DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Dungeons that typically have a lot of seeds. (I forget where. It's been so long since I played the game.) Alternatively, look out for missions that give out Reviver Seeds as rewards.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

The graduation was tough with Chimchar...I found Overheat somewhere and just taught it that. It hits everyone in the 8 block perimeter. Very useful.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Thanks guys. Finally bat it last night with 8 Reviver Seeds and a page full of Oran Berries. Once I got all of the Revivers, it was quite easy. Thanks everybody.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

I don't know if SS is 4th Gen, but...

If I soft-reset continually, will I eventually get a Shiny Lugia?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

It is.

Sort of. You need to reset at different times. You can't just mash the A button continuously.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread


I posted this on the RNG Q+A Thread, but I haven't recieved a reply.

Is there a completely legit guide on finding your secret ID without hacking?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

how many times will latios respawn after fainting it?
because i faint once and still i did not get the nature that i want
so anyone knows how many times it will respawn?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Same with any legendary. It happens indefinitely until you catch them.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

how to catch a bagon in safari zone in soul silver?
i already place 9 forest obj and 19 peak obj
and set the date 110 days
but the only pokemon comes out are voltorb weepinbell and murkrow
i did not see at least one bagon
ive already spend almost 1 hour here
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

I don't understand what you mean. Please explain further, and make your writing easier to understand.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Yoshidude10 said:

I posted this on the RNG Q+A Thread, but I haven't recieved a reply.

Is there a completely legit guide on finding your secret ID without hacking?

slickmario said:

There are much, much easier ways to get your SID without hacking in 4th Gen (if you don't already have a caught shiny, of course):

The easiest would have to be the lottery method. It works in HG and SS, and possibly the others. Worth a try either way. Here's a quote from Gary Walsh explaining it:

Gary Walsh said:
If you're using HGSS or a North American version of Platinum (I'm not sure what other games the trick works for), you can get your SID simply by drawing lottery tickets. Click here. Unfortunately there's no English equivalent (you don't need to read anything though), but it's basically a giant calculator that stores every possible combination of IDs you could draw to deduce your SID, by backtracking to what's called the initial hex "daily seed" (consider it a seed for daily events that's generated every time your clock hits midnight). So what you want to do, is set up in front of Felicity/the lottery lady, and draw a ticket. When she tells you what ID you got, type it into the first, longest text box on the calculator. Then turn off your DS and set your clock to 23:59. Return to the game world and draw another ticket when the clock hits 00:00, and then put that one into the same box as well, separating the two IDs by either a space or a comma and space. You need to repeat this process a minimum of three times (three almost always does the trick though). When you have all your IDs in place, put your TID in the box underneath, and then just ignore the "2000" in the bottom box (If I'm correct it changes the size of your search; 99% you won't need it though). Finally, press the available left button underneath, and your SID should pop up along with some random hex values and Japanese, but the SID is obvious to see. And that's basically that; like I said though I'm not sure if it works for the majority of Sinnoh games, apparently the guy who made the calculator tested it to that conclusion.

If that fails, try using your starter's IVs:

Chariblaze said:
From the lottery calculator, there's a link to a page that says something about calculating your secret ID with your starter's IVs. Since my Infernape is already at 100, I just used EV reducing berries, got its IVs, and got my Secret ID.

And if that fails, you'll have to resort to chaining:

Gary Walsh said:
So, for the chain method, set yourself up wherever you can use the PokéRadar and just chain until you find a shiny, that's most of the battle already … Once you encounter a shiny, catch it and find its IVs (I'd just catch the shinies and bring them to a Wi-Fi battle afterwards to save you a ton of grief, unless you have a few Rare Candy and access to the Metalkid/Marriland IV calculator, because you need exact IVs), and then on RNGreporter click the "Chain to SID" button on the clipboard. From there it's going to give you basically a list of several slots to record the shiny Pokémon you've chained. You don't have to necessarily do it 5 times exactly, but stay in the range of 4-8 Pokémon, you'll know when to stop when you've widdled down the possibility value enough (I'll explain the possibility thing in a second). Also, it needs to know the whole PID, so chain Pokémon that have genders, otherwise you can't ascertain the gender ratio that's required. You'll notice a "possibilities" tally at the bottom of the window, that shows you how many SIDs you could have with the information you put in. Ideally you want to get this number from 8192 to 1, in which case your SID will be displayed where the "possibilities" text was. A quick note, but if happen to be playing HGSS instead, you can also catch the Red Gyarados several times (that's how I confirmed it to work), recording its IVs and then resetting, to get your SID – the Gyarados is generated using the same algorithm as chained shinies in Sinnoh.

Hope this helps.

terrorblade said:
and set the date 110 days

There's your problem (probably). The game has a built-in system for resisting date advances of this nature. You won't be able to get a Bagon this way. Instead, you could try setting your clock at 23:59, followed by a boot of your game. Wait until 00:00, save, and repeat. Each one of these you do counts as a day.

Of course, that's very tedious, but it is a method. If you truly want a Bagon, why not trade with someone who has an egg (I have one, and I'm sure many others do, too)?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

terrorblade said:
how to catch a bagon in safari zone in soul silver?
i already place 9 forest obj and 19 peak obj
and set the date 110 days
but the only pokemon comes out are voltorb weepinbell and murkrow
i did not see at least one bagon
ive already spend almost 1 hour here
If you truly want one, PM me.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Yay! Thanks for everyone's help! I hatched a Shiny Miltank after finding my correct SID, which was the same all along!
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

What is the easiest way to get money in HG/SS other than battling the E4 and calling the gym Leaders and battling the rival 2x a week? Like in Platinum you had 3 gym leaders to battle once a day everyday and then an in-game traveler too. Is there any other way to get money faster? Thanks. It takes forever and I can only get around $300,000 at one time and that is roughly 100 potions or so. Meaning the ones like Hyper potion and up.:)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Question: Which move tutor in Pearl teaches Chansey Wish and Seismic Toss?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

In Pearl I don't think you can teach them that directly. You might have to breed those moves since D/P barely had any move tutors to teach moves. You might be able to in Platinum. I will check for you though.:) EDIT: The only Move Tutors in Pearl are the Elemental Beams and the Draco Meteor move Tutor. In Platinum none of the tutors teach those moves. You have to breed a Pokemon with 2 Pokemon with both moves to be able to pass them down to the bred Pokemon XD.:)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Thanks. BTW, for HGSS, make sure your lead is holding the Amulet Coin and either go after the ELite 4, sell stuff, or just wait to get battle calls. There really isn't anything else to do to my knowledge, E4 is definitely the best.
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