The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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@Lordy: Oof, tough tourney. Yeah, comes to show that Tangrowth isn't really the meta and doesn't too too well, despite how much it was hyped.

@Meaty: I know what you mean. Last season, I could go to Nats/Worlds, so I was stuck for the entire summer with no tourney.
@Ace Blade: Luxchomp, IMO, is the best SP variant out there. Luxape is good, but with the Infernape discard it isn't as consistant. Blazeray is better with faster speed and T1 disruption, but Jet Shoot can be a bit bad at times. Overall, Luxchomp just has the disruption, the speed, and power to do well.

@SWD: Hmm... PM me about it.
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@ gliscor: LOL yeah, but it works pretty well. I just made really stupid moves the games I lost.
the funny thing is that I'm thinking of switching to malicious fat man for regionals, which is even worse and gets more dominated by the format
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@Shuppet: I agree, BLG is good, but it get's sketchy. That's why I switched to LuxChomp. It's ridiculously consistent now, so I'm happy with it.

With ape, you can use DCE to discard just like 'Chomp so consistency is presented by running 2 to 3 DCE.
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dragonpokemonpwn said:
@SWD: Shuppet Donk or Jumpluff :D

Both are out of the idea. Our meta is dominant with Cursegar and Plox. Cursegar, with Mime/Tomb, would easily KO Shuppet. Same with Jumpluff.

@Aceblade: Shuppet? Who's Shuppet =P?
@ Lordy: I think Snorlax would do even worse than Tangrowth. It's only real good matchup is against Flygon, but with cards like Donphan and Machamp in Flygon, I don't think that's going to be doing so good either.
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Should I put Call energy in my Blazeray or Luxchomp deck? If so, how many and why? (I have 4) Also can I play LuxChomp with only 1 luxray x or should I just play blazeray if I can't get another one? Here's my plan: buy 5-6 rising rivals packs, and if I pull Luxray X I will play Luxchomp. Should I just play with one lux x and not spend the moeny? or should I stick to blazeray?
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Tomorrow is States in MD. Still don't know what to run.

Gliscor, are you still going to States tomorrow?

Shuppet is a maybe, if everyone switches from Cursegar to Gyarados. Since Gliscor won with it in VA.
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Just because someone wins with a deck doesn't mean it will be our meta. Anyways, you might want to play Cursegar. It locks Trainers, and with two Mime in play you can cripple Gyarados, Shuppet, and Jumpluff. At least, Gyarados playing around Cursegar is hard.

@faceplant: I'd say 2-3 Call Energy. Best idea for easy basics. For Luxray, I don't have much experience with it unfortunately. You might need to look somewhere else.
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I would say Plox, and not just because I play it... w/ the Azelf it really has only 1 bad match-up and thats gyra, but if you play 3 Wager it makes even that match-up easier....
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faceplant said:
Should I put Call energy in my Blazeray or Luxchomp deck? If so, how many and why? (I have 4) Also can I play LuxChomp with only 1 luxray x or should I just play blazeray if I can't get another one? Here's my plan: buy 5-6 rising rivals packs, and if I pull Luxray X I will play Luxchomp. Should I just play with one lux x and not spend the moeny? or should I stick to blazeray?

You CAN play LuxChomp with only one Lux X, but I wouldn't if I were you. If you have 1 Lux X, 1 'Chomp X, and 1 'Blaze X, you should go with BLG. If you want to see the list I used before, LMK.

piplup234 said:
I would say Plox, and not just because I play it... w/ the Azelf it really has only 1 bad match-up and thats gyra, but if you play 3 Wager it makes even that match-up easier...

I like PLOX, and I was going to play it, but it has consistency issues.

Two other things:
1st: Where did you get the room for the Wager's? Between the 2-2 Claydol, the 4 Call's and the 1-1-1 Azelf line, on top of the standard T/S/S base and the standard Pokemon lines for a stage 2 deck (4-2-3-1), it's a full deck.

2nd: Gyrados isn't that bad of a match-up, just use 'tomb to set up, then run in circles.
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I have the room... I play a 1-1 azelf... I got 4th in states w/ it and wagers helped in almost every game...
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AceBlade258 said:
I like PLOX, and I was going to play it, but it has consistency issues.

Yeah I noticed that too. When I was testing it sometimes got bad starts and never could recover. About 1 out of every 5 matches was an Azelf start and I couldn't draw the right energy. This inconsistency is probably caused by 1 of 3 reasons. 1) I have terrible luck (which I do). 2) Plox isn't as good with DCE as as DRE. 3) I ran a terrible list of Plox. Probably all 3 but mostly the last.
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@aceblade: Here's what I have- 3-1 Blaziken, 3-1 Luxray, 2-2 Chomp. BLG? or just Blazeray, cuz I don't think Chomp fits in there very good. I would love to see your list. Could I do Luxchomp with a 3-1 Luxray line?
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faceplant said:
@aceblade: Here's what I have- 3-1 Blaziken, 3-1 Luxray, 2-2 Chomp. BLG? or just Blazeray, cuz I don't think Chomp fits in there very good. I would love to see your list. Could I do Luxchomp with a 3-1 Luxray line?

Garchomp is only a tech. You only need 1-1 of him. For Luxray, it's best if you run 2-2 for more of his power, if you can get a second.
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Unless you're running Luxchomp...
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My Luxchomp lv. x line was:

2-2 Luxray
2-1 Garchy
2-1 Dialga

A strong dialga line wins so many matchups
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faceplant said:
@aceblade: Here's what I have- 3-1 Blaziken, 3-1 Luxray, 2-2 Chomp. BLG? or just Blazeray, cuz I don't think Chomp fits in there very good. I would love to see your list. Could I do Luxchomp with a 3-1 Luxray line?

Sorry it took so long:

2-1 Blaze FB X
2-1 Lux GL X
2-1 Chomp C X
1-1 Ninetails MT
1 Lucario GL
1 Bronzong G
1 Crobat G
2 Uxie
1 Uxie X
1 Azelf
1 Unown G
1 Chatot MD
1 Promocroak G

1 Aaron's
1 Palmers
2 Bebe's
2 Rosy's
2 Collector's
4 Cyrus's
3 Power Spray
2 SP Radar
4 Energy Gain
4 Poke Turn

4 Call's
2 Lightening
3 Fire

For the three missing Spaces, there are 2 ways to go depending on your meta. If it see's a lot of Donphan, Empoleon FB, and 2 waters is good. If it see's a lot of LuxChomp, Ambipom G, a Lightening and another DCE.

It can use some tweaking here and there, but I liked the way it played.

Good luck to everybody tomorrow (or rather, today) at States!!
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Should I do Luxchomp with Blaziken or Luxchomp with Dialga? Or just straight Luxchomp?
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Seth1789110 said:
Came back from states, with GG I placed 8th in top cut.

My report is coming in soon. I played Gyarados again, but I was donked out of top cut. >.<
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