The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Wow, my Pre-Release was really good.

We do two events on the same day. I went to both.

First Flight:

I pulled ad 2-1 Steelix Prime line.
And a 1-1-1 Crobat line.

Round 1.
I just stalled until I drew into Steelix, then ran them over.


Round 2.
Crobat won this one for me.


Round 3.
Dont remember. (won)


Some how I finished 2nd though....

Flight 2:

This was insane, my pulls were beast.

2-2-1 T-Tar Prime
3-2-3 Crobat
12 T/S/S

For all three rounds, I was able to let loose with T-Tar and overpower them. It was a walk in the park. LOLz.

I finished 1st.

Good cards obtained/pulled;

3 Tyrannitar Prime
1 Lanturn Prime
1 Steelix Prime
1 Crobat Prime
1 Kingdra Prime
Entei Raikou Legend (both halves)
Blastoise (pack)
Rare Candy
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

OK, mini-report.

Round 1:
I was facing this total noob. He drew seven, set down on active, then drew five more and said they were his bench. I was liek, "lolwut," but whatever. I just ran over him with Minun. Or was it Plusle...?

Round 2:
I start off the gane worrying I'mma deck, sice I'm constantly using Cheerleader and Emcee, and he's using the L-Tar (I'm stealing the idea of referring to it as L-Tar) with Mountain eater. But somehow, he decks. IDK how.

Round 3:
I just sweep with Sudowoodo.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I got at the prerelease: 2x Crobat Prime, 1 Kingdra Prime, 1 Ursaring Prime, Jirachi, 3 Rare Candy, Unleashed Poster, two packs of sleeves from booster draft and prerelease, 4 Blastoise, and 2 Kingdra.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Shadowwiidragon said:
I got at the prerelease: 2x Crobat Prime, 1 Kingdra Prime, 1 Ursaring Prime, Jirachi, 3 Rare Candy, Unleashed Poster, two packs of sleeves from booster draft and prerelease, 4 Blastoise, and 2 Kingdra.

Nice haul.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Shadowwiidragon said:
I got at the prerelease: 2x Crobat Prime, 1 Kingdra Prime, 1 Ursaring Prime, Jirachi, 3 Rare Candy, Unleashed Poster, two packs of sleeves from booster draft and prerelease, 4 Blastoise, and 2 Kingdra.

Really? REALLY? Pfft... getting so many good things by trading with new Juniors >:< And lucky pulls... something I've yet to get...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Dude, all the n00bs at my PR were unwilling to trade -_-
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

OMG, I got a super good trade at PR.

Tyrannitar (normal rare)
Rare candy x1

Entei & Raikou Legend (top and bottom)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I got some decent stuff: S/E top, Kingdra Prime, Steelix Prime, Reverse Holo Rare Candy, 5 Judge, 2 SSU, and many other trainers/supporters. But I didn't get a single stadium. Funny, no one did. I wonder why...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

There is no Stadium in this cruddy set. Which pains me a lot, since I'd love to have a Stadium for my fake set :<

Oh, and my list was something like this:

2-1-1 T-Tar Prime
1-1-1 Kingdra
1-1 Mismagius
1 Torkoal
1 Onix
1 Stantler
1-1 Ninetales

14 Pokemon

2 Judge
2 Good Rod
2 Dual Ball
2 Cheerleader's Cheer
3 Engineer

13 T/S/ST

4 Darkness Energy
4 Fire Energy
3 Water Energy
2 Psychic Energy

13 Energy
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

My PR lacked dumb n00bs, ticked me off really. I still got playsets of all the trainers with a lot extra. 10-12 Rare Candy w/ RH set. So not bad, full ERL, but took way too much effort.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I was kidding about the stadiums. My deck was relient on Steelix Prime. Other than that, I could only really attack with Magmortar and Roserade.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I pulled the bottom half of E/R and a Crobat Prime which I traded for a bunch of Trainers and staples, my deck was just some random gibberish.

Round 1
Beldum in my hand with a {P}{L}{G} in my hand as well as a Metagross. He starts with Teddiursa and I go first attach attack, he does the same, I evolve and attach, and he gets no basics. I attach and win.

Round 2
Go first against his Sparce, attach to Tarous. Gets no basics, and flip 3 Heads for the win.

Round 3
Against Larvitar I started with Plusle or Minun, whichever one has a one energy call attack. I call for a Roselia and Turtwig. I attach a grass to Roselia, after he uses an attack that puts 10 damage on itself. I retreat and flip 2 heads for the game.

So that's my mini report on my 7 turn pre-release.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

My PR deck was terrabad w/ pokemon, i got like 15 T/S/S so i was good.
Booster draft was GREAT, T-Tar w/ Lucario and Onix tech, my starters saved me though(dunsparce and stantler), 4-3-1 T-Tar Line(not prime), 2-1 Lucario and 2 Onix, 2 Dun, 2 Stantler. Then a bunch of Judge and two rare candy, actually was really good, funny the only good decks in our Booster draft were me and chris, we took like three fourths of the trainers in our pool :)(8 people and we each had 15 w/ about 4-6 extra)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Hi all!

At my PR i pulled nothin but crap!! Some honorable mentions were a RH Kingdra, ANOTHER Blastiose, ND RH healing onix T_T. I went 2-1 with a Floatzel,Xatu,and Poliwhirl deck so that was cool :)

EDIT: Quick question Gliscor (or anyone else who has the answer)how do you put a banner in your sig? (I am interested in the Typhlosion/Gliscor one :p)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

^You take the image code (Gliscor put it under the image) and write it like this:
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

It seems that my useless-rare-stalker of this set is Torkoal. I pulled 3, one RH, in just one prerelease. last set itw as Smoochum, I have like 6 or 7 to this day...(I did get a box though)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

The Stalker at my prerelease was Blastoise. I got three as the Promos (one from the original event, my dad got one, and one from the draft) and then I pulled three more. Talk about pulling a rare card EVERYONE gets :<
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Meaty said:
It seems that my useless-rare-stalker of this set is Torkoal. I pulled 3, one RH, in just one prerelease. last set itw as Smoochum, I have like 6 or 7 to this day...(I did get a box though)
Ya I pulled 3 torkoals too lol!
EDIT: thanks 6-dimension!
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

My "stalker" card was onix.
In the first PR, I pulled 6 of them!
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

my stalker card was ursaring prime, i got like 3 of them and no tediursa...
got rid of 'em for like 10 bucks a piece so it was good(yes this card is bad..)
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