The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

How well do you guys think Kingdra can do at BR's?

My particular kingdra list uses 2 Kingdra LA and 2 Primes.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

IDK good i think, it beats Jumpluff but still has problems vs. SPs..
So we'll see, fun deck IMO, but just has some very tough matchups
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

^Yeah, Jumpluff is pretty 50/50 it seems.

As for SP matchups, its 50/50 too. I mean, with Ebelt, Kingdra is hitting 1 for 80. That kills most SP pokemon in 1 hit.

Im very concerned right now cause I cant decide what deck to play for BR's this weekend.

I have Kingdra built along with Sable Lock.

The problems with kingdra is what you would expect; Claydol's power being sprayed.

The problem with Sable lock is; Low HP. If it cant donk, your lose.

Im thinking about building a Honchkrow deck. It ruins Gyarados, and its attack is good in SP match ups. Sure, luxray hits it for weakness, but even leveled up, it does NOT have x2 weakness. Thus, luxray cannot 1hko it.

The old murkrow has dusk stone so it can evolve same turn. ect.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

shadoworganoid said:
Im thinking about building a Honchkrow deck. It ruins Gyarados, and its attack is good in SP match ups. Sure, luxray hits it for weakness, but even leveled up, it does NOT have x2 weakness. Thus, luxray cannot 1hko it.

Lucario GL says hi =D

For Kingdra, I've been having a losing streak lately. Luxchomp hurts Kingdra quite a bit. Lucario GL+Trash Bolt is OHKO, and if they have Belt you can just Flash Bite. If any damage does come on your Pokemon, Garchomp C heal or Poke Turn. Against Jumpluff, it's 50-50. Kingdra just does too much damage for Jumpluff and gets out very quickly.

EDIT: Anyone here have Redshark? I might create a new network for the group, and I'm dying for a game right now =0
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

I think Jumpluff vs. Kingdra is in kingdra's favor, like 55-45, but that's just me.
Also yeah Luxchomp=near autoloss for kingdra..
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

^It CAN be an auto loss. The oppening hand is waht will decide it.

If luxchomp goes first, kingdra has a chance. It can T1 Candy and hit for 60. Or 80 with belt.

All depends.

Im so stuck on what to play still. Its driving me MAD!
Im thinking about looking into amphy or Thunder dragon again.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

shadoworganoid said:
^Yeah, Jumpluff is pretty 50/50 it seems.

As for SP matchups, its 50/50 too. I mean, with Ebelt, Kingdra is hitting 1 for 80. That kills most SP pokemon in 1 hit.

Im very concerned right now cause I cant decide what deck to play for BR's this weekend.

I have Kingdra built along with Sable Lock.

The problems with kingdra is what you would expect; Claydol's power being sprayed.

The problem with Sable lock is; Low HP. If it cant donk, your lose.

Im thinking about building a Honchkrow deck. It ruins Gyarados, and its attack is good in SP match ups. Sure, luxray hits it for weakness, but even leveled up, it does NOT have x2 weakness. Thus, luxray cannot 1hko it.

The old murkrow has dusk stone so it can evolve same turn. etc.
Sable Lock can be amazingeven if you don't donk. The list of someone in my Area can beat you pretty well even if he doesn't have the donk. Even if it has low HP it is still amazing.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Battle Roads in MD is coming soon and I don't know what deck to run..!!!

It is between Gyarados or Shuppet.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Shadowwiidragon said:
Battle Roads in MD is coming soon and I don't know what deck to run..!!!

It is between Gyarados or Shuppet.

lol my deck is a beast Shuppet counter. Good luck even having a Shuppet, PlusPower, or Belt in your hand after every Fade Out =P I already know what I'm playing too. It's the rogue I was just explaining.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Kingdra is your rogue deck?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Does anybody have a good list of DialgaGarchomp? I was planning on running it possibly.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Arcanine King said:
Does anybody have a good list of DialgaGarchomp? I was planning on running it possibly.

Sorry, I quit playing SP's a while ago. You might have to ask someone else.

@SWD: Nevermind about the old rogue. It has great early game, but absolutely no lategame.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Have I played this rogue deck at league?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Oh fine I'll spit it out. It's an Absol/Absol G hand/deck disruption deck that has absolutely no late game. The idea is to T1 Baleful Wind with Absol to hopefully hurt your opponent's hand. I run Judge in case I can ruin my opponent's hand, or for just more of a Baleful. Absol G is for the attacking (damage) and Darkness Send can disrupt the deck with the Zone. But it has no late game at all. And very little mid-game.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Lol and I didn't know that deck when Judge was translated in Japan :p It's definetly not rogue; Absol was big at BRs and that means it can't be rogue really(too known). It has problems with promocroak and power spray though, so it really isn't too good anymore.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

The rogue I've been running, Crobat Prime w/Giratina Lv.X has the attackers for both early and late game, but it seems like eitehr I can't start with Crobat or if I do Giratina gets KO'd fast so I never manage to combine both early and late game... I've still been winning a good amount of times, but there's still something wrong. I kept getting too many excess Crobats in my hand so I made the line 3-1-3 rather than 4-2-4 but now I don't start with Zubat often enough and I don't know what to take out if I want to thicken the line.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Could you run 4-2-3 or something? 4-1-3? IDK, both of the ones I just gave seem inconsistent.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

Gliscor: Brawler is right, that it isn't really a rogue deck because I played Dean who was running that deck at BR's and I was using GeChamp for the top 2.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *How did you do at the Prerelease?

So what decks have been doing good in your areas?
I haven't gone to any yet(prolly not this weekend either)
but i'm playing Jumpluff w/ luxray gl lv.x and then either
LuxChomp or Kingdra for my other one.
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