DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Pokes who are put in the day-care don't gain EV points while leveling up there, right? But what happens if I put a poke there with another one and equip one of them with a Power item? Would it gain EV points while it passes the specific IV along, or not?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

EVs are not gained in the daycare nor through breeding (they didn't gain exp from battling after all). Breeding when one parent is holding a Power item guarantees that that IV will be passed down. For example, if one Pokemon is holding the Power Weight (HP), the holder's HP IV will be passed down. If both parents are holding two different Power items, one of the stats will randomly be chosen and passed down.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Is there any good way to train for the E4/Red in HG/SS without getting a gym leader's number and battling them over and over?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Simple. Battle everyone. Don't let anyone go unbattled.

(get ALL the exp!)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

ISB said:
Simple. Battle everyone. Don't let anyone go unbattled.

(get ALL the exp!)

I've already battled everyone >_>
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Tyrant Tyranitar said:
Is there any good way to train for the E4/Red in HG/SS without getting a gym leader's number and battling them over and over?
Having played HGSS for quite a while now I can say the following. There are a few methods:

~Battle your rival on Mondays and Wednesdays (once per day)
~Re-battle the Elite Four
~Re-battle Gym Leaders

and that's it; sorry
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Actually here is a cheap way to do this for HG/SS.

It requires the following:

2 DS's and Platinum.

Transfer the Pokemon you want to level up to Platinum, battle the Gym Leaders once a day in the battle room until they are level 100. This means 1 Pokemon a week. I can do a whole team in 6 weeks and they are all ready for the E4 in HG/SS. Then transfer them all back to HG/SS and walla you can pound the E4 in minutes.

or you can do this:

Have someone trade you 6 Pokemon over Wi-Fi that are strong enough to pound the E4.

or you can do this. Have someone clone 6 of your Pokemon that are almost ready for battle and level them up.

Those are 3 cheap ways to pound the E4 in HG/SS and Red.:)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

The problem with your post is that those are ways to train in Platinum, and he didn't ask that. Most people do not have a second DS.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Dude. I meant for him to do the leveling up in Platinum THEN transfer back. That's what I did when my other DS was working. I actually cheated the E$ anyway because I had my exact Diamond team cloned for all the versions I have. If I get SS or B/W I plan to do the exact same thing. It is cheap but it works and I get done quicker too. I know what to do to get it done the fast way. It may not be good for everyone but if he wants to do it quickly I recommend he take my advice and do it if he car to avoid doing it the long hard way. HG/SS is actually a pain in some areas of the game like getting the coins in the game in the Game Corner. That is so annoying XD.:)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I do have a second DS and Platinum, but I restarted Platinum and I haven't really been playing it (nor have beaten the E4)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

ISB said:
EVs are not gained in the daycare nor through breeding (they didn't gain exp from battling after all). Breeding when one parent is holding a Power item guarantees that that IV will be passed down. For example, if one Pokemon is holding the Power Weight (HP), the holder's HP IV will be passed down. If both parents are holding two different Power items, one of the stats will randomly be chosen and passed down.

But if both parents hold different Power items, why can't both characteristics be passed to the scions? It doesn't collide cos they are not equipped with both items..
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

I know it doesn't collide, but that isn't how the science of the mechanism works. If both parents are holding Power Items, all you really accomplish is 1 of the IVs being passed down, and the other one not being passed down:
For example, if a parent is holding the Power Anklet, the baby will inherit a Speed IV from that parent, and it will also inherit two other different IVs from its parents, for example, Attack and Special Defense. As another example, if one parent holds a Power Anklet and the other parent holds a Power Weight, the baby will inherit either a Speed IV from the first parent or an HP IV from the second parent, and it will also inherit two different IVs from its parents other than Speed or HP.

That's basically how it works. However if you're really into breeding, retaining nature is more important than retaining IVs, so Everstone + 1 Power Item works nicely.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

DNA said:
I know it doesn't collide, but that isn't how the science of the mechanism works. If both parents are holding Power Items, all you really accomplish is 1 of the IVs being passed down, and the other one not being passed down:

That's basically how it works. However if you're really into breeding, retaining nature is more important than retaining IVs, so Everstone + 1 Power Item works nicely.

I see. ty very much! And that's exactly the way of breeding that i'm aiming to, but you 've just forgot to mention all these + egg-moves passing ;)

When I look at drafts for a WI-FI pokemon set and construction I can see that the EV devotion spreads between either ATK/SATK [maxed] + SPEED [maxed] + NVM or ATK/SATK [maxed] + HP [maxed] + NVM my Q is:

Why do most of the players prefer to invest their EV points at HP instead of dividing them onto the two DEFs, or just straight all at one of these? Ignore the BP execuse, which is true only for the DS players. I personally have a sort of hatred to invest these points at HP, so I prefer to divide them between the two defs [I'm a DS player, and currently, I can afford two Power items]
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Egg moves aren't part of breeding for stats, hence why I didn't mention them :p

I actually did decide to invest EVs into a certain Pokemon (not naming which) equally into both Defenses, and now I regret it. Now I know why the leftovers tend to go in HP.

Why? Here's why:

If you invest them into HP, you don't need to try and leave it up to chance on whether your Pokemon gets hit with a physical attack or a special one. Dumping them into HP does cover both of your bases evenly without sacrificing too much. It's mostly a safety factor. 80 EVs in HP go a much longer way than 40 in each defense.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

DNA said:
Egg moves aren't part of breeding for stats, hence why I didn't mention them :p

I actually did decide to invest EVs into a certain Pokemon (not naming which) equally into both Defenses, and now I regret it. Now I know why the leftovers tend to go in HP.

Why? Here's why:

If you invest them into HP, you don't need to try and leave it up to chance on whether your Pokemon gets hit with a physical attack or a special one. Dumping them into HP does cover both of your bases evenly without sacrificing too much. It's mostly a safety factor. 80 EVs in HP go a much longer way than 40 in each defense.

The thing with the Leftovers I can understand, but you know that it's still 1/16 from the maximum anyways so about that i doesn't really matter cos the equipper might gain more HP every turn, but the length from the FULL HP sum will still be further.. I might give it a try anyways.

Which move among these will harm the Rival's physical attack in a worse way - Charm or WOW?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

SheKnowsBest said:
The thing with the Leftovers I can understand, but you know that it's still 1/16 from the maximum anyways so about that i doesn't really matter cos the equipper might gain more HP every turn, but the length from the FULL HP sum will still be further.. I might give it a try anyways.

Which move among these will harm the Rival's physical attack in a worse way - Charm or WOW?

DEFINITELY WoW. It lasts off the switch, does damage every turn, and affects special attackers too, but only with damage.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

The thing with the Leftovers I can understand, but you know that it's still 1/16 from the maximum anyways
I wasn't talking about the item. I was talking about the leftover EVs. (Notice that I didn't capitalize the word 'leftovers'.)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Hatman said:
DEFINITELY WoW. It lasts off the switch, does damage every turn, and affects special attackers too, but only with damage.

I mean aside from the additional effects like the damage inflicted from the burn, just the thing with the ATK. How does it affect the rival's SATK, or now you're talking 'bout the damage inflicted?

DNA said:
I wasn't talking about the item. I was talking about the leftover EVs. (Notice that I didn't capitalize the word 'leftovers'.)

What do you mean then?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Charm gives the opponent -2 attack from whatever they had before. So, if they had nothing that effects their attack before you used Charm, they will have -2, or half of their normal attack. If they had -2 attack, they will have -4 attack, or a third of their normal attack. -6 attack is a quarter of their normal attack, and it stops there.

Will o' Wisp cuts the opponent's current attack in half, regardless of current stat changes. It also takes out 1/12th of their health at the end of every single turn. Since Will o' Wisp deals damage as well as an attack drop, that's why it is also useful on Sp. Attackers even though it doesn't actually lower Sp. Atk. Also, whenever the opponent switches in they will have the effect of burn applied, so they will always have half of their attack for the duration of the game.

I'll list Pros and Cons for each to see which you think will help more:

Can be used three times on a Pokemon with +0 attack, going down to a quarter of their normal attack
100% accuracy
Can be used with another status condition
Affects all Pokemon types
All effects are removed when the opponent switches out (this is huge)
Doesn't work on Pokemon with Clear Body or Hyper Cutter abilities
Doesn't do anything other than lower attack
Therefore, it is useless on any Pokemon with special attacks
Will o' Wisp
Will always cut opponent's attack in half regardless of current stat modifiers
Isn't negated when the opponent switches out (this is huge)
Deals damage, so its better on physical attackers and does something to special attackers
Affects Pokemon regardless of ability
Activates Guts, Marvel Scale, and Tangled Feet Quick Feet on an opponent
75% accuracy
Cannot be used with another status condition
Can only be used once per enemy Pokemon
Doesn't affect Fire types

Generally, unless your team is heavily reliant on Toxic, Toxic Spikes, or Thunder Wave, Will o' Wisp is the better choice because of how it can't be negated by switching (in competitive battling, people switch a lot). However, there are a few advantages of Charm that are useful knowing.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

^Tangled Feet only works in Confusion.
Another Pro for you: WoW is learned by a wider number of Pokemon than Charm.
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