DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Muddy68 said:
Ok, thanks. Does anyone have the times for night, morning, and afternoon in Pt?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

this is a bit irrelevant but i was jsut reading through here and i saw the questions about the times in "Pt", what does pt mean?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Sir Pikachu said:
this is a bit irrelevant but I was jsut reading through here and I saw the questions about the times in "Pt", what does pt mean?

It's an abbreviation for Platinum. Just like D/P = Diamond/Pearl. R/S/E = Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, FR/LG = FireRed/LeafGreen, etc., etc., etc.

dmaster out.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Ok, battle scenario here:
Bronzong uses Swagger on Snorlax and then Snorlax switches out. Does it keep the increased attack and lose the confusion?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Nope, whenever a pokemon physically is switched out of roared/whirlwinded out (Baton pass doesnt apply), the pokemon loses all extra things except for status conditions.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

How do you evolve an eyvee into an umbreon?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

And Vice Versa for Espeon. ( MAX Happiness During Daytime)

Hey does Synchronize affect the Gender of wild pokemon like it does their abilities?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

It only affects the nature , so you'll just need to be lucky for the gender.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

I got one.
I DO trade it(can get it easily: 6 memory cards on Gamecube with XD gale of darkness.)
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

hey guys! it has been awhile. too much ev training and breeding to visit the forum >_<

does anyone have a cacturne adamant that hasn't killed any pokemon?(base evs)
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Are a Pokemon EVs applied only when the Pokemon is Lv.100? For example:

I want to have an Infernape with
-Fake Out
-Stealth Rock
-Fire Blast
-Close Combat

So I breed a Chimchar with the nature I want and the move Fake Out, EV train it completely, then raise it to level 32 to evolve it into Infernape and learn Close Combat. Next I give him both TMs (Stealth Rock and Fire Blast).

If I use it in WiFi in PBR or the Battle Tower (where my Pokemon's level is raised to 50) will the EVs be applied?
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Yes it will. When you go into Battle Tower or a similar place, where the level is adjusted, full EVs will always be applied.

EVs of the Pokemon are gradually distributed over its level-up growths, and by the time it's level 100, it will be guaranteed to have all of its EV boosts (although it's very likely that all the EV boosts will be given before then).
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

killrdarkness said:
what is pokesav and how do you use it? can someone please answer.

Pokesav is basically a game save editor for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (And Plat). It lets you edit pokemon and anything about your game really.

There are tutorials on youtube on how to use it.

Here is more in depth too. ^^
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

killrdarkness said:
what is pokesav and how do you use it? can someone please answer.

Generally, though, it's never used to edit anything, but to actually create Pokemon (Albeit you have to replace one (Technically edit, haha)) for use in online play, or even in-game play, if that's how you roll.

But yeah, that link DA gave you should explain quite a lot about the program.
RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread

Is it possible to transfer the members card from one DS to another?
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