The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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CyndaquilMaster said:
You're going to NH States right? Becausse I'm going too and could've loaned you a shuppet, but if it's final then...
Hey, hey, hey. Accidents happen :p lOl. I would really appreciate it if you could give me Shuppet. All I could find was 1. And yes I'm going to NH states. Now I'm using Shuppet Donk, lol.
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Tomorrow is States in VA for Gliscor and I. Can't wait! And going try to find piplup234 there. :)
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Good luck to everybody on the team!

I'll post my results, hopefully with a report, tomorrow!

Ace: out.
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dragonpokemonpwn said:
Hey, hey, hey. Accidents happen :p lOl. I would really appreciate it if you could give me Shuppet. All I could find was 1. And yes I'm going to NH states. Now I'm using Shuppet Donk, lol.

Wait do you need me to loan you a shuppet still? Because I don't know who you are.
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I went to States today in New Hampshire today and did horribly with Flygon Donphan. I made I crucial misplay and ended up 3-2 in 11th place. I also met Zangoose there and couldn't find DragonPokemonPwn.
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I saw you, CM. Also how did Zangoose look like, CM. Also I didn't do any better than CM. I somehow lost my Donphan which was in my deck at the time I was about to leave and then it like just disappeared. That made me do horrible.
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I'm a fat kid with curly hair lol.I had a purple hood, purple dc's,purple headphones wearing family guy pajama's(Kinda hard to miss), also everyone calls me Nugget there. So yeah. Anyway I went 4-1 came in 6th and yeah check out my report.
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^^Yeah I saw you! I was playing next to you. Didn't you win something? I thought you did. I saw you going against Nick. Also I was laughing hard inside because you yelled out "judge!!!" so loud, lol.
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Well i have practice with my siblings lol. Uhm you were the guy with an annoying voice right? lol no offense. I came in 6th and got four packs. Sadface.
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^ Uhh, idk. How did the guy look like that you thought he had an annoying voice. Also I saw you recieving your packs. Also, the girl that won in Juniors must be real good.
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Just got back from Virginia. There were 6 rounds and I did horrible, I went 3-3. :( EPIC FAIL... Gliscor, did awesome today at States, he went 5-1 and so did piplup.
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Yeah, nick made it to T2 I had to leave after loosing to Jumperluffy in T4
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Disappeared again.

Wow you lost to Jumpluff. Who was Gliscor playing in top 2?
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Yeah... He was playing against jumpluff
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Jumpluff too??! Seems like a good deck and it got lucky, since there wasn't any BlazeRay there to KO it.
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Ugg, I went 4-2 playing BLG, I ended up in 15th.

My only two losses were to Gyrados. First loss, I didn't see a supporter until he had already taken five prizes, it was the worst it played all day. Second one was because both Luxray GL's, Luxray GL Lv.X and Azelf were prized, I still somehow managed to pull it down to 1-1 prizes though.

Funny story:

We had this guy come up from Georgia for SC States. After my first loss, I'm outside telling my friend what happened in the game, and the guy comes up and tells me "It's just because your deck is poorly built." about five seconds later, pairings went up and he gets paired up with me. He's playing PLOX, I go second: Start with two 'Chomp C's, one Blaziken FB, one fire energy, one Cyrus's, a Power Spray, and an E-Gain. Chomp C is active, I play Cyrus's grab an SP radar, Lightening, and (obviously) another Cyrus's, then I radar for a Lux and bench it, attach the fire to 'Chomp, and pass. He draws, throws his cards on the table, and passes. I draw (Power Spray) attach the E-Gain and Lightening to Lux, Cyrus for a fire, SP Radar (2 of 2), and another Cyrus. Radar for Lux X, retreat Garchomp, BL his Palkia G, and KO it. He draws for turn and folds. He then has the audacity to say to me, "You only won because you are lucky. We both know I'm better." I didn't say anything back, just signed my slip and walked away. He came in 34th place, he's clearly the better player.
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Owning cocky people must be so fun!
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Yeah, I played someone who was obviously new at my States playing some random grass deck. When I had a Spiritomb with 3 Damage on it and used Darkness Grace to evolve my Trapinch into Vibrava with a Flygon in my hand. He said that I made "One...Major....Mistake" in that tone and knocked out my Spiritomb with Turtwig. I then evolved into Flygon KO'd his Turtwig, next turn got Flygon X and Nidoqueen and completely murdered his grass pokemon. It wasn't that wonderful because he got really discouraged and said he wouldn't enter another tournament again.
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Meaty said:
Owning cocky people must be so fun!

lol, sorry if this troubles you Brawler but that's sort of your case. You are always saying you'll win, but then someone always beats you.

Anyways, I went 11-2 at States, getting first. With 35 Seniors, I went 5-1 before the top cut, and then went 2-1 with the first top cut game. Then I went 2-0 in the second top cut game, and 2-0 in the final game.
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