DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Batman said:
Lvl 2 Ambipom, is it possible without hacking? LMK

I would believe it would be - all Aipom needs to do to evolve is have Double Hit and level up once. So, if one was to breed to get an Aipom with Double Hit (at Level 1), then all he/she would have to do is level it up once (to Level 2) and it would evolve. However, I'm not entirely sure an Aipom can have Double Hit coming straight from the egg, but it's highly possible.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Oh, i never bothered to get an aipom because they are quite weak in the OU metagame
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Like I said in your separate thread, both parents need to know the move in order to pass it to the baby, if the baby learns the move via level-up. So yeah, it's possible to get a Lv.2 Ambipom without hacking.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Well that was the problem then. Cause I just assumed it was the male that needed to know to pass it down through the breeding process. Now I need to go lvl my female aipom.

P.S. With platinum coming out he can cover a lot of super effective.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Paladin of Arceus said:
Rotom only appears in the TV between about 12 am to about 1 am; it's a relatively short window.

Dude, I caught mine at 8 p.m. what the fudge are you talking about?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

mmmm. Fudge...

yeah I have a huge question.
I need to know everything about Iv's and Ev training. I dont know what Iv's are. and I need to know exactly how to Ev train. plus anything else anyone can tell me. I apoligize but I am new to Iv's ands Ev's:rolleyes:
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Doc Savage said:
mmmm. Fudge...

yeah I have a huge question.
I need to know everything about Iv's and Ev training. I don't know what Iv's are. and I need to know exactly how to Ev train. plus anything else anyone can tell me. I apoligize but I am new to Iv's ands Ev's:rolleyes:

Be sure to check the Guide/FAQ Index before asking things like this. :)

Myles' Guide to IVs and EVs (and other aspects) can be found here. This will answer your questions.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

oh, found it. my bad:D

yeah, and whats the deal with the wooden croagunk in the pokemart? what do you do with it?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

I'd like to make a comment ( I'm not mini-modding...)
You know, if you don't know the answer to a question, or not sure, BEST you not answer it in the first place.
Seriously, it's annoying getting five different answers.
(BTW, there's nothing too game breaking with that croagunk)
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

This is nooby, but is there a move that lowers the opponets sp deff by 2 levels? If not, is there on that lowers it by one?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Seed Flare also has a chance (40%) to lower Special Defense by two levels.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Xous said:
Seed Flare also has a chance (40%) to lower Special Defense by two levels.

80% with the Sky Forme.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

I have a question i did not see in the ev's/iv's guide, do wild pokemon you catch already have ev's? or are they a fresh slate to start on?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

They start with zero EV's.
Though you should probably breed for Pokemon with good IV's instead of catching them in the wild.
Unless you're chaining for competitive shines or SR for legendary.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Rivallz said:
They start with zero EV's.
Though you should probably breed for Pokemon with good IV's instead of catching them in the wild.
Unless you're chaining for competitive shines or SR for legendary.

see. I read the sticky thread about the ev's/iv's, and I still dont understand a few things, like, what are the Iv's used for? I dont understand what purpose they serve.

and also im not sure at all how to start "breeding for iv's" or why i shouldnt use pokemon caught in the wild, because I got a Banette in the wild with a mild nature, thats pretty much dead-on

It's all kind of confusing, even for me. It'd be great if there was a step 1-step 2-step 3 tutorial to get started
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Individual Values (IV) are the game's way of making Pokémon 'unique'. In any given stat, the IV can run anywhere from 0 to 31, and all that does is add that many points to the total of the stat, so (normally) the higher the IV, the better. Some movesets will require certain IVs such as 0 Speed or something.

Hidden Power is also calculated this way, so if you're planning on using Hidden Power, it's important to know your IVs.

IV Breeding is a bit more complicated.

When you breed something, 3 IVs will get passed to the egg. One from the Father, one from the Mother, and one random from either side. The basic idea is to get something with 31 (or whatever you need) and breed until you get what you want.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

Can you egg teach a Mr. Mime mean look and perish song?
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

zorak3160 said:
Can you egg teach a Mr. Mime mean look and perish song?

No, you cannot. Mr. Mime's egg moves are Future Sight, Teeter Dance, Hypnosis, Mimic, Psych Up, Fake Out, Trick, Confuse Ray, and Wake-up Slap.
RE: The D/P Questions and Answers Thread

say you're in a double battle, your pokemon are mr mime and some other one. Say the other pokemon falls asleep, could Mr.Mime use wake-up slap on your other pokemon to wake it up?:p

Also, I caught Giratina using a timer ball on the 2nd turn, is this win?
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