The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

BTS... 3 BTS so yeah... Crobat C is also FUN unlike a lot of other things
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

O well my sunshore city gym will get rid of weakness until you replace it. Do you play reversals?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

No I don't play reversals, I have tested this matchup it is a 60-40 for Crobat
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

What about cursegar and who do you test with?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

With Cursegar you just snipe it with Garchomp, and I playtested against andrew and in RS
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

The Legend said:
I really don't like either of those decks because they both lose to Luxchomp witch is the most popular deck in format.

OMG someone agrees w/ me
Also as far as Crobat I don't like it right now except w/ Donphan or Toxi G promo.
Also w/ Kingdra again w/ donphan or Tox G promo but I still don't think either one of them will do great, but they will be tier 1.5 ish.
Also T-tar talk, IMO most playable prime RIGHT now(key word emphasized). I am experimenting w/ it but right now i am trying my SD... aka a techy LuxApe. It has Manectric PL, Ninetales MT, Toxi G, 2 Crobat G and 1-1 ERL. Also honestly Ape 4 isn't used at all just for annoying stuff like Mr.Mime/Spiritomb and to switch out Gyarados for free prizes, not consistent.....yet
Also T-tar to me seems like almost two pokemon, one spreader and one heavy hitter, worth trying out, but only if i get them in prize packs for BR's, not good enough for me to trade for.
Lastly also trying out Gyarados/Luxray right now. My list is good and consistent, but i only found room for 1 warp and 2 cyclone :(
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I was thinking about Blastoise/Gatr deck today and then when I pulled the new Floatzel card, a thought came to me.

Why slow the deck down using Gatr Prime? Its another stage 2 line and clogs up the speed.
Couldnt you just use the Floatzel? Its easier to get out being a stage 1 in all, and its power lets you attach a water energy to it in addition to your "1 energy per turn" rule.

So think about it; Energy for turn to Blastoise. Then Water Acceleration onto Floatzel. Then move it to blastoise with Washout Power. Sure, it will take 1 more turn to fully power it up from Zero energy, but its faster overal.

This combo still allows you to attack with Hydro Launcher every turn.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I didn't find Gatr/Stoise to be too slow. Yeah, I ran Spiritomb for an easier setup. But with Floatzel, unless you have plans of wasting all of your energy attachments you'd have to have two in play to charge up other Blastoise in case the active one is KO'ed. With that in mind, your bench could be pretty crammed.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

IMO, Floatzel makes the Luxray match-up even worse. The 2x weakness to LIghtning really hurts, of course, not to mention, if you use Floatzel, and they Spray, you are stuck with a 2x {L} weakness with three energy stuck in the active position. Feraligatr will easily survive getting dragged up by Luxray, then can be Warp Pointed or something. I think when you consider that Feraligatr can charge up Blastoise in one turn, it makes the speed about equal.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Yeah, because Floatzel can get sprayed and you can't use it. Feraligatr can be sprayed but you can still use his power. :p Plus Feraligatr can attack if you face electric or Luxray. It wouldn't be your preference but having double Lightning Weakness hurts.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Oh well, I was just thinking....

It doesnt matter to me much, as Im using Ttar prime deck and a Kingdra prime deck.

Kingdra prime has my attension. 1 for 60 and then 80 with Ebelt just like the old kingdra deck used. Plus the flash bite power each turn. Becoming 1 for 90.

In theory, the SP match up and jumpluff match up should be good. (about 50/50 imo)

Im not sure if I even have room for it, but Im thinking about Floatzel GL for recovery. But I see problems there too.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I wouldn't go for Floatzel GL because Luxray, Gengar, Flygon X kills it. And you have to get Floatzel active in order to use its Body or Power, can't remember which.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I wouldn't use floatzel because it does have POTENTIAL to slow you down, you just want to get out Kingdra and just start KO'ing things, also if you want to use kingdra prime as a main attacker you have to play one
LA or HSU unleashed for Zard/Ape 4/Blaze FB
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Yeah, I didnt think so...

Im probably just going to use Kingdra with a 1-1 Luxray X and 1-1 donphan Prime.

With lux I have an edge over gyarados and other kingdra decks and can drag up any possible fire techs.
Donphan to counter luxray X.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I'd try toxi g promo to counter lux x too, you are already running lux x so maybe just squeeze in a mini sp engine
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

^The mini sp engine is not a bad idea. I was thinking about it. Im still in the design stages of the deck so I'll see if i have room.
It could work though as i would like to have a couple crobat G in there too.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Well here's what i was thinking-
1 Toxi G Promo
1-1 Luxray GL LV.X
2 Crobat G
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1-2 Energy Gain
1-2 SP Radar
1(at most) Power Spray
4 Poketurn
1 Psychic Energy
1 Lightning Energy OR
Two Multi Energy

edit- also @ my PR I went 3-1 in the actual PR and then went 3-0 in the side event...
and i beat zele TWICE!
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

aw man, the prerelease? I went 2-1 and I lost the one game because of a stupid misplay, I could have attatched 1 more energy to my main attacker and won but instead I attached it to a benched beldum.

My deck was totally horrible though, didn't pull any full lines, I'm pretty sure it was like:
2-2-1 kingdra (non- prime)
2-1 lucario
1-0-1 metagross
and all with only 1 candy.

I did pull the lithograph though
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

The mini-SP engine could work. I heard PkB using it in his Gyarados deck and he told me it worked. But instead of those two, why not just Relicanth? It snipes, it does some solid damage Luxray... yeah. It would seem easier to me IMO.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Yeah well I mean mini sp engines seem to work.
So I think it's worth a try, the relicanth sv isn't a bad idea either.
Also I saw Darkartisan's "mini-article" on venomchomp and I thought of this as an idea
T-tar w/ Garchomp C.
The t-tar still spreads, and still lets garchomp c snipe. Also it allows both main attackers take advantage of DCE. I am also trying to put in some sablelock parts to it w/ sableye and judge. I haven't tested it yet but in theory it seems okay/good
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