DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

I have a question
im trying to beat th E4 but what lvl should pokemon be?
and I dont wanna take forever lvling them up
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

if you have 6 pokemon, they should be around lv55.

If you have one super strong pokemon at about lv75 and a few others at about 45 you should do fine..
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

PMJfan001 said:
if you have 6 pokemon, they should be around lv55.

If you have one super strong pokemon at about lv75 and a few others at about 45 you should do fine..
My Pokemon were about 45, I even used a Steelix just caught in the Victory Road and I managed to beat it in 2 tries. :p So they don't have to be that high, well I completely healed my team after every battle (the first time I didn't so I lost T_T), I only used them in battle for Lucario, it was pretty hard, but well that's what you get with Pokemon around level 45.

But I'm an advanced player, so if you're a beginner please don't try this, it can take forever, just train them to 50/55 and it'll be fine...
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Just keep battling them; even if you lose, your Pokémon will still gain Exp. I find that's probably the best way to do it; after four or five tries, you'll be able to push through, especially if you have plenty of healing items.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

okay thanks for the help
and Im not realy an advanced player so im training 1 pokemon to 60 and the to around 55 ish
cause i got to lucian with lvl 52s
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

ok, a few more levels and theyll be set to win (ps bring lots of full restores and quite a few revives.)
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

I also recommend saving after every battle in the E4. That is how I defeated Cynthia with an under leveled team. This way if luck is not in your favor, you can try again without beating the othrs again.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

No, that strategy is one of the worst IMO. If you save before the whole E4, you can go back, buy more items, and even grind a few levels, or trade some Pokemon. Saving after everyone will just get you more frustrated as you keep on losing. :F

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

How do you figure out how many EV's a Pokémon has, and for which stat?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

you cannot. You have to keep track of them by writing them down or something.

If you dont know how many evs a pokemon have, just give it plenty of a certain berry and they lose 10 evs for that one berry!
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

thanks everyone I beat the e4
and now im try to chain but it doesnt work i tried to chain a bidoof but I got 12 but then i lost it
I tried for an hour and no luck
help please!!!!?
edit- out of pure luck i got a shiny roselia
(it looks realy cool)
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Typhlosion said:
thanks everyone I beat the e4
and now im try to chain but it doesnt work I tried to chain a bidoof but I got 12 but then I lost it
I tried for an hour and no luck
help please!!!!?
edit- out of pure luck I got a shiny roselia
(it looks realy cool)
This should help! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wruW8rzRAxA
And congrats on roselia!
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

i have a question about capturing all 26 unknown... in solaceon ruins it first appeared that each little room and each hallway is home to one type of unknown (type as in letter) but i caught one in every room but only ended up with 21 or so (i forget the exact number). should i just walk around everywhere or did i miss some rooms?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Sir Pikachu said:
I have a question about capturing all 26 unknown... in solaceon ruins it first appeared that each little room and each hallway is home to one type of unknown (type as in letter) but I caught one in every room but only ended up with 21 or so (I forget the exact number). should I just walk around everywhere or did I miss some rooms?

Well, each hall with the stairs has its own Unown - each floor (hall) has the following Unown: F, R, I, E, N, D (for floors 1 - 6). Each little room contains every other Unown, possibly with some appearing only on certain floors (though of that I'm not sure). Like... The halls only have one kind of Unown. The little rooms each have 20 possible kinds of Unown that can appear in each room - there's not a specific letter that appears in a certain small room.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

How long should I keep a Power Anklet on my Pokemon?
Do I keep it on all the way to Lv 100?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Struby said:
How long should I keep a Power Anklet on my Pokemon?
Do I keep it on all the way to Lv 100?

I'm not sure if you've gotten the answer or not already, but no, you don't need to keep it on all the way to Lv 100. This is how it works:
Power Anklet gives you extra EV's. One Pokemon has a max of 510 EV's that they can have as they level up. One stat maxes out at 255 EV's and cannot go over that. Power Anklet gives an additional 4 EV's to speed along with the EV's given for which ever Pokemon you knock-out. Each 4 EV's a pokemon receives in a stat, it gets +1 stat point over what it would normally have at level 100.

Since there are 510 overall, and the cap per stat is 255, you can fully fit two stats in there. The problem is this, 255/4 = 63.75, which causes quite a bit of waste. Therefore it's best to only give one stat 252 because 252/4 = 63. If you do that, then by the time you are done, you have 504 points accounted for (which is the full number) and you can add an additional 6 to some other stat point (only wasting 2 EV's) So say this is what you did:
Speed: 252
Atk: 252
HP: 6
Overall: 510

Once your speed maxes out, or you hit the 510 mark, the Power Anklet will no longer help you. To check if you are at 510 or not, there is an Effort Ribbon you can get from Sunyshore City. You will only receive the ribbon if you have maxed out at 510 EV's.

Hope that helps :)
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Which move is better, Detect or Protect? I am thinking protect because it has more PP.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

In doubles, Detect can be better, since it can't be Imprisoned (I don't think anything learns both Imprison and Detect other than Smeargle).
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Ok, thanks. Does anyone have the times for night, morning, and afternoon in Pt?
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