The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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Scizor is... meh. Every deck in the format can play around its body, and its attack isn'tthat great. Kingdra is kinda cool, gonna test it after regionals
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Can someone tell me what we are talking about I have not really been on in a while for this. So I think that we are still talking about the new set amI right?

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Yeah, that's basically it. And Regionals. Deck Strategy, RL, Lost Link, things like that.

BTW, if Kingdra does get popular does anyone think that Blazeray or Luxape will come back? I mean, if you bench a single Blaziken/Infernape then Kingdra Prime would only be able to do a base of 20 damage, and with Lucario GL Luxray can one-shot Kingdra? Even with the LA one, your opponent could just bench the Blaziken/Infernape and Poke Turn whenever a lot of damage comes on it.
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So, i'm looking at the set for the first time,(I only look at the ones beach members are talking about :p) and here's my review:

Vileplume- Could be very good, but not by itself

Bellossom- Good once Nidoqueen's gone

Vespiquen/Berry/Unown P- I'll test the idea, but I don't see it being that good.

Kingdra Prime- A nice addition to kingdra decks. Not enough to make it tier 1 again.

T-Tar Prime- Cool card. If spread wasn't dead. Plus thefact yourdeck is gonna be inconsistant if you run dark pokemon only, or rely on getting manectric out. There's also garchomp C and nidoqueen in the format. This could be a contender, but it has some autolosses, and you have to build the deck well

These are pretty much the only cards I like in this set.
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Gliscor said:
Yeah, that's basically it. And Regionals. Deck Strategy, RL, Lost Link, things like that.

BTW, if Kingdra does get popular does anyone think that Blazeray or Luxape will come back? I mean, if you bench a single Blaziken/Infernape then Kingdra Prime would only be able to do a base of 20 damage, and with Lucario GL Luxray can one-shot Kingdra? Even with the LA one, your opponent could just bench the Blaziken/Infernape and Poke Turn whenever a lot of damage comes on it.

Since when have the deck been gone and no they won't come back kingdra will just be a tech not a main attacker I am looking at the set right now and I think that honch could be a new grya

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WailmerMan said:
So, i'm looking at the set for the first time,(I only look at the ones beach members are talking about :p) and here's my review:

Vileplume- Could be very good, but not by itself

Bellossom- Good once Nidoqueen's gone

Vespiquen/Berry/Unown P- I'll test the idea, but I don't see it being that good.

Kingdra Prime- A nice addition to kingdra decks. Not enough to make it tier 1 again.

T-Tar Prime- Cool card. If spread wasn't dead. Plus thefact yourdeck is gonna be inconsistant if you run dark pokemon only, or rely on getting manectric out. There's also garchomp C and nidoqueen in the format. This could be a contender, but it has some autolosses, and you have to build the deck well

These are pretty much the only cards I like in this set.
Run T-tar w/ Umbreon L2, that deck is fast and not inconsistent, I play it w/ spirit and sableye starters and it works well, Nidoqueen is a pain but then you just Megaton punch and start OHKOing things as T-tar doesn't care too much if cards are in discard. Also Sableye is good in it too, spread damage around and then Sableye kills everything. Umbreon beats LuxChomp if you play it right.
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Umbreon L2? Which Umbreon is that, and why would you play it? Whats the synergy?
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I think they mean the Umbreon from HSU. Basically its attack does 30 damage for one Darkness Energy, and prevents all effects of attack, including damage, done to Umbreon from any Pokemon with a Poke Power/Poke Body. I guess it might work, but Gyarados just laughs in its face.
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Gliscor said:
I think they mean the Umbreon from HSU. Basically its attack does 30 damage for one Darkness Energy, and prevents all effects of attack, including damage, done to Umbreon from any Pokemon with a Poke Power/Poke Body. I guess it might work, but Gyarados just laughs in its face.

Right, but honestly, how does it benefit Tyranitar?
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Seth1789110 said:
Right, but honestly, how does it benefit Tyranitar?
TBH I really don't know. All I see it is as a backup attacker for T-Tar, and that is it.
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Should I run 4 Energy Gain in Sableye Lock or 3 Energy Gain? Also, I run 2 Roseanne's and 2 Pokemon Collector, which should I run more of?
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Gliscor said:
TBH I really don't know. All I see it is as a backup attacker for T-Tar, and that is it.

Which is dumb, because if we are talking about T-tar prime, you can attack like T1 with it. If you add belt and 3 special darks and just use power claw, your at 180 HP hitting for 110 every single turn.
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Shadowwiidragon said:
Should I run 4 Energy Gain in Sableye Lock or 3 Energy Gain? Also, I run 2 Roseanne's and 2 Pokemon Collector, which should I run more of?

Well you do not need rosy becasue you have a cyrus but you do need 2 PKM coll and 3 gain 4 turn 4ssu

BTW if you want PM I can give you a little more advice

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It benefits T-tar by helping slow down certain decks and giving a good non spreading attacker, it improves a lot of matchups.
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Shadowwiidragon said:
Should I run 4 Energy Gain in Sableye Lock or 3 Energy Gain? Also, I run 2 Roseanne's and 2 Pokemon Collector, which should I run more of?

What is Sableye lock? I do know it has Cyrus, so Roseanne's I think you only need 2 or three of. Correct me if I'm totally wrong.
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So, like seth said, if your opponent powers up a T-Tar, how do you take him out with LuxChomp? What should you do for that matchup?
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lucario GL if you play the dialga tech. Toxicroak promo.
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faceplant said:
So, like seth said, if your opponent powers up a T-Tar, how do you take him out with LuxChomp? What should you do for that matchup?

TTar is uber slow. That is your oppening.
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shadoworganoid said:
TTar is uber slow. That is your oppening.

I'm talking about T-tar prime, you know, the one with three attacks? One of them which hits HUGE(which you should never use as it discards by your deck unless its kinda like a fore sure OHKO on a big attacker of your opponents). Power Claw thing(the middle attack) can do just a straight 110(3 SDE and a belt) every turn which OHKOs everything in Luxchomp but a Dialga tech if they run it. If they send up Toxicroak, they do a max of 130 to you, and then the next turn you free retreat with moonlight or a warp or something, and you just send up the next guy. You should be running queen to make it just an awfully good tank. Start the game with a candy+dark energy and just begin the spreading pain. You could add like Ampharos if you wanted, and just make sure Claydol is safe and sound, but thats an option. Idk. Its up to you, but T-Tar will make a really fun league deck, and a great BRs one.
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In a way it seems like a great deck, but in a way it doesn't. I dunno. Still conflicted, and right now I realy need to focus on DP-HGSS
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