^Yeah, Jumpluff is pretty 50/50 it seems.
As for SP matchups, its 50/50 too. I mean, with Ebelt, Kingdra is hitting 1 for 80. That kills most SP pokemon in 1 hit.
Im very concerned right now cause I cant decide what deck to play for BR's this weekend.
I have Kingdra built along with Sable Lock.
The problems with kingdra is what you would expect; Claydol's power being sprayed.
The problem with Sable lock is; Low HP. If it cant donk, your lose.
Im thinking about building a Honchkrow deck. It ruins Gyarados, and its attack is good in SP match ups. Sure, luxray hits it for weakness, but even leveled up, it does NOT have x2 weakness. Thus, luxray cannot 1hko it.
The old murkrow has dusk stone so it can evolve same turn. etc.