DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

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RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I have a shiny ralts and i was wondering, if i level it up an it evolves, will it become a shiny Kirlia and then a shiny Gardevoir or will it return to its normal, non-shiny self?
Thanks. :) <3
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

It will stay shiny through all evolutions, including Gallade.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Gary Walsh said:
You must be right, it says on Bulbapedia and various other forums that there's simply nothing :(. Oh well, maybe there's hope for something there in the eventual DP remake...

I always wondered that! XD too bad it's nothing
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

You don't. Lotad can't learn it. Lombre learns it by level up.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Okay, I'm trying to get all 7 Eevelutions. I am trying to get a female Eevee. But of all the Eevees I've found, they're only male. I'm just wondering, can you breed a male Eevee with a Ditto and get an Eevee?
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

If your playing Pearl or Daimond, every egg hatched in Floroma Town will ALWAYS be a girl.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

There's no way this can be true. Egg stats are determined the moment you receive the egg, not when it hatches. I'd like to see proof of your claim.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Yes. Anything bred with Ditto will always create a baby Anything, assuming the Pokemon can breed in the first place, and assuming Anything is not named Manaphy (duh).
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Oh, okay. Thank you for your help. I hope this will make getting all 7 Eeveelutions easier.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

PMJ said:
There's no way this can be true. Egg stats are determined the moment you receive the egg, not when it hatches. I'd like to see proof of your claim.

I've gotten lucky then, 13 female eevee's later.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I told you so. i breeded a female Spiritomb in Floroma Town. Usually they are male. I know my info. Before you tell me im wrong, maybe you should test it out.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

^ No, one doesn't prove anything. And Tombs are 50/50 gender ratio.

EDIT: My 13 Female eevees were luck, just got a male one. Theory shot.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

P0rygon-z said:
If your playing Pearl or Daimond, every egg hatched in Floroma Town will ALWAYS be a girl.

False. My Riolu on Diamond hatched in Floaroma and it was male.
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