tournament.
Actually, you can place your deck on either your left or your right side, just so long as your deck and discard pile are on one side, and the prizes and Lost Zone are on the opposite side. Deck on the right side is the usual, but there's nothing wrong with reversing it (especially if you're left-handed).

either way, lololol
I know that, but people hate it still.
Oh, I remember a REALLY funny story that happened to my Bro.
So my bro is running Donkphan, and his opponent (who is the son of a judge) was running Gyarados SF deck. So as he used Regice do discard his 'carps he proceded to treat it as a bright look (like a noob). So I notice this and since my game was 1 turn from done (in my favor) I decided to report it to a judge (the kids dad). He corrected his son (who was a poor sport about it) this had devistated my brother's stratagy with the disruption of his energized donphans. I got so angry afterwards becuse he (the judge) didn't force his kid to take back the move.

Oh, on a high note, that same tourny I faced Donphan-Machamp, BlazeRayChomp, and a BlazeChomp deck (with my dialga chomp) and beat all of them. :D
(going to a citys soon will try to remember any more of these storys)
this was a really wierd thing that my friend did at league for a month.

He was playing Tangarowth (spelled that wrong) I was playing a Blissey/Amphy Prime deck. When he drew he said, "I draw kama," "attach a grass to Treeko, hama," "I attack with Treeko, HA!!!"
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