The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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I have an extra spot in G-Dos and I'm wondering what energy I should put in. Should I put a 3rd Warp or a 3rd Cyclone? My meta is mainly Cursegar, some G-Dos, and a little bit of Luxchomp and Shuppet if that helps any.
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Try Cyclone, I find that it is more vital to the deck unless you are playing the Palka LV.X version.
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Turns out I can't go to regionals tomorrow. My life sucks...
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Tomorrow is Regionals!!! Can't wait!!! :) Pretty sure I'm going to the one in VA.
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I got top 8 in Regionals. Quinton VA. My top cut match was against a Plox deck. Round one was a misplay match, where we both made a whole bunch of mistakes, as we admitted. But he was able to recover much more quickly thanks to me accidentally discarding Palmer's. And I was under a Power Lock, so I couldn't as easily recover. In the second match, I attempted an extremely reckless play that would allow me to avoid damage and take two prizes plus hurting my opponent. I failed the play, and had a filled bench. Apparently, it just so happened my opponent topdecked a Rare Candy with a Bebe's in hand, Gardevoir in play, and me with a Collector in the discard *coughDUSKNOIRcough*
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....I did terribad at regionals....

First game was against a Scizor/Cherrim deck and he did not get a single energy for the whole game. So needless to say, I won.
My second game was so bad....I have no words for it. Im playing Luxchomp btw, and I could not draw into any Cyrus, googleanes, Bebe or Uxie. I basically had to scoop, but to prove how bad my luck is, I didnt.

Lost to a jumpluff deck again.

And loss to Gengar due to Fainting Spell. It was CLOSE.

The final loss i had was against a Mirror. Too hard to win in a mirror. I cant figure it out....

I finished 3-4. MEGA FAIL. (considering I finished 5-2 at states with same deck)

Oh well...
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Ugh, I still wish I could have gone. For some reason I feel confident as if I could have done well somehow... Oh well, I'll just have fun with Spring BRs and my good ol' prereleases, as it would take a miracle to go to either Nats or Worlds.
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I didn't make top 8, but I came in 12th place. To me, that was great because I won 9 packs.

Gliscor: So what place did you come in?
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I came in 8th in the Regionals in Denver using Jumpluff. Congrats to everyone who did well!
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Since every one else is saying what they did then I guess I will to

I came in 2nd
Lost my first game then won the next5
top cuts I lost to graften with sabelye lock same deck as me but I didn't have abipom G :( but I got a box and stuff and my brother came in first in juniors

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Top 2 and lost because I didn't have a third SP :/ And some other crap I don't really feel like talking about.
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Who'd you lose to? I'm guessing Patrick, but... yeah. And what were the final standings?
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I beat Patrick in T4, 2-0. I lost to JIMMY :/

He took first, I took second, Patrick took third, some kid took fourth
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The next time I see Jimmy, remind me to punch him -_- And yeah, I thought Patrick would beat in the aspect of thinking that Luxchomp has a bad matchup against Plox.
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I got 11th, w/ a misplay that lost me TC :'( Yeah, and I even new what I should have done b4 I did it =(. Also, we had this thing with a ruling game 4, it had never come up before, ever. We had 5 judges at our table. 2 on iPhone, 1 on iPad, 1 looking at the rules book, and 1 looking in the compendium. The ruling was in my favor though, so it was sudden death and I uxie KO'd FTW. It was that I had a Gyra Belted active w/ 2 prizes left, he had a ditto belted w/ 2 prizes left and 140 on it. He KO's me and I send up sableye, he is KO'd also, so it will be sudden death.
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Ditto is an easy tech to face up against in the mirror. If it have 90 damage (assuming Ditto has a Belt on it) all you have to do is send up something with lower HP for an easy KO. Or, just Regi Move. I've been able to play around it during the Regionals, and it was an easy two prizes for me.
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I got 3rd at my regs. Misplay in T4 cost me the T2 most likely and I most likely could have won in T2. =[[[[[[[
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When I look at my past games in the Regionals, I think my biggest one was me playing Bright Look then Warp Point instead of it being the other way around. Which cost me the game, sorta. Yeah, stupid misplays ruined our Group.
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Gyarados again. I was up against Plox, and he ended up getting 3rd after going 6-0 during swiss. TBH I was LUCKY to make in, and my friends said that I "snuck" into the top cut.
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