The Official Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Thread

You know what?I'll try it.See how I can stack against it.Too the DS!
I just figured out Giratina! The only way to transform him s to go into certain dungeons. Those would be the Sky-exclusive ones. I'm talking about 0 isle Central, Sky Peak, Star Cave (shown in promos), ect. There you go!
Joeypals!! said:
I just figured out Giratina! The only way to transform him s to go into certain dungeons. Those would be the Sky-exclusive ones. I'm talking about 0 isle Central, Sky Peak, Star Cave (shown in promos), ect. There you go!

Yup, I found that part in my Game Guide finally and am happy now.

Do any of you have any Golden Seeds to spare?
Sorry, I only have one. Want me to give you some missions in the same place to get some? I'll find 8 for you.
Joeypals!! said:
Sorry, I only have one. Want me to give you some missions in the same place to get some? I'll find 8 for you.

Yeah, that'll work too. If I could just obtain 3 or 4 Golden seeds....

I have 4 missions that get me Golden Seeds as a reward. All of them are at Drenched Bluff; rescue pikachu.
I did them over and over again several times each, but now for whatever reason, they dont work any more....
I had no idea you could just keep repeating the same mission/s. Woulda been a lot more helpful then constantly finding more codes >.<

What's fun to do is get specific pokemon through a wondermail gen. Helps a lot for those pokemon that just drive you insane and never seem to want to join your team.

Wow. Just did sentry duty, and instead of the usual perfect, I got "completely perfect". Rewards were a joy seed, a ginseng, and a life seed. Since when do they give that out?
Hm..also,If anyone needs a rescue in PMD2 I'll be able to do it.I just want useful seeds/big apples
Here are some Golden Seed Codes. I am locating all 8 in the Sky Stairway for lots of Points. Don't worry! They will be in the first 9 floors. I am also making them all arrests of Rotom.
Floor 2: -8#7 YFNS 0+J@
J4@4 TQ48 XQ-6
Floor 3: 2X24 KT7C J@R8
MCM+ +76& F5Y0
Floor 4: 5FTY 5RPY SJ#+
%%Y0 CY9R K0N8
Floor 5: 4QNX &6%+ N#=1
Floor 6: &3M= H@9K X=6H
2W+4 RS+J WK@4
Floor 7: %9-- MXQ2 52S-
00Q4 7X-H 6755
Floor 8: +YQS MCS8 =8+F
8M5F RM9J P66=
Floor 9: +Y=J MTHJ T3CM
Uhh....Those codes dont work. They are too short. A full code is suppose to have 34 characters. This has like 24.

None of those will work. Its just like when I search online. Half the codes I find are like this and wont work....
Okay. Let me look and try again.
EDIT: Here you go!
Floor 2: X=89& NH0%40F =9PY8
Floor 3: H=@5X JHXYN#J Q0F75
HC1X2 =#66H-J 02S8P
Floor 4: P98TN -%NT7+7 S9H4=
20993 6&N&8J1 P-F%8
Floor 5: 0Y7#1 J589QSW 0J&KS
WHRCX 81#8K8S 8##95
Floor 6: -WQP6 4N7044J +8733
Floor 7: K88J8 Y6@P8N6 6W1&X
32SR0 #X97S8T #S1=4
Floor 8: 6=&X+ 5@KT1%6 +HQWF
#2W+& XYXP--C 6X729
A present from me; Floor 9: =YX1+ K@T522K 9K44#
#9QYS T387H#K NY59Q
The present is what we all search for at the end...
EDIT 2: Made sure they all worked.
Shadow...I'm pretty sure the codes he gave you the first time were meant to be put in through the "Wondermail" section of the main menu...Cause all of the codes I ever use are the same size as the ones he first gave.
The first list was for Time/Darkness on accident. Then I corrected it, figuring I'd give a good code for a Space Globe to make up for Destiny Tower.
Yes. Search wonder mail S generator on google, then put in what you want to get what you need to.
Ex. Beach Cave, Floor 2
Arrest Shedninja
Award: Whatever you want
This is just an example made up randomly, I do not have the code for this.
Joeypals!! said:
Yes. Search wonder mail S generator on google, then put in what you want to get what you need to.
Ex. Beach Cave, Floor 2
Arrest Shedninja
Award: Whatever you want
This is just an example made up randomly, I do not have the code for this.
Use this for golden seeds, golden mask, etc.
One of the only things you cannot control. No matter what you do, all recruited pokemon, no matter what evolution they are, will be at level one. This is if the client joins you, of course.
Hey, does anyone have the Item "Dubious Disc"??? Needed to evolve Porygon 2 into Porygon Z.

Or does anyone have a wondermail code for it?