The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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I still haven't received my POP Reward in the mail. Does anyone know why? I already complained to customer service on

Okay no energy for Ditto.
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The Legend said:
Ya, Gyarados will just destroy it and T-tar prime isn't to affective vs gyarados either. Is it?

It can sometimes work, if you can spread enough damage and kill Gyara's techs. Also w/ Megaton punch+E-belt you one shot Gyarados and at best Gyarados Two shots you, the key is to get tomb start and lock for a long enough period where you are setup too.
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I think that HGSS:U is way to over hyped, people's idea's are too slow... I actualy think that this:

piplup234 said:
I'm not sure what I'll run, probably an Umbry Espy build w/ MD and L2 1's. I have to test it though...
will work, try it, it works
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I think I might play BLG for Spring BR's, only cuz it beats almost all of the ideas so far.
And if you run Toxicroak G promo it beats your umby/espy thing, yes the L2 Umbry can be annoying but a simple bright look, Dragon Rush solves that problem w/ crobat g :p
It also Autowins vs. Kingdra Prime and can E-belted Toxi Promo OHKO's prime t-tar w/ or w/out belt if you can crobat it ;)
But of course it still loses to the decks that it falters against today which BTW almost no one in our area plays.
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Yeah, but It's mainly Espy, Cressy, Queen. Healing FTW, I might play leftovers =]
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Which Uxie LV.X one shots all of those :)
Granted you OHKO me right back....
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Not w/ belt and MD espy benched =P
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Imma be heading out for Regionals Saturday morning. Going to the VA Regionals, I would normally to go PA because I hear the competition is easier up there, but registration ends pretty early, and with a two hour drive I'd rather not. Yeah, but whatevs.
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Looks like scizor not gonna be in HGSSU. Sad. I think I'll skip PR's for this set, i only need a couple cards from it(T-tar Prime is iffy, I might just play BLG instead since kingdra was in set) and I'll definitely get the ERL and T/S/S but everything is bleh.
Lost Link+Scizor Prime is definitely gonna be the set to get, too bad nothing but the Primes/legends and the T/S/S were good.
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I am going to the pre of both sets. I do a pre of every set just to keep in the tourney loop during the "dry" season of the tournaments.
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Is it worth running a Relicanth tech in Gyarados? Because the metagame is mostly Luxchomp and Cursegar.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

Yeah, I go to PR's because I dont buy packs of the set afterwards.

The cards are expensive adn I dont have a job.

Hmmm.... I want; T-Tar Prime, Kingdra Prime, Togekiss, Legend Box's, Houndoom, and lots of other cards. ^_^
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IMO I think these are the Primes we'll be seeing:


Yeah, what WPM said. But the reason I don't think we'll be getting Scizor/Doom is more because they are in the JP theme decks, and from the looks of things we are only getting the main set+two left out from HGSS. I'm going to the prerelease too. But since things are at a cheaper price. You get 8 boosters, a promo, a pack of sleeves, and other things for just $25. Which is cheap. 8 boosters is $32, and the promo and sleeve would make it cost more.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

I have a feeling we will get Raichu and Slowking instead of Kingdra and Lanturn
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

PokeKid Brandon said:
I have a feeling we will get Raichu and Slowking instead of Kingdra and Lanturn

Kingdra and Lanturn? How Kingdra if we already have an English scan of Kingdra Prime?
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Who's excited for regs? I am, Iz in it to win it =]
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

OK, about the set. Can I just say Team Rocket's Handiwork is possibly the card we've all been waiting for? Now with Bill, Mom's, Mars, Buck's, and Hanidwork, 1/3 of your deck can now be drawing 2 cards.

For regionals I'm playing G-dos and hoping to top cut with it, which will hopefully be top 16.
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You know, I dont care what primes we get. (well, I want TTar Prime...) but otherwise, it doesnt matter what we get as long as it begins teh downfall of SP's.

Do you know how many decks would be good if SP deck werent around?

Gadget Botl Luxray would be really good. Same with salamence, Feraligatr Prime, and many others.
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