The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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I went 4-0 then misplayed to go to 4-1 then won round 6 to get in as the 5th seed.
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I went 4-2 during the Swiss. I got probably the worst starts ever in the games I loss. During round three, I was playing against the Jimmy guy Brawler was talking about. I got an Azelf start, Magikarp prized, Trainer locked, and I couldn't draw into a Call until T4 or T5. He got a T2 two Mime in play while being able to setup. I finally get three Karp in the discard, but by then he's taken four prizes. During round six I get an Unown G start and was unable to draw into anything until T4, which was a Collector. By then the Power Lock had begun (he had a bad start as well). I was able to make it 1-1 prize left, but I failed the SSU flip which got Gyarados KO'ed.
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Well now that regs are over i guess we should start thinking about PR's/BR's, I like BLG, i find it fun to play but IDK if it'll be any good(hopes kingdra gets popular) also ERL(Entei-Raikou Legend) could be a good tech in it.
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I went 4-2 in New England Regs. My 2 loses came against a mirror match of Gyara even with a mirror match. First one got a Crobat start and got a Gyara out T10-T12 compared to his T2 Gyara. Next Gyara match was when I was 4-1 and needed the win for top cut and got... a magikarp start. He completely blew through my karp then crobat and Sableye while I tried to set up. I got 4 karps in the discard and sent out Ditto for 2 prizes, but he bright looked my Combee and I lost. All my opponent's lost in the last round giving me 13th, I would've got top cut if they all won or one didn't go 0-6. :/

Now I'm depressed because I can't test anything because I didn't win States and can't go to Nats and don' t know the rotation. Even with that, whatever I test will just be good for Battle Roads, and I can't afford to go to Worlds so I'm extremely bored.
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i might be able to go to Nats.
I am just going to play BLG so I can save for my 1st year in Masters.
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I'm actually thinking that Gyarados will lose a lot of popularity in the BR's/Nats/Worlds. With the new Vileplume locking Trainers on the bench, it would force your opponent to use Palmer's/Combee, not Pokemon Rescue/TSD. That would hurt Gyarados' recovery a lot, and you can't even use SSU/Poke Turn. Vileplume could also bring back and improve lock decks, such as Flytrap, Glistomb, and Cursegar.

I'm looking at some Gliscor variant at the moment. Gliscor Lv.X OHKO's Luxray, Vileplume would lock Trainers, I could run a Giratina tech for T1 disruption, and Mr. Mime for Kingdra/whatever.
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I think BLG could actually be good though, it beats Kingdra which could rise in popularity due the prime and IMO can beat about any deck if you get the right stuff out(Snipe, Bright Look and T2 100 w/ Blaze FB) So i find it to be versatile just inconsistent, very...
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PokeKid Brandon said:
I got 3rd at my regs. Misplay in T4 cost me the T2 most likely and I most likely could have won in T2. =[[[[[[[

Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy you had a bad matchup if you played me

Your Garchomp is weak to mine
Your gengar is weak to 2 of my pokemon

I wanted to play you I think that I could have won better then I had a chance at Graften

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I'm going to Nats too, and I'm not sure what to play. I can probably trade for cards of any deck. Which do you think is the smartest choice?
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Ive decided I still hate SP decks and will stop playing LuxChomp.

Now Im faced with a decision; what deck to play?

It feels dumb to try and choose a deck now, with a PR only a week and a half away, but still.

My current choices are as follows;

1. Gengar (2 fainting spell, and maybe 1 cursgar)
2. Gardevoir/Gallade (with tomb and Mesprit or without)
3. T-Tar Prime (whatever combo is best for it)

What do you guys think?

I WOULD add Kingdra prime to the list, but a simple fire tech can ruin me...
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Or you could play Kingdra prime and tech in Kingdra LA?
Anyhow given the choices I'd go w/ GG, I think Gengar will for some reason get problems in the next set(IDK just a gut feeling) but that GG is the consistent deck that can annoy anything.
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I would go with Gardevoir/Gallade because Gardevoir can really slow down a lot of decks.
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Or you could play Kingdra prime and tech in Kingdra LA?
Anyhow given the choices I'd go w/ GG, I think Gengar will for some reason get problems in the next set(IDK just a gut feeling) but that GG is the consistent deck that can annoy anything.
I disagree with the last comment. GG can't annoy Gyarados that much. The only powers you use is Flash Bite and Bright Look. Gardevoir can to 80 max while Gyarados 2 shots it IF it has an Expert Belt. But, I would go with Gardevoir/Gallade.
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I really don't see why Kingdra Prime isn't MOAR hyped. The fire counter isn't much of problem. 20 x2 (most fires are weak to water)=40. THen add 10 from the Pokepower, and you're still hitting 50 for one, which really isn't bad.
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or you could just play 1-2 kingdra LA :p.
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CyndaquilMaster said:
I disagree with the last comment. GG can't annoy Gyarados that much. The only powers you use is Flash Bite and Bright Look. Gardevoir can to 80 max while Gyarados 2 shots it IF it has an Expert Belt. But, I would go with Gardevoir/Gallade.
I died to GG in Regionals, while playing Gyarados. Why? My opponent, after losing to Gyarados so many times *coughMEcough* knew how to play around Gyarados. He teched Giratina PL (Let Loose) to T1 disrupt in case he doesn't have the Looker's, and speaking of Looker's he runs two. It really disrupts early game, especially without Claydol you have to use Felicity's for draw power, which they can Telepass for a fast Looker's. If you can break that setup disruption, Gyarados should win.
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Ya at states i played vs. a plox TGW TGW TGW three in a row. there goes my hand. :(
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CyndaquilMaster said:
I disagree with the last comment. GG can't annoy Gyarados that much. The only powers you use is Flash Bite and Bright Look. Gardevoir can to 80 max while Gyarados 2 shots it IF it has an Expert Belt. But, I would go with Gardevoir/Gallade.

i rest my case
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I've played against plox and got TGW'd 3 times, won twice and got a Collector all the time and set-up without any problems. This happened 3 out of the 4 times i went against Plox. They had a good deck but TGW didn't affect me that much, all I lost was an Expert Belt. :/
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Typically it will though,especially if you lose or if you have a big hand(saving those poketurns etc.) I'm not saying it will singlehandely kill you but it is at the very least annoying
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