DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Seismic Toss is an Emerald move tutor. You can only get Wish on Chansey via a Nintendo event that was around in FRLG days.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Oh ok XD. Actually the E4 is not the best this time around. You get less pay unlike in the 4th gen where you got $84,000 or something like that XD. Not quite as high I have noticed XD. I have been selling stuff and transferring items but that takes like 3 hours because I have to do the underground in Platinum and that takes 90 minutes or so then it takes another hour just to transfer. The Pokethlon takes a lot of time just to get high points. See without the daily battles in HG/SS It takes forever to get money XD. Thanks though. If anyone else has any other ideas please post here. I don't have AR or I'd just use the money code XD.:)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Oh. :( Okay then, guess I'll have to use a different moveset. Thanks anyway.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

No you don't. Just get a Pokemon with Wish and another With Seismic toss. I think Machamp and Salamence will Work. or a Pokemon with both moves. Come to think of it I think Machamp can get both moves. Breed with a Blissey then the Happiny should have both moves. You need the Luck Incense to get Happiny. After that just evolve with max happiness then you can get a Chansey with Wish and Seismic Toss. I will double check but I think Machamp can get both moves. You might need to breed a Machop with Wish then I think the Machop can get Seismic Toss normally.:) EDIT2: Machamp cannot get Wish. I thought he could. Do you have a Salamence with wish and a Machamp with Seismic toss? If so try to breed those to see if that works to get both moves then evolve the bred Pokemon to breed with a Blissey. BTW it has to be a male or it will not work. I will check other Fight types to see it they can get both moves.:) EDIT 3: Got It. Breed a Machamp with a Togetic. Then use the evolution form of the bred Pokemon to breed with a Blissey. After that Your Happiny should have both moves.:)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

^But Chansey can't learn Wish by Egg Move... I found a different moveset on Smogon that involves Bold Nature, Natural Cure, and Aromatherapy, which Chansey already knows.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Wait. I have the event Wish Chansey but I am not sure how to get Seismic Toss onto it though. Unless there is a move Tutor in HG/SS.:) EDIT: Chansey can't Learn Seismic Toss either XD. I just checked the possible moves and egg moves. Seismic Toss does not exist for Chansey. I have a Chansey with Wish but the event is so rare even if it was in a giveaway. I still consider it to be rare because Chansey can't normally get Wish Legitimately so You can't get that moveset at all sadly. You can get Chansey with Wish but only by event. I have 2 of them and both are legit. They are not for trade because of their highly rarity. Even in a giveaway they are still considered rare in my book because no one here except me has one or even 2 legit XD.:)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

DNA said:
Seismic Toss is an Emerald move tutor. You can only get Wish on Chansey via a Nintendo event that was around in FRLG days.

Seismic Toss+Wish Chansey is not illegal. >_>

Read, xxashxx. You could have gotten it in Emerald back in the day.

dmaster out.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

I forgot it was a move Tuotor in Emerald. I have not played Emerald for like 3 years. Then the only possible way to get it is this: Have an event Wish Chansey on FR/LG then transfer it to Emerald if you have 2 GBA's or the Gameboy Player for the Cube. Teach it Seismic Toss on Emerald. Then clone it using the Emerald Glitch then Finally Migrate it to D/P/PL/HG/SS then transfer it to B/W if you have it XD. You have to do a lot of complicated stuff to get that moveset. It is ridiculous. If you can and feel like doing all that rigorous transfering then do it otherwise find someone with a Wish Chansey and FR/LG and Emerald 2 GBA's or the player for Gamecube to do it. It is a complete waste of time and money to do that moveset but it sounds like it can be done though.:)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Clone on Emerald so that way you don't have to go through the mess again to get the moveset. That is why I suggested it to be done that way LOLz.:)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations)

Does anyone know if we'll be able to use pokemon that aren't Unova pokemon in the future tournaments?I trained a few pokemon in my soulsilver and transfered them to white.I just hope all that effort wasn't a waste...
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations)

New VGC format has not been announced yet, so at this point in time just wait.
The answer's probably yes, but just wait.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Most likely yes. The reason the format is Unova only is to let new players get used to them easier and so veteran players don't run wild with Pokemon like Mewtwo and Kyogre. Another reason is because some players don't have access to the other generation games.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I think they should leave it at HG/SS/B/W because not everyone can get a hold of B/W yet or at all. I don't have B/W. The way they made it so you can't trade from 4th gen to 5th gen really bugs me because the 4th gen Pokemon and previous can be traded back and forth between HG/SS and previous to Black and White. Rather than blocking all Pokemon from being traded all they had to do is block the 5th gen Pokemon from being traded and leave the rest open for trading between the games. After all it is the same kind of game. All they had to do is put a blocade code at the desk for Wi-Fi. Similar to how they blocked the Gresious Orb from being traded. That is all they had to do so we could have still traded between games. Se this is where the games kind of fail. They blocked trading on the new gen games which means all we do now is clone before we transfer XD.:)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I recently heard that Mewtwo in red/blue was actually super OP because of amnesia is that true?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

It was Super OP because of its massive stats and its wide movepool. Plus the fact that Psychic types dominated the first generation. If Amnesia was the reason, than every team would have had Snorlax as a Special wall.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

It was the fact that it had massive stats AND Amnesia. Since Amnesia boosted the Special stat by 2 stages (and since Special in RBY is the Attack and Defense stat for Special moves), using Amnesia is tantamount to increasing Sp. Attk and Sp. Def by 2 stages each, or 2 Calm Minds in a single move by modern standards.

RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I heard that in Gold and Silver (origonal GameBoy Color) after you caught the Red Garydos, and deafeated the Elite Four, there would be a Silver Garydos, and a Gold Garydos. Does anybody know if that's true?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

It isn't true. That's just a rumor. Shiny Gyarados are always red.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

What would be the best Gen 4 games to pick up? Cause I want to get at least one of the D/P/Pt games and HG/SS games.
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