The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

Tomorrow I'm going to the prerelease and will see Gliscor there.

Pretty much looking for DCE, pokemon prime and trainers and supporters.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

Again, I need Pokemanz Collectors D:
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

Shadowwiidragon said:
Tomorrow I'm going to the prerelease and will see no one i know on the beach there. D:
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

What is wrong with you? ^ It's not funny at all. :(

But mostly looking for Double Colorless Energy.
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Shadowwiidragon said:
What is wrong with you? ^ It's not funny at all. :(

thats what im doing.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

yeah, I wish my town had a pre-release, I spent a good amount of time going from shop to shop checking to see, one person asked me if pokemon was dead, lol, but even so waiting a good 12-13 day's won't hurt that much, and yes dce, dce, DCE!!!!! other then that a hypno for collection purpose's and... we'll see, i'm probably gonna trade away the rest to random people for more poke drawer's, and random salamence. cya

P.S. I'm more adamant about revived then hgss.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

my town city doesn't have one either, im driving to toronto. What good decks need dce anyway? (other than my bro's variant of jumpluff)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

sonicyellow said:
my town city doesn't have one either, im driving to toronto. What good decks need dce anyway? (other than my bro's variant of jumpluff)

Plox, Flygon, Garchomp C, Porygon-Z, Garchomp SV, Machamp SF... and the list goes on.

Also, why would he play Double Colorless in Jumpluff? :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

ah yes i forgot flygon... and i meant PL-on.

and i said variant. He uses butterfree (margarine) in his deck. its pretty good.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

sonicyellow said:
my town city doesn't have one either, im driving to toronto. What good decks need dce anyway? (other than my bro's variant of jumpluff)

Your other brother's Arceus deck, too :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

I'll see a few beachers this Sunday at my PR. Idk about jirachinick, if it wasn't for the "last online- sometime today" on his profile, I'd think he was dead. He hasn't been at league, hasn't posted or PM'd me in like 2 weeks... WTH... Anyways I'm veeeeeery excited for the prerelease. Good set, good cards, good trades, good fun and good... other stuff.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

Check This Out Please

After HG/SS, thinking of replacing Claydol with Ninetails... change to Fire NRG, and then maybe a Fisherman?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

boneclub24 said:
Your other brother's Arceus deck, too :p

no the jumpluff is my older brother burnpsy's and now my younger bro stopped using the sucky arceus and is using charizard with, guess what, ninetails and fisherman :O
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

So, good idea is good.

Esp. considering it'll outspeed a lot of decks w/o them :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

I think there going to keep on making old trainer's and slightly old pokemon cards for legends (hypno's atk from hgss is no different from fossil, they just changed the name of the atk, same hp to) but with legend idk if ninetails will be the new claydol ge for long, cause there just bringing out these very lethal cards like Entei & Raikou, they might make cards to counter balance or different card style's from our current meta game and give people a different perspective on deck building, who know's, we might be stuck with ninetail's and fisherman in sept, it's to hard to say. cya

P.S. my unlimited deck could use some dce considering that most of the atk's are at t1 (barely) to t2 at the moment, but that only go's so far, where dce would help out alot (with dce--> t1 80 dmg, w/o--> t2 80 dmg).
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

I was just saying Ninetails because in Raticate it could be so splash-able.

And could I see a link to your Unlimited deck?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

Sorry I haven't been active for awhile; I couldn't find the clans and clubs thread. If you don't believe me (it is true true, hard to believe or not) then *insert lame excuse here*.

I'm either going to run Gengar (with cursegar, Spiritomb and random techs), LuxChomp or Plox for States. I have all the cards for Gengar, I'm missing two for Luxchomp and I have everything for Plox. All of the decks have been amazing in testing, Luxchomp is about 50-50 with Cursegar and it owned Blazeray X-0. Gyarados is okay for it, if it gets a reasonable start it should have the game 80% of the time. Kingdra is a very good match. And that's as far as I've gotten so far. sPlox has a good matchup with about everything; Gengar is somewhat iffy, SP can be a bother if you don't play it right. I just started testing Cursegar and it's been really consistent and sooo much better than Mother Gengar. Cursegar makes Crobat almost un-needed and the attack is just what Gengar needed; it can do a lot of damage with Expert Belt and it doesn't get damaged against most decks if it doesn't want to. I've found Level Down to be amazingly useful, even against Luxchomp. No matter what I choose, I'm not going to be posting lists until after I'm sure I'm done with the deck for the rest of the season now that invites and huge points are at stake.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

I haven't made a deck list on pokebeach for it yet (since I usually change it up on a weekly to daily basis), currently i'm using mainly alakazam expedition and ambipom md with gengar sf for back support and tech, I play uber tech deck's so yeah, lol. I understand using ninetails as a back splash for getting more card's in your hand, but they might just do that with every element for the legends set's, i'm more curious about weather or not they'll change our current meta game. I haven't been this curious about a set in a long time (other then expedition and sf).

as some suggestion's (that I keep mentioning, I know) mismagius sf and drifblim sf, there good setup and disruption cards against sp and non-sp deck's , other then that good luck man. cya

P.S. sry about the thing in "fix my deck" I didn't know you were planing ahead so far, lol.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

I'm still playing Jumpluff. So far, all of my matchups have been very good. Some of it (about 60%) of my matchups were against FlyChamp, however, seeing it is what my meta really has. I do believe now that Prime Donphan is in, FlyChamp is going to die out. And the fact that FlyChamp seems to be moving towards the Master's meta, not the Senior's. I lost track of how many wins and losses I had with Jumpluff (I write it down on paper, but I accidentally threw it away) but I know I have a few losses. Another one that I tried is straight Flygon. I mean, just Flygon and a Nidoqueen tech. I only run 11 or so energy, with 4 DCE, 4 Call, 1 Upper, and some Fighting. It has a few wins and losses. My list is just horrible o_O. Ampharos is something I want to try out. It has some massive spreading, locks powers (PL Amphy), hurts Supporter users, and just pretty good. It's weaknesses is what is questioning me playing Ampharos. Donphan rips through the deck, and Nidoqueen would be a pain against the spread.

@Celebi: It's OK ;D
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *Check to see if you are on the inactive list!*

Wait why would you run fighting energy in straight flygon, wouldn't it be better to use psychic energy so nidoqueen could attack? Also do you run nidoqueen in Ampharos? That way you couldn't be blocked from using pokepowers too.
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