The Official Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Thread

I cant battle your team. It doesnt work that way. Besides, I have several advantages.

My Luxray has an IQ of 6 stars.
My other team members have 3+ as well.
My team has those specific items that give them other effects.

Like my Glare Sash. With it, Luxray absorbs damage from Ground moves to restore HP instead.
Me myself have my IQ completely filled up. I also have a Red Bow and I know it doesn't work in Wi-Fi style. I'll send my team now.
Wow, shadow, you just reminded me of teams has no item advantages...well, for dungeons, I have X-ray specs on the leader, but that's it >.<

And only Blaziken has like 5+ IQ stars. Maybe my team still needs some work =)
Please send your teams onto the Wi-Fi server. I know you can only get one at a time, but still. My team name is Legend!!!!
Okay, follow these steps:
1. Go to main menu
2. Go to trade team
3. Send Team
4. Wi-Fi
5. Choose Anyone
6. Connect to Wi-Fi to send
That is just sending. Now for recieving:
1. Go to main menu
2. Go to trade team
3. Recieve team
4. Wi-Fi
5. In registration order
6. Connect to Wi-Fi

Once you get the team you want, you will then have to go to the Marowak Dojo (right side) and go through there (second page). That's how you battle other teams!
Oh, I get it, I send you my team and you can face it in the dojo.

The onnly problem with that is, I cant control it. The computer does.... It will be easier for you to win. Oh well.
I died a lot in that nightmare, til I ran out of items. Then I left it, reprepared myself, and then I beat it. Course, I didn't know about this site all the times I died, so I couldn't get rescued >.<
I FINALLY have access to Lake Afar.
I now have a very cool Milotic. :D

Team Arashi;
Luxray (me), Bronzong, Milotic

They cover each others weakness's really well.

Oh you bet ill bring it!!!...

as soon as i finish my game! :D

so.... whats a milotic?

im guessing its a pokemon, duh, but ive never heard of it

hold on ill search google

oh THATS a milotic

aww, lucky, milotic was awesome on the tv series

...but thats a little off topic :)


anyone need rescuing?
Yes, THATS a Milotic.
...Although, he's only level 20 at the moment so he's not ready for combat yet.

My OTHER team is;

Breloom, Swampert, Garchomp.

Another beastly team.
I need to make a ton of teams, each for a different type of style =P

(I.E. A beauty team, an evil team, a buff people team, etc.)
Ensiger said:
I need to make a ton of teams, each for a different type of style =P

(I.E. A beauty team, an evil team, a buff people team, etc.)

Yeah Yeah. Exactly.

My main team; Arashi, is all about "storm".
Luxray/lightning. Bronzong/psychic. Milotic/water ice.

Arashi means storm in Jap and these pokemon fit it very well in terms of attacks.

My next team, Breloom, Swampert and Garchomp are my close range melee fighters/heavy hitters.

truth is i dont care too much about arranging teams

ill just use myself (shinx), my partner (riolu), and any pokemon that might help me where ever im going

either way my team isnt ready to send...

hm... anyone know if you can have darkrai join your team?