The PokéBeach Forums Official Monthly Banner Challenge #2-January 2009

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Nice job Ryuu7. I personally like Jamtok's more, but I don't mind. All of the ones that placed are really good.

dmaster out.
Dear Ryuu7,
Although your banner took first place the January 09 Monthly Banner Contest, and your pieces have consistently scored very high in both of the contests so far, we feel that your last few posts in the thread were very arrogant and uncalled for. Weather it was your intention or not, you have offended not only the contest staff but the other participants with your attitude towards your performance as well as the other artists. That kind of attitude towards winning the Monthly Banner Contest does not reflect the spirit of the contest, and certainly does not reflect the votes you received. Although you did win, your banner did have a number of flaws, and won more so because your banner was voted in the top 3 of every judges scoring, not because it was a clear winner. As Xous said, all of the banners were fantastic and should be treated as such...we, the staff feel that by saying they, the other participating artists, your peers, need to get better is an extremely ignorant and uncalled for statement and should definitely not come from someone who had just won. Was it your intention to degrade and belittle your competitors you just barely defeated? Although we feel strongly about this matter, if you would be so kind as to clear things up or post an apology to your peers, we will forget this example of rash behavior.
-The Monthly Banner Contest Staff

Okay, maybe I didn't explain it right. First, Sorry if my posts hurts your feeling, or making you down(or mad). What I'm trying to do is help you improve. Yes, i'm being arrogant and looking you down, because I want you to strive harder, I want you to do better, I want you to learn. Guys, if you think that I'm just too arrogant to care about you, I'm sorry. But I won't take back what I've said. I'm not gonna participate in the next one. I want to see the result of improved people like SixaxiS,DF,Fridge,Unknown and others, and I think they deserve the spot more than me. You guys may hate me but I don't hate you! I'm just way serious to help you guys(even though I had no time for writing a tut:p)!

Sorry BR for quoting this message out.
Just so you guys know, i never felt offended by Ryuu7's statements.

and as for the Monthly Banner Contest Staff; i respect you guys enough, so i'm NOT gonna try to be rude here, in fact, i'll be very reasonable.

You should let us decide for ourselves wether we feel insulted or not. It's not your place to do that for us. If any of the other contestants find Ryuu's posts to be insulting, they will mention it to him themselves.

and if i can recall correctly (just scroll up a bit) you can see that no one, and i do mean no one, has any problems with Ryuu7 with the exception of the banner contest staff.

Contest Staff's PM said:
we feel that your last few posts in the thread were very arrogant and uncalled for.
no offense, but your message to Ryuu7 was quite arrogant and uncalled for...
I'll have to agree with Six on this one. In my opinion Ryuu just made a mistake in his choice of words, but for the most part everyone understood what he meant. Everyone here knows the Ryuu would never insult his fellow artist, and that he always strives for them to be better and he tries to help them in anyway he can. But that's all I have to say.
Soul Seeker said:
When does the 3rd Contest will come ?

Soon.....most likely tonight. I've been trying to put it all together and get a new thread up, but I dont have all the details worked out quite yet, sorry.

SixaxiS and Sparks-That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....however, all of the judges reached a general consensus that those posts Ryuu made were not helping other artists, but putting them down, and thats not how a winner should act, and we were not pleased. For someone to say, and I quote, "Just hope you guys would learn more and make more better banners.", is a very arrogant statement for an artist to make, especially one who was just named a winner. Lets take a look at some of the other posts concerning the other pieces:

Xous said:
Great banners, everyone, and here's to another great monthly banner contest!

Staraptor said:
All of the banners were great. =D

d master342 said:
All of the ones that placed are really good.

dmaster out.

Do you see a common theme that is not represented in any of Ryuu's posts.....there are definitely differing opinions here between Ryuu and the majority of artists and fans who commented on the pieces featured in the contest. And then to say that he was performing on a different level that the rest, quoted here, "I know but at least you can compete against each other of the same level." makes him look even more arrogant and conceded. Based on what you see here, that letter was written in a Private Message to clear everything up, which it obviously did not for some reason. I dont care who you are, I dont care how many times you have won or how good of an artist you may be, it is hurtful to the nature of competition to say something like that coming of a win, not just in an online art competition, in all competition. And by the way SixaxiS, I dont think anyone wanted to start drama here, I know I didn't, but it wasn't just artists that were offended, judges were as well.

Figured I would explain all this stuffs anyways....on a happier and less argumentative note, MBC#3 should be up soon!
-Black Rayquaza
Black Rayquaza said:
Do you see a common theme that is not represented in any of Ryuu's posts...there are definitely differing opinions here between Ryuu and the majority of artists and fans who commented on the pieces featured in the contest.


Omnigross_98 said:
Well done, Ryuu7.
Soul Seeker said:
Omg I got a position >=O
Also well done Ryuu =)
d master342 said:
Nice job Ryuu7. I personally like Jamtok's more, but I don't mind. All of the ones that placed are really good.

dmaster out.

I see no "differing opinions" here, and these posts were made after Ryuu posted his so-called "insulting" comments.

Black Rayquaza said:
all of the judges reached a general consensus that those posts Ryuu made were not helping other artists, but putting them down

how can the judges reach "a general consensus" without asking for the opinions of the artists who you claim to have been insulted? And even IF you're right about this matter, the only point of "the judges" is to rate and comment on the pieces that were entered in the contest, and declare a winner. But what Ryuu posts here is not for you to correct, such is the task of the moderators of this forum, and last time i checked, you are not a moderator.

Now i personally think the Contest Staff owes Ryuu7 an apolagy, instead of the other way around.

Again, sorry if i seem rude. I try not to be.

I realize we're going slightly off-topic here, if you feel the need to discuss this further, do so by PM please. Do know that i have said what i needed to say about this.
Lol SixaxiS, forget it. Someone told me once if you hold your hatred or uneasiness towards someone, make sure you solve it on that day. Never take it to the next day, or it will be in your heart for a long long time. I said sorry to everyone and BR(for quoting a pm), and I have forgot about that. Lets just leave it and move forward :D
well sorry, i just don't let things like this go easily, but i guess you're right :p
I don't think we should drag this on, but I do want to end it with response to some things about the staff.

SixaxiS said:
how can the judges reach "a general consensus" without asking for the opinions of the artists who you claim to have been insulted? And even IF you're right about this matter, the only point of "the judges" is to rate and comment on the pieces that were entered in the contest, and declare a winner.

Well believe it or not the Judges have opinions and are artists as well. And I was personally offended not as a competitor but as a fellow artist, as that is not the sportsmanship anyone or even a winner for that matter should display. I was also disappointed about the opinions Ryuu expressed about the MBC itself. In case anyone hasn't noticed PokeBeach pretty much runs on a popularity scale, and when I heard Ryuu said he wasn't going to participate anymore because he thought he was to good I was afraid that people would begin to think that "Good artists don't participate in the MBC and If I want to have people think I'm a good artist as well I won't participate either." Well we certainly want people to participate in this contest and make it as popular as possible.

Now to end on a lighter note, the 3rd Contest is really a great theme idea and will test all of your skills, as there is a bit of a hidden trick in here. So I encourage EVERYONE to participate, as you will not regret it.
Ooooh.. I can't wait to find out what the theme is. =D
I'm going to enter this one too, and hopefully I can do better. =]

When does the third contest begin?

EDIT: Nvm.. Saw the thread. =P
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