The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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6-Dimension said:
What is Sableye lock? I do know it has Cyrus, so Roseanne's I think you only need 2 or three of. Correct me if I'm totally wrong.

You don't need any rosy and sableye lock is to try to donk and disprupt your oppanont ASAP if they get a claydol out kill it with garchomp if they put down uxie spray it
If they have a good hand Cyrus I it or let loose

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The new Magnezone Prime is interesting, and would be great if there was a card to get back energies from the lost zone to your pokemon, hand or deck. Also can you put a Lv.X card on a prime? I'd think so since for example Gengar Prime's name is still Gengar.
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Wow, TTar prime is worth using I suppose.

I definitely plan to try it out.
It can use DCE and the effects of Moonlight Stadium and Special Dark. Nice.

Wow, that Gengar Prime is so broken too.
And absol prime just got alittle worse with the "updated" translation. Grrrrr.
Lastly, Magnezone Prime looks really good.

It would seem that I could discard a DCE and hit for 100. Special Energy cant be recovered anyways so its no loss.

Meaty said:
The new Magnezone Prime is interesting, and would be great if there was a card to get back energies from the lost zone to your pokemon, hand or deck. Also can you put a Lv.X card on a prime? I'd think so since for example Gengar Prime's name is still Gengar.

Sorry for double post.

But yeah, you CAN Level up a Prime.

Gengar will be a royal pain.
ANd magnezone will be beast.
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shadoworganoid said:
Wow, TTar prime is worth using I suppose.

I definitely plan to try it out.
It can use DCE and the effects of Moonlight Stadium and Special Dark. Nice.

Wow, that Gengar Prime is so broken too.
And absol prime just got alittle worse with the "updated" translation. Grrrrr.
Lastly, Magnezone Prime looks really good.

It would seem that I could discard a DCE and hit for 100. Special Energy cant be recovered anyways so its no loss.

Sorry for double post.

But yeah, you CAN Level up a Prime.

Gengar will be a royal pain.
ANd magnezone will be beast.

Um no you can not level up into a prime that would be stupid and anyway prime is a prime x is an x no inbetweeen

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Tristan said:
Um no you can not level up into a prime that would be stupid and anyway prime is a prime x is an x no inbetweeen


Dude, yes you can. I remember reading it somewhere. Gengar Prime is still just "gengar". We call them primes or greats, but the word prime is NOT in the name. THerefore you can level it up.

EDIT: Here, I found it;
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shadoworganoid said:
Dude, yes you can. I remember reading it somewhere. Gengar Prime is still just "gengar". We call them primes or greats, but the word prime is NOT in the name. THerefore you can level it up.

EDIT: Here, I found it;
I still don't think that is right someone needs to ask Gym official.

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It's right. Lv. X cards say put this card on to your active "insert name of pokemon here". Since prime's only have the name of the pokemon, it works.
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Think about it this way. Look at Donphan Prime:

While people refer to Donphan as "Donphan Prime" it's official name is still Donphan, as you can see by the top right of the card and if you read the body (it says "Donphan", not "Donphan Prime".) In other words, people call it Donphan Prime but it's true name is still Donphan, thus it can be Leveled Up (if there was a Donphan Prime.)
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Magnezone will probably make another comeback. I'll probably run it, as I remember Magnezone was my first competitive deck that I ran at Spring BRs almost a year ago.
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I think w/ the damage counters thing on gengar, i'll be BDIF w/ the X
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

Mime Jr. seems a little broken for a baby Pokemon. With Lost World and Absol Lv. X, a Mime Jr. start is great. If you can get lucky Mime won't wake up and can't be damaged. Soon you'll have 2 Absols and a couple of Poketurns in your hand, plus an Absol Lv. X and 2-3 cards in your opponent's Lost Zone. And yeah, Absol just did get a lot worse with the new translation.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

shadoworganoid said:
TTar is uber slow. That is your oppening.
Yes T-tar is insanely slow but w/ Tomb a lot of decks all of sudden become slow too, especially if all they have is candy in there hands you'll get to stage two first and then spread, i am certain that it will be good...
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the new t-tar isn't slow
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Well for it to KO stuff, it takes a while..
I mean you spread, spread, spread etc.
Then you start just tanking w/ the second attack.
I think it has good speed if you play it for speed, mine is consistency so it is a bit slower but IMO better, my lines are
4-2-4 T-tar all HSU, all prime
2-2 Umbreon, MD-HSU
4 Tomb, PA
4 Sableye, SF
Yeah no claydol/draw power but w/sableye/spritomb idk need it, it runs fine, i also run some draw supporters(Copycat/POTN, can't decide which one and then 2 TGW)
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Yes T-tar is insanely slow but w/ Tomb a lot of decks all of sudden become slow too, especially if all they have is candy in there hands you'll get to stage two first and then spread, i am certain that it will be good...

No, I thought you were talking about the SF one.
The TTar Prime is awesome. Im going to try it out. Same with Magnezone.
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Oh, no SF is bad w/ all the Dialga G running around, pre-PL it was good but only for one set and then it died, magnezone seems fun.
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disappeared again...

Okay I'll go with Collector in the deck. Thanks!
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YOu could use Absol Prime with the Noctowl promo from HGSS. JUst a thought.
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Did you read the main page? They updated the Absol translations, you have to put a card from YOUR hand into the lost zone or it does nothing. It makes it a lot less broken and makes Absol a lot worse deck.
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^Yep, but I totally missed that! lol. I still think it's not that bad, with two Sp. Darks, you can put a Pokemon in the lost zone for 90. Not as good as we though it'd be, but I think it can still be used competitively.
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