DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

1. Yes, knocking out the Entei and defeating the E3 will let you respawn it with a new nature.

2. No, if you defeat the E4 without knocking out Raikou, it will not respawn.

3. Same thing with Latios, but it does have a set nature.

4. Yes, luck to get your nature, or RNG abuse.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

i dont know how to use RNG
and its hard to understand since im new in competitive battling
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

so if i KO latios and defeat E4 it will still have the same or new nature?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

...wait...Latias will regenerate as many times as possible, just so long as you defeat the Elite Four once? Or will it only regenerate one time only?

(Obviously if I catch it, I know it won't come back, but does it keep coming back if I don't catch it?)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Can someone explain to me the following things:

1) Base Stats
2) RNG'ing
3) Effort Points

RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

DNA said:
...wait...Latias will regenerate as many times as possible, just so long as you defeat the Elite Four once? Or will it only regenerate one time only?

(Obviously if I catch it, I know it won't come back, but does it keep coming back if I don't catch it?)
Er. I you don't catch it, but do knock it out, it will be regenerated after defeating the E4 once, for one time only (it then has a new nature and IVs. The process repeats itself; don't catch it, knock it out, defeat the E4).
Yoshidude10 said:
Can someone explain to me the following things:

1) Base Stats
2) RNG'ing
3) Effort Points


Those are some very broad topics:

Base Stats are the stats a Pokemon has with a neutral nature, 0 IVs, and 0 EVs at level 100 (I'm not entirely sure about this, but I think this is right).

RNGing refers to the process of abusing the game's pseudo-random number generator. When done correctly, you can control when you get shinies, good IVs, certain natures, etc.

Effort Points are small points earned after knocking out a Pokemon. I don't feel like explaining it in depth right now, so try reading this.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread


Ironically, the site is for Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Urgh...RNG'ing is so confusing...I give up.

Can someone explain Tiers to me? I want to know what they are and how a certain Pokemon can get into a tier.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Ubers are the Pokemon with great stats that completely pwn everyone. Basically the ones that are no fun unless you are the ones using them.

Overused are the strong Pokemon that aren't strong enough to be Uber. But they are used a lot, and what makes the game more competitive.

Underused are the ones that could be better than they actually are. For example, in Generation III everyone used Blaziken. But Infernape outclassed Blaziken with Mach Punch, and new counters came out for Blaziken that Infernape can handle.

Neverused are the Pokemon that have no use but taking up space in the Pokedex. 'Nuff said.

RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Okay, now I'm getting the hang of RNG'ing. So I'm starting out with hatching the shiny, and I've already caught the Pokemon and recorded the time, which was 192:41. Now I'm confused. What would the time be?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

^Not how long you have played the game. The actual time the DS has set in (for example, it is currently 1:11 PM)
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

How can I see it on the menu screen? Or do I have to record the time that I press on Platinum on the DS Menu?
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

I hope this is the right place for Mystery Dungeon questions. If not, please tell me where.

I am a Chimchar and my partner is Piplup. Are there any tips for the Graduation Exam Boss? I seriosuly need help with it. Also, where can I commonly find Revive Seeds? Thanks.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Okay, so the moment I hit Continue on the DS Screen, I record the time?

Also, if my Shiny Purugly's Possible IV's are 6-7/30-31/0-1/31/24-25/8-9, what IV's should I use to find my SID? Thanks!
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

@Yoshidude: If this is a Gen 4 game, just go onto the Wifi and arrange a lv100 battle with somebody. Bring the Purugly in. Then when you are 100% sure of its IVs (since only at lv100 is there no error margin), just turn off your DS/disconnect.

@Robot: Bring a few seeds like X-Eye Seed, and you will want to bring at least 6 Reviver Seeds. Get rid of Wigglytuff and Dugtrio immediately with the X-Eye Seeds, since they will do the most damage to you (Dugtrio knows Earth Power). After that, use every projectile attack in your arsenal. Start with the Pokemon your partner weakens already (if need be, just make it so that Piplup uses nothing but Bubblebeam; however you will need to use Flamethrower yourself to get rid of Croagunk due to Dry Skin), or whatever happens to be closer to you. Really, you need to take them as they come. You can pull it off at level 40, but the higher your level is the better.

Oh yeah, and this is coincidentally post #1337 in the topic.
/me shades
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

I'll be on Pokebeach chatroom all day today, so yeah.
RE: The 4th Generation Questions and Answers Thread

Thanks DNA. Yeah, my Partner is lv 43 and I'm 42. I'm going to try to train up to 45 though. Where could I find lots of Revive Seeds and X-Eye Seeds?

Also, one useful move I picked up from a Youtube walkthrough on this battle was to link Nasty Plot with Flamethrower so I can attack and raise my attack at the same time. Is that good? And how do you switch the attacks? I want it to preform Nasty Plot first but Flamethrower goes first instead.
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