DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

How is random. You really can't find a way to get it.

It's great for EV training, doubling the amount of EV's per Pokemon battled. It means you have a much easier job training. It goes away after something like 12 hours, but there's a way to prevent that but I can't remember it.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

If A Pokemon with a Choice Band just switches in and selects an attack, and the opponent protects on the same turn, can he select something else? Or is still locked into his attack?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

no you still use the move but its like it misses
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

That's not my question. I'm asking if next turn, after you have failed to hit because your opponent has successfully protected, are you still locked onto the same move.

Sorry if I wasn't clearer.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Between which hours of the day do I have to level up Budew in order to obtain a Roselia?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

GraysonViolin said:
That's not my question. I'm asking if next turn, after you have failed to hit because your opponent has successfully protected, are you still locked onto the same move.

Sorry if I wasn't clearer.

I think it was tested once before. You already used a move with CB, so my guess is yes, you're locked in.

Sylar said:
Between which hours of the day do I have to level up Budew in order to obtain a Roselia?

I can't find accurate hours, but it's during the day, not the night.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

So, by during the day, it would be like 12:00 PM-6:00 PM-ish?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Probably. You can try finding guides with it, but all I found was "daytime". ://

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

I don't get this... I set my game's internal clock to 13:00 (1:00 PM) and set it to a Friday, but still no Drifloon :[. I have 2 badges, and I'm right outside Valley Windworks. Anyone wanna tell me what I did wrong?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Right, and 1:00 is between those times... and still no floating balloon -_-
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Or... maybe not, because its not in my PC, dex, or party :p
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

check the date again
note when (or if) you find it soft reset for a shiny
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

The date's friday, the time is 1:00, and still no Drifloon >_<
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

ha did you beat the inside and rescue the girls father
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Yes. I have 2 badges...
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Yes again... you have to beat the inside of the factory to get to the 2nd gym :p
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

ok try beating more gyms untill it apears thats all i have
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