DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Don't change the date. Just wait patiently until the real date is Friday.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

umm i heard about chaining to get shinies but im not entirely sure what is. Could someone explain to me what is and how it works please?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Water Mewtwo said:
umm I heard about chaining to get shinies but im not entirely sure what is. Could someone explain to me what is and how it works please?

No idea what it is myself either, because I didn't bother to find out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

d master342 said:
GraysonViolin said:
That's not my question. I'm asking if next turn, after you have failed to hit because your opponent has successfully protected, are you still locked onto the same move.

Sorry if I wasn't clearer.

I think it was tested once before. You already used a move with CB, so my guess is yes, you're locked in.

Yes, this is the case. Thanks D-Master, and btw... why are you still here? ;o
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

GraysonViolin said:
d master342 said:
GraysonViolin said:
That's not my question. I'm asking if next turn, after you have failed to hit because your opponent has successfully protected, are you still locked onto the same move.

Sorry if I wasn't clearer.

I think it was tested once before. You already used a move with CB, so my guess is yes, you're locked in.

Yes, this is the case. Thanks D-Master, and btw... why are you still here? ;o

You're welcome. Also, why would I not be here? :F

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

I have a Couple Questions:
1) Are there any tricks to Sketch the exact move you want with Smeargle?
2) Can level 100 Pokemon Breed?
3) Does the Synchronize trick work in Pokemon XD?

Sorry if that is too many... or is there a limit >_>
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Phazon said:
I have a Couple Questions:
1) Are there any tricks to Sketch the exact move you want with Smeargle?
2) Can level 100 Pokemon Breed?
3) Does the Synchronize trick work in Pokemon XD?

Sorry if that is too many... or is there a limit >_>

I know 1 and 2...

1: have your teammate perform the move in a double battle
2: yes
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

burnpsy said:
Phazon said:
I have a Couple Questions:
1) Are there any tricks to Sketch the exact move you want with Smeargle?
2) Can level 100 Pokemon Breed?
3) Does the Synchronize trick work in Pokemon XD?

Sorry if that is too many... or is there a limit >_>

I know 1 and 2...

1: have your teammate perform the move in a double battle
2: yes

@ Your answer to Question 1: can it work in the Battle Tower?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Phazon said:
burnpsy said:
Phazon said:
I have a Couple Questions:
1) Are there any tricks to Sketch the exact move you want with Smeargle?
2) Can level 100 Pokemon Breed?
3) Does the Synchronize trick work in Pokemon XD?

Sorry if that is too many... or is there a limit >_>

I know 1 and 2...

1: have your teammate perform the move in a double battle
2: yes

@ Your answer to Question 1: can it work in the Battle Tower?

yes, but when the match is over, it will still be sketch...
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

This may be a silly question but I'm just starting to get into the video game so here it goes. People seem to be able to EV train their pokemon however they want to extremely fast, how is this done? I know about the items and pokerus but are their any other tricks? The same with actually getting your pokemon to lv. 100.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

To be legit, I'm not sure. It looks so easy, but then does professional baseball. Only one way can you get strong pokemon, working hard.

-Moral Police
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

banettewilldestroyallofyou said:
This may be a silly question but I'm just starting to get into the video game so here it goes. People seem to be able to EV train their pokemon however they want to extremely fast, how is this done? I know about the items and pokerus but are their any other tricks? The same with actually getting your pokemon to lv. 100.

Hours of hard work and dedication.

Here's what I do. I EV train the Pokemon I'm training straightaway. Once it has all the EV's I want it to have, I walk around battling random pokemon with my six lv40 Pachirisu's (they have Pickup, and from lv40 onward, they have a 10% chance of picking up a Rare Candy) until I have enough Rare Candies to bring the trained Pokemon up to lv100.

Yeah, contrary to popular belief, Rare Candies are perfectly safe to use. Once you've maxed out on EV's, your stats will be the same at lv100 if you had Rare Candied it or trained it by going to the Elite Four seventy-something times.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

For EV training, I use Bubble (my Kyogre) and Exp. Share the EVs on those pokemon. The EVs don't effect pokemon who already have 510 EV total.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Power Items and Pokerus are really the only fast tricks, plus Candies to get to Lv.100.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

EDIT: Phazon, yes, a Level 100 Pokémon can breed. It just won't gain any experience points.

Here's what I do for quick EV-training:

I combine the PokéRus with the Power Items. After spending way too much time at the Battle Tower, I gained enough BP to get 1 of each of the Power Items. Each Power Item gives 4 extra EV points of a certain stat to every wild Pokémon you defeat (or Pokémon in a computer player's team, it doesn't matter) on top of the EVs that Pokémon would normally get. For instance, Magikarp gives out 1 EV point for Speed. If I have a Power Lens attached, which adds 4 EVs in Special Attack, each Magikarp would give out 4 EV points in Special Attack and 1 point in Speed. You have to train a few Pokémon first to take on the Battle Tower, but from that point on, the Power Items make EV training a lot easier.

The Pokérus doubles the EVs they'd normally give. That Magikarp, to continue the example, would give 8 points in Special Attack and 2 in Speed if a Pokémon defeated it who was infected with the Pokérus. The Pokérus arrives by random chance from a wild Pokémon who has it--you can either catch it or get your Pokémon contracted by it, though there's no way of knowing until after the battle. From that point on, you can spread the Pokérus by battling with an infected Pokémon on your team (it doesn't have to participate in the battle), and you'll have a chance it'll infect the adjacent members of your party. However, the Pokérus no longer spreads if you leave the Pokémon out in your party at midnight. However, you can "freeze" the Pokérus by keeping an infected Pokémon in the PC. (Yes, you can deposit it in the PC at 11:59 PM, then bring it back out at 12:01 AM, and the Pokérus can still spread.) The Pokérus is very very rare. I can trade you a Pokérus-infected Pokémon if you wish.
As for training really quickly, what I do is that I carry a few PickUp Pokémon. The species isn't important, though in my case, I have a Level 41 Linoone, a Level 71 Munchlax, and a Level 100 Pachirisu. All have a 10% chance of giving you a Rare Candy among the items they give out (making it a 1% chance overall of you finding a Rare Candy for each Wild Pokémon you defeat). I go around the area north of the Resort Area, as there are a lot of high-level Wild Pokémon. I picked these levels because they have a lot of neat prizes. At Level 41, it has a 30% chance of finding a Repel, 10% for Hyper Potion, and a 1% chance of finding a White Herb. At Level 71, it has a 30% chance of finding a Hyper Potion, 10% each for the Dawn, Dusk, and Shiny Stones, a 3% chance of a Max Revive, and a 1% chance of a TM01 (Focus Punch). At Level 91 to 100, I have a 30% chance of a Revive; 10% for each of the Stones, Max Revive, and Full Restore; 5% for a Max Elixir; 3% for a PP Up, and a 1% each for Leftovers and TM26 (Earthquake).

Needless to say, I get a lot of nice gifts from these three along the way.

I also have a couple of EXP boosts. I carry a couple of Lucky Eggs; these are found on wild Chansey. Wait for Mr. Backlot to put Chanseys in the Trohpy Garden, then look for them with the PokéRadar with a knocked-out Pokémon with CompoundEyes in the first slot and a Pokemon with Thief, Trick, or Switcheroo in the second slot. Do this with every Chansey you find (CompoundEyes brings the ratio from about 1.5% up to about 10%), though most will have an Oval Stone instead. You have to be patient. It'll pay off, since a Pokémon holding a Lucky Egg gets a x1.5 boost in EXP.

The other thing I do is the foreign game boost. I just breed Pokémon through my sister's Pearl version and bring them over to my game. This is also a x1.5 boost, though they're added together, not multiplied, so I get double EXP. You might not have someone else who will lend you their game and DS for a while, however, so you might not be able to get this boost.

Bazzafer said:
Here's what I do. I EV train the Pokemon I'm training straightaway. Once it has all the EV's I want it to have, I walk around battling random pokemon with my six lv40 Pachirisu's (they have Pickup, and from lv40 onward, they have a 10% chance of picking up a Rare Candy) until I have enough Rare Candies to bring the trained Pokemon up to lv100.

Follow-up question: How do you manage to train your Pokémon with six Pachirisus? Unless you're training one of them, they'd take up every slot on your team. (Or do you mean five Pachirisus?)
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

He Pickups Rare Candies with them. It's a rather useful ability, as yuo can get some TM's (I think EQ is one of them) in higher levels.
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