The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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OK, so after testing out Giratina from the article on Pokegym, I gotta say that the deck is good. It sets up fast, it has some great damage/spread capabilities, it murders Gyarados (Giratina Let Loose+Looker's=massive disruption for them. Plus I already have Lost Zone usage) and has some nice matchups. I do recommend it to players, and it certainly is a great deck to run.
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The deck has great potential, i like it.
Although I still say it is a bit slow to beat "claydol" decks but we'll see, prolly the best rogue right now.
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That Giratina deck is pretty good, I tried it.
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Yah, when I heard it got 3rd in my Regs I was amazed. Looking at the article it made me see how it could be good. If they had played against a Gyarados deck that was in the T4 they had a good chance to win.
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What is the strategy? Just to disrupt until you win?
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With DCE Giratina is much faster. Basically it is disruption+spread+Lost Zone disruption. You can possibly T3 spread on your opponent, putting pressure on your opponent. In case of Nidoqueen, Bright Look+ Giratina's attacks would eventually KO Nidoqueen. Against Garchomp C, use Mewtwo Lv.X. In everything else, Darkness Lost Spread, Tentacles disrupt, and use the Broken Space Blow Giratina for some solid damage.
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SOunds neat. When I was a noob I used to play Giratina, but badly.
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I tried it and it works better. I added in SSU just in case Giratina might be knocked out with an Expert Belt on it.
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I've been playing Gigas lately. Works like a charm. People think it's dead only because of Donphan and Machamp. Well... against Machamp just Guard Gigas. With that, they are forced to use Hurricane Punch/Whatever to do damage, which can usually be healed off with Sacrifice. You should also be able to get a T2/T3 Gigas, so Machamp really charging up isn't a problem. Against Donphan, well... good luck. Maybe run Dewgong SV as a tech to play around it.
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Gliscor said:
I've been playing Gigas lately. Works like a charm. People think it's dead only because of Donphan and Machamp. Well... against Machamp just Guard Gigas. With that, they are forced to use Hurricane Punch/Whatever to do damage, which can usually be healed off with Sacrifice. You should also be able to get a T2/T3 Gigas, so Machamp really charging up isn't a problem. Against Donphan, well... good luck. Maybe run Dewgong SV as a tech to play around it.

I shouldn't spoil the entire deck, but a master at my league uses a very unlikely combination using Gigas that works very well.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

Guys. My I present to you my super special awesome deck for worlds;

Magnezone Lv X and Vileplume (RL)
Here's the list on another forum:
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Unfortunately, we must have an account on that site to see it. If you don't mind, could you post it here? I'd like to see the strategy (but I think it is Magnezone Paralyze w/ Vileplume Trainer lock.
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oops. Sorry, I forgot about that.

Here is my list;

Pokemon: 26

3-2-3-1 Magnezone Lv X (2 with Gyro Ball, 1 with Search power)
2-1-2 Vileplume (RL)
4 Spiritomb
2 Mr Mime (MT)
2-2 Claydol
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf

T/S/S: 22

4 Candy
4 googleeanes
3 Bebe
1 Pokemon Communication
2 Palmers
2 E Belts
2 Moonlight Stadium
3 Felicity Drawing
1 Wager
[open slot]

Energy: 12

4 Electric
4 Metal


Start with either Tomb or Mime and set up Zone and Claydol ASAP.
Once Zone is set up, use Moonlight to retreat mime or tomb and bring up Zone and Level up. Use candy to set up Vileplume and attack with Cyber Shock. Thats 80 damage and they are paralyzed. Or 100 with Ebelt.
Due to the trainer lock, they cannot attack, retreat, SSU, Turn, or warp. Nothing.
Next turn attack with Zone's Gyro Ball for 60/80 and the KO. Retreat by effect of attack and bring up Mime.

So now, unless they can snipe the bench or drag up Zone, they cannot ever attack it.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

Interesting strategy. It's basically like a Cursegar lock, but you have the paralyze option too. Then with Trainer lock/Mime lock, it doesn't seem too bad. I'd like to see how it runs.
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Gliscor said:
Interesting strategy. It's basically like a Cursegar lock, but you have the paralyze option too. Then with Trainer lock/Mime lock, it doesn't seem too bad. I'd like to see how it runs.

I know right? In theory, its nearly flawless. In THEORY. It shouldnt be too hard to set up both plume and zone. Flychamp can, so why not here too?
After the PR, I'll build it and test it out. I'll let you know.
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I like it, should stillb e somewhat fast.
Also I think GlisTomb will do good at worlds, if LuxChomp is still BDIF....
IDK why everyone is play Donphan when at least IMO GlisTomb is better...
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I think that the zone deck is better then Glistomb in a way and in another way it is just a more complitcated Glistomb that is not shalll I say not a Fragile.

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I think glistomb will not go very far because if your opponent takes enough prizes before you can get set up then you will run out of time to win.
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nice list SO.

what an interesting idea. the draw magnezone is the prime, right?
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