The PokéBeach Forums Official Monthly Banner Challenge #2-January 2009

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Oh snap; BR, I'm almost done. I don't know your time zone; how much time do I have left? XD
Here it is:
(Now this is what I call turning something in at the last minute.) XD

Well, this is OVER! Scores are already submitted from Matt and I, now we are waiting on PMJ's Pimpin Scores and then I will tally the points and post the results for ya! Good turnout guys, hopefully next months will be even better!

-Black Rayquaza
LOL I just noticed something about Xous' banner i found funny. Its night time but there's a solar eclipse. Still killer (still nice) though. Keep up the good work.
If I were to pick a favourite out of the banners, it would be Art Maestro's Mewtwo. =]
It's awesome. <3
lilsparks101 said:
LOL I just noticed something about Xous' banner I found funny. Its night time but there's a solar eclipse. Still killer (still nice) though. Keep up the good work.

xD Yeah, I knew I might get docked points for accuracy (if that was indeed something they were looking for), but I couldn't pass up the effect. A normal moon overpowered Arceus, kind of. xD But thank you very much.

Here's good luck to the other entrants - every banner submitted was fantastic, and quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised to see some very close scores. Every banner is that good.
Alright, well all the scores are in and it's time to reveal the results of the second Pokebeach Forums Monthly Banner Contest for the month of January 2009! Oddly, the judges had very different opinions when it came to some of these pieces so the judging was very tough. However, the scores have been added and here are the winners!

Honorable Mention-Cyndaquil by SixaxiS

Receiving a total of 7 Points, this piece by SixaxiS took the honorable mention! Congrats!

Third Place-Arceus by Soul Seeker

Receiving a first place vote, Soul Seeker's Arceus banner took the third place crown. Congrats!

Second Place-Dragonite by Jamtok

Receiving a total of 15 points, Jamtok's Dragonite banner took the second place crown! Again, Congrats to you!

First Place-Latios by Ryuu7

Receiving one first place and two second place votes, Ryuu7's Latios Banner wins the Monthly Banner Contest for the month of January 2009. Congrats!​

Here are the official results.

Scoring Key
1st Place: 10 Points
2nd Place: 7 Points
3rd Place: 5 Points
Honorable Mention: 2 Points

Black Rayquaza's Vote
Honorable Mention-Arceus (Xous)

Moneyking 63's Vote
Honorable Mention-Arceus (Xous)

PMJ's Vote
1-Arceus (SS)
Honorable Mention-Arceus (Xous)

The Point totals would then come to:
3rd:Arceus (SS)-10
Honorable Mention:Cyndaquil-7
Arceus (Xous)-6

So there you have it folks, this Monthly Banner Contest is wrapped up. Look forward to us continuing these Monthly Banner Contests, the February 09 Contest will be posted most likely in the next few days (due to the Super Bowl of course =])

Please feel free to discuss and comment!
-Black Rayquaza and the MBC Staff
Congrats Ryu7! And what an awesome banner, indeed! ^_^

Congrats to everyone else too! ^+^
Congratulations, everyone! :) I'm glad to see the banner I thought would win first place did. Great banners, everyone, and here's to another great monthly banner contest!
Suprisingly, I got a vote. ^^
Well done Ryuu and all the other contestants. All of the banners were great. =D
Thanks guys. Just hope you guys would learn more and make more better banners.

Hmm.. maybe I won't participate the next one like G2F and SG didn't this month. This gives more chances for others to win :)
Ryuu7 said:
Thanks guys. Just hope you guys would learn more and make more better banners.

Hmm.. maybe I won't participate the next one like G2F and SG didn't this month. This gives more chances for others to win :)

I'd actualy suggest the opposite. People should join these contests as much as possible. (it's not about winning you know :p)
I know but at least you can compete against each other of the same level. This helps improving also.
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