DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Right, I meant Quick Feet. I'll fix that.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

What do you mean then?
I mean that if you have any leftover EVs, it's usually better to dump them all into HP than to try and evenly dump them into both Defenses. You cover your bases more that way.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Dark Void said:
Charm gives the opponent -2 attack from whatever they had before. So, if they had nothing that effects their attack before you used Charm, they will have -2, or half of their normal attack. If they had -2 attack, they will have -4 attack, or a third of their normal attack. -6 attack is a quarter of their normal attack, and it stops there.

Will o' Wisp cuts the opponent's current attack in half, regardless of current stat changes. It also takes out 1/12th of their health at the end of every single turn. Since Will o' Wisp deals damage as well as an attack drop, that's why it is also useful on Sp. Attackers even though it doesn't actually lower Sp. Atk. Also, whenever the opponent switches in they will have the effect of burn applied, so they will always have half of their attack for the duration of the game.

I'll list Pros and Cons for each to see which you think will help more:

Can be used three times on a Pokemon with +0 attack, going down to a quarter of their normal attack
100% accuracy
Can be used with another status condition
Affects all Pokemon types
All effects are removed when the opponent switches out (this is huge)
Doesn't work on Pokemon with Clear Body or Hyper Cutter abilities
Doesn't do anything other than lower attack
Therefore, it is useless on any Pokemon with special attacks
Will o' Wisp
Will always cut opponent's attack in half regardless of current stat modifiers
Isn't negated when the opponent switches out (this is huge)
Deals damage, so its better on physical attackers and does something to special attackers
Affects Pokemon regardless of ability
Activates Guts, Marvel Scale, and Tangled Feet Quick Feet on an opponent
75% accuracy
Cannot be used with another status condition
Can only be used once per enemy Pokemon
Doesn't affect Fire types

Generally, unless your team is heavily reliant on Toxic, Toxic Spikes, or Thunder Wave, Will o' Wisp is the better choice because of how it can't be negated by switching (in competitive battling, people switch a lot). However, there are a few advantages of Charm that are useful knowing.

It's a very helpful summary of these moves, thx! I'll rethink of the fourth move for my Gardevoir. My last gardevoir had the following set:

Destiny Bond

Timid nature

I'm about to prepare a new one, and maybe i'll give it WOW instead.

Arcavine185 said:
^Tangled Feet only works in Confusion.
Another Pro for you: WoW is learned by a wider number of Pokemon than Charm.

DNA said:
I mean that if you have any leftover EVs, it's usually better to dump them all into HP than to try and evenly dump them into both Defenses. You cover your bases more that way.

Thank you guys too. I've tried to train 1 poke by now with focusing on its HP, and i'm really not complaining about the results :)

It's a Lgednaries-Hunter Alakazam with 31 IV at HP, Timid nature, and the EV points were divided to Speed and Hp. I equipped it with this set:

[Item: Twistedspoon]

Thunder Wave

On the first turn I paralyze my rival, and then I land a Psychic on it. Then, if it uses undamaging moves like Reflect and Agility for example, I encore it, and then I get free turns to try and capture it [and if not, I just try to disable the last damaging moves]. The Alakazam has the Sync ability so it encourages the future captured poke to be in that nature and it's cool.

Anyways, another qs...

If I equip a Sync poke with the Flame Orb, when it becomes burnt, will the opponet be burnt too? Or it must be caused directly from the opponet's moves if I want it to be burnt?

I have some active POKERUS pokes, and I tried today to spread it out to some healthy pokes to send it away to a friend of mine. I've been walking for a decent time with an infected poke, and it didn't work. I thought maybe its illness is wrong, so I took another one that had been inflicted by the virus before it, and it still didn't pass on. Why is this? I also tried to do it outdoors the cities, in the open routes..
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

SheKnowsBest said:
If I equip a Sync poke with the Flame Orb, when it becomes burnt, will the opponet be burnt too? Or it must be caused directly from the opponet's moves if I want it to be burnt?

I have some active POKERUS pokes, and I tried today to spread it out to some healthy pokes to send it away to a friend of mine. I've been walking for a decent time with an infected poke, and it didn't work. I thought maybe its illness is wrong, so I took another one that had been inflicted by the virus before it, and it still didn't pass on. Why is this? I also tried to do it outdoors the cities, in the open routes..

1) the status condition needs to come directly from the opposing Pokemon

2) PokeRus gets spread randomly when just walking around, but healing your team at a Pokemon Center seems to spread the virus more often than just walking
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Actually, I'm pretty sure Pokerus gets spread when you go into a battle. There's a 1/3 chance it will spread to other members of the party after each battle, iirc.
I'm not sure of the exact number; it might be lower. But battling does spread it around.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

How would I be able to get Pokerus in SoulSilver/HeartGold? Is there any method to catch Pokerus?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

No specific method. Some older guides might tell you to battle wild Pokemon on a certain route. But to my knowledge, this doesn't affect the odds. By a vastly amount of farness, the best way to catch Pokerus is to trade for a Pokemon with it.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

You can get Pokerus normally by battling a wild Pokemon and hoping for the best. HOWEVER, the odds of getting it that way are 3 in 65536 (just over twice as rare as finding a shiny Pokemon, which is 8 in 65536), and there's no way to tell if a Pokemon has it, so a lot of it is luck. For some odd reason though I've found it was somewhat easy for me to get Pokerus in HGSS but I think that was just me.

I can trade you something with Pokerus if you want (just drop me a PM if you're interested).
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

ISB said:
1) the status condition needs to come directly from the opposing Pokemon

2) PokeRus gets spread randomly when just walking around, but healing your team at a Pokemon Center seems to spread the virus more often than just walking

DNA said:
Actually, I'm pretty sure Pokerus gets spread when you go into a battle. There's a 1/3 chance it will spread to other members of the party after each battle, iirc.
I'm not sure of the exact number; it might be lower. But battling does spread it around.

Batteling with whom? The one who has it?
Thx guys.

Listen guys, here's my Eevee [that soon will become a Flareon for a NU team]. Its frame and set:

[Adamant/31IV for ATK/its average of IVs spread is RELATIVELY SUPERIOR/252 pts for ATK, 252 for HP, 4 for SPEED]

Quick Attack
Fake Tears

Actually the very first plan for its final set had been Fire Fang, Quick Attack, Charm/Yawn, and maybe Superpower
Now since it has also inherited Fake Tears via the breeding, i'm considering giving it to it as an additional move instead of some others..? The thing is that I don't know who will be included in this party aside from Vileplume. Anyways, I want some help with it. Since it's Eevee now, I can recover its Baton Pass and maybe use it for its Final set, or even choose Flareon's Scary Face instead of another move?

Fire Fang and Q. Attack - I want them both to be a part of his set for sure, about the others I need your help! The options are:

Charm, Yawn, Superpower, Baton Pass, Fake Tears, Last Resort
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Have the Pokemon with Pokerus in your party. Then just battle with anybody (not just the Pokerus user). It will have a chance of spreading.

Flareon has such a terribly small movepool that the only reasonable movepool it can use is Flame Charge/Return/Superpower/Yawn >_<
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

DNA said:
Have the Pokemon with Pokerus in your party. Then just battle with anybody (not just the Pokerus user). It will have a chance of spreading.

Flareon has such a terribly small movepool that the only reasonable movepool it can use is Flame Charge/Return/Superpower/Yawn >_<

This post is written in the 'past generations' sub-forum, means that i'm not going to play it in B/W..
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Oh, right. In that case, just replace "Flame Charge" with "Fire Fang".
(Not much has changed)
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

DNA said:
Oh, right. In that case, just replace "Flame Charge" with "Fire Fang".
(Not much has changed)

Why using Return? It can't do a neutral damage to the types that Flareon's stab is weak against.
Any other advices please..?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Because barring Superpower, Return is Flareon's strongest move.


His movepool is just that terrible.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

DNA said:
Because barring Superpower, Return is Flareon's strongest move.


His movepool is just that terrible.

That's why I thought of giving it non-damaging moves like FAKE TEARS and so on. Aren't these good poissibilities?

If i'd like to make a moves-passer Smeargle, which way is the best for tutoring it the wished moves?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

Not only are stat lowering moves in general awful, stat-lowering moves that lower a stat that you can't even make use of unless you switch out are useless. Basically, if you want to run Flareon competitively, don't. Not even in NU. Its that bad.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

That's why I thought of giving it non-damaging moves like FAKE TEARS and so on. Aren't these good poissibilities?
1) You can switch out of Fake Tears
2) Flareon's special movepool is virtually non-existent

As for Smeargle?

Go into a place where you can fight Double Battles against trainers - in DPPt you can go to Valor Restaurant; in HGSS I believe there are some trainers that will rematch you. Send out Smeargle, and have (as a partner) a Pokemon with a move you want Smeargle to learn. Make sure the partner is faster, if possible.
Have the partner use that move, then use Sketch and target that Pokemon.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

With toxic+leech seed in Gen 1, if you get rid of poison does the leech seed go back to normal damage? Also if you switch out and it becomes normal poison?
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

As to the first one, I think it does, though I don't know; I'd need to test it.
As to the second one, switching reduces it to normal poison, yes.
RE: The Questions and Answers Thread (All generations, excluding 5th)

DNA said:
1) You can switch out of Fake Tears
2) Flareon's special movepool is virtually non-existent

As for Smeargle?

Go into a place where you can fight Double Battles against trainers - in DPPt you can go to Valor Restaurant; in HGSS I believe there are some trainers that will rematch you. Send out Smeargle, and have (as a partner) a Pokemon with a move you want Smeargle to learn. Make sure the partner is faster, if possible.
Have the partner use that move, then use Sketch and target that Pokemon.

If I copy a move or more by Smeargle in a Double Battle at the Battle Tower, will it be remained afterwards?
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