BW/BW2 The Silver Chevalier! WinterChevalier and SilverWolverine's trading mall!

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RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

@Osha... I'm sorry I'm confused, did I choose what yet? I asked about the petilil if thats what you meant. If not, I'm still up for the Deoxys, Giratina and Arceus (and maybe the petilil too, depending on the nature and level of the petilil).
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

Sorry I didn't see the edit >.> I will update this as soon as I can :D
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

@Osha, update what? Can you not get the info on the petilil yet? (Sorry if I seem impatient, I'm just a bit confused by what you mean)

Also, if you could list 5 of those 15+ things you asked for (5 you really want) let me know
And wait, I just noticed, you want all my b/w shinies, and you expected me to trade you all of them? really? (or did I just misread/interpret two or three posts?)
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

Update that post with the info cause I am in the WI-fi room trading with ZoruaSnivyluver

It is UT Lv. 14 Bashful and is FEmale and has Own tempo

Let me ask you this do you want any shiny B/W Pokemon that I haven't listed in my thread or above? Cause I can get as many B/W shinys as you want cuase my friend has tons of Shinys he is giving me for my B-day :D
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

@silver just let me know he ur ready and if u want a giritina,deoxys,and arceus I can trade u them as well cuz OSHA(don't care about name) is really confusing
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

@Darkrai I can do it later tonight (I'm doing other stuff now)

@Oshawott Well, its not the best nature, but it's certainly workable, so I'll take it.
As for other B/W shinies... I can't think of any I really want now, but if I do I'll let you know
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

Okay that's cool PM me when ready
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

No one wants to trade with me? >___> lol

And also, Silver, I'm interested in that new Cotonnee you put up from the Day Care ^_^
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

Yea sure Winter, I can breed you one, also yeah, haha, there are a lot of trades for me. You know I wonder why they just came now? I had a thread before?
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

SilverWolverine said:
Yea sure Winter, I can breed you one, also yeah, haha, there are a lot of trades for me. You know I wonder why they just came now? I had a thread before?
I was banned :(
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

@P99 ah, you were banned. Well, thats nice to know before trading
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

I was not banned because of trading. I was technically banned for breaking YPPY.

Also, are you interested in events? Or only shinies? I also have 2 perfect IV Shiny UT Japanese Terrakions.
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

Ah, well (I have no idea what Yppy is).

I'm not speaking for winter here, but I'm more interested in non-event and non-shinies with good natures, egg moves, or IVs (for breeding and training purposes). Shinies are more or less just for the stuff I really like (like surskit or litwick for example). Shiny legendaries (like your perfect Japanese Shiny Terrakions) are cool, but it all depends on what they are (the only shiny legendary I really want is Rayquaza).
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

I'd like the DW Eevee I can offer you either a Female Swift Swim Poliwag or a Female Drought Vulpix.
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

I can take the Female Swift Swim Poliwag. I can't guarantee that the Eevee will be female though, because the original female will be staying with me for breeding purposes.
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

SilverWolverine said:
Ah, well (I have no idea what Yppy is).

I'm not speaking for winter here, but I'm more interested in non-event and non-shinies with good natures, egg moves, or IVs (for breeding and training purposes). Shinies are more or less just for the stuff I really like (like surskit or litwick for example). Shiny legendaries (like your perfect Japanese Shiny Terrakions) are cool, but it all depends on what they are (the only shiny legendary I really want is Rayquaza).
Well, I'll look today and list all of these guys. Off my head I know I do have an UT Shiny Rayquaza, and an EV'ed shiny Mewtwo.

Yppy = You-Person-Person-You. It's a game corner rule.
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

A shiny rayquaza you say? I could do something for that. The mewtwo, not so much, sorry
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

WinterChevalier said:
I can take the Female Swift Swim Poliwag. I can't guarantee that the Eevee will be female though, because the original female will be staying with me for breeding purposes.

Sorry then it defeats my own purposes for breeding plus it's rather fair a female for a female.
RE: The Silver Chevalier: SilverWolverine and WinterChevalier's Poke-Mall!

Well, I'll breed Eevee's till I get a female then. But it'll take a while because I'm kinda busy right now because it's almost finals week at uni
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