The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

After one or two Darkness Roars (or howls, forgot which) and a Belted Megaton Tail, T-Tar can one-shot ANYTHING in the format. Already you do 140 damage with Megaton, and say after two Darkness Howls you place 40 damage on a Pokemon, after a Megaton that is 180 damage in total. Nothing can live up to that.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I can see T-tar being the star of many tank decks, like the Garchomp one.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Gliscor: Might come to league late next weekend.

Is it good to run Jirachi from Unleashed in a Giratina deck?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Gliscor said:
After one or two Darkness Roars (or howls, forgot which) and a Belted Megaton Tail, T-Tar can one-shot ANYTHING in the format. Already you do 140 damage with Megaton, and say after two Darkness Howls you place 40 damage on a Pokemon, after a Megaton that is 180 damage in total. Nothing can live up to that.
Actually Wailord and Torterra w/ Shaymin would like to have a word with you.

In all seriousness T-Tar Prime is great, but Donphan does kill it. Donphan didn't see much play in Regs as far as I can see but that is a fault of T-tar. Overall I think it may be 1 energy to slow to compete in the format. I'm not dismissing the shear power that it can have T2, but getting the Special energy DCE can be tough, the key word here being Special energy as you can't search it. 1-3 Darkness Howls while you set up can be game breaking however. My view of the card remains indecisive and I'll wait to see how it does. Nothing really affects me much as all I have to do is BR's and I'm done for the season and the rotation will claim almost everything I try to test.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

^Well, I just played against a couple LuxCHomp decks today with my TTar Prime list.
Its 50/50 assuming my Claydol is out early on. Like T2.

With my full set up, (easy to accomplish) my bench is 100% untouchable. And Ttar prime has just too much HP for the weaker SP pokemon to handle.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

You have to remember when you belt TTar Prime he has 160 HP. That is two shotted by garchomp C Lv. X which is very easy to do 2 times in a row.So they get 2 prizes when you get 1.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

^Try again. TTar prime has 180 HP when Belted.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Then they drop a crobat or two. Or expert belt but thats not a smart move.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I'm thinking very hard about Nats. I'm thinking about if I want to play LuxTric w/ a Raikou/Entei tech. I would play a 3-1 LuxRay 2-2 Tric 1-1 E/R, with 3 Communication. If I'm up against KingDra, they have weakness and I have E/R for their Damage Output. Against Pluffles I have Detonation Spin. I would also play a Fire. I would love to tech a sunyshore for the Donphan matchup. Who wants to jump the bandwagon? Thoughts?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Guys here is the thing lux will beat tard for one reason SPEED I tryed the sread tard and did not like it maybe the other one will work better but IDK I still think that Kingdra prime will beast and noone will see it.

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

^Kingdra Prime is ok. Im not as impressed with it as I thought I'd be.

I played it against HoPe and lost misserably. He had a Blaze FB on the bench and it ruined me. Plus, he was using a Shuppet/Mime combo too.

Sorry for double post, but I am also curious as to what you guys think of my new deck?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

You could use Interviewer's Questions to try to get DCE. Just a suggestion. It might not work.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

just to put this out there. there are 3 good primes from this set and they all have problems
Kingdra-Blazeray says hi.
Crobat-Luxray says hi and unown g
T-tar-Machamp/Donphan says hi

The ones that have speed are easily countered. Also i think Donphan is toast now which IMO makes blissey the top prime in the set
Jumpluff should also be considered a prime because it is so awesome.
Also right now i am playing Fulop's Jumpluff list and IDK but do you think taking out 1 of 4 BTS for a Blaze FB tech for kingdra is a good idea? or even take out the unown g for it?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I don't get why no one thinks luxchomp can beat kingdra. Everyone adds in the blaze. IDK, it just seems like a waste of space when they can just drop an LA kingdra...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

just to put this out there. there are 3 good primes from this set and they all have problems
Kingdra-Blazeray says hi.
Crobat-Luxray says hi and unown g
T-tar-Machamp/Donphan says hi

The ones that have speed are easily countered. Also i think Donphan is toast now which IMO makes blissey the top prime in the set
Jumpluff should also be considered a prime because it is so awesome.
Also right now i am playing Fulop's Jumpluff list and IDK but do you think taking out 1 of 4 BTS for a Blaze FB tech for kingdra is a good idea? or even take out the unown g for it?

But we have to remember, we do not know that it IS going to be PT and on, I frankly think it is going to be RR and on which would kill the LuxChomp decks so you do not have to worry about the new primes getting killed fast, but if it is PT on the, yeah, they are toast :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

RR one makes no sense :p
I mean that gives RR more rotations than PL and SF and LA. I don't think they'd do it, now SV on i'd think they'd do because it would get rid of what are currently the two highest priced cards in the metagame(Luxray GL LV.X and Flygon LV.X) which would make the game easier on the pockets. It also removes a lot of the complicity of the game allowing POP to target the younger ages more. Furthermore it gets pokemon back to the two year rotations(a set gets two worlds and is then rotated out)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Crobat-Luxray says hi and unown g
Luxray and Unown G-Relicanth says hi.

Also the reason it might be RR-on is because if it was PL-on then Drapion Lv.X wouldn't be playable, and it would still pretty much destroy the SP era. They could do SF-on for the Drapion thing, but it would be legal for WAY too long then and Gengar & Machamp need to finally disappear.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Also I heard somewhere that Japan rotated 8 sets. If PUSA tries to keep on track with Japan then they will rotate out 8 sets RR-on. Although Japan also has Regigas in with Shaymin when we had them in 2 different sets SF and PL.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Answer to all Q's

I know that this is from another site butttt it has a japenese person saying what the rotation is already

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

So PL-on seems logical and well I don't really care about regigiagas so i'm okay w/ this.
also i think imma be playing jumpluff for BR's(might pull out a Kingdra prime deck at nats if jumpluff gets popular)
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