The Signature and Avatar Questions Thread

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Fine in height, but sideways... Put the ILL BE WATCHING on a new line (the line where the -_- and the 0_o is.
Length-wise, it's fine. You'll have to put your images side by side if you want it to meet our forums rules. Or, you could remove one of the images.
Geez, I really don't understand why you guys can't measure it by yourselves... To check the dimensions of a picture, right click, go to properties, then you should see the dimensions or height and width.
Señor Noobnerd said:
Geez, I really don't understand why you guys can't measure it by yourselves... To check the dimensions of a picture, right click, go to properties, then you should see the dimensions or height and width.

Well, I think they think it is safer to ask the mods. Just like when you ask your teacher about your homeworks & stuff. For example, Maths;
"Student: Teacher, is this correct?"
"Teacher: Yes, correct..."
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Señor Noobnerd said:
Geez, I really don't understand why you guys can't measure it by yourselves... To check the dimensions of a picture, right click, go to properties, then you should see the dimensions or height and width.

Well, I think they think it is safer to ask the mods. Just like when you ask your teacher about your homeworks & stuff. For example, Maths;
"Student: Teacher, is this correct?"
"Teacher: Yes, correct..."
Lol, safety precautions? I understand now. Bulbasaur45, I told you to put it to the next line...
Blazing_Konkey: Your signature is debatably violent. It's a tough call, though, since it's just a cartoon.

Magicmew: Your signature appears to be slightly big, but it's hard to say if it's too big. I think it's fine as it is. Although, removing one line of text would make it better.
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