RE: The Fifth Gen Questions and Answers Thread
On a scale of 1-10 where 1 = "catching a caterpie with a single pokéball on your first try" and 10 = "restarting over and over to get a shiny legendary" how futile is it for me to try and get a water stone from a dust cloud? I'd really like to make my Eevee a Vaporeon for the water Pokémon in my party, but if it's too much time, I might not even try bothering.
On a scale of 1-10 where 1 = "catching a caterpie with a single pokéball on your first try" and 10 = "restarting over and over to get a shiny legendary" how futile is it for me to try and get a water stone from a dust cloud? I'd really like to make my Eevee a Vaporeon for the water Pokémon in my party, but if it's too much time, I might not even try bothering.