The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

Flyclops is what I ran.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

I won Saturday with
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

I just 1 BR's today =]
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

i would've come but brother had a friend over last night...
needless to say i got screwed over....
which means i ain't goin' to any br's...
oh well at least i won my last tourney in seniors :)(booster draft @HSU PR)
and now i get to worry about perfecting my lady gaga list for next year...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

@ Shadowwiidragon - I should have guessed :p

I don't have enough good cards to make a competitive deck, I wouldn't even be able to top cut. O well...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

Well, I think I found my Nationals Deck;

Garchomp Rush.

4-4-4 Garchomp
4-4 Claydol
1 Uxie


The rest is loaded with PokeDex and Pokedrawer+ and Communications.

There is only 4 supporters in this deck.

After a few test games, it SLAUGHTERS Gyarados.
It has a good jumpluff match up. The SP match up is pretty good. T1 Guard claw with ebelt is beast.

Plus, no one will expect a surprise attack from CLAYDOL!!! Luxray counter much? lol

Yes, this deck is very consistant and very fast. With 2-4 claydol out at once, power spray hurts me only a little.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

I've always thought about Claydol as an attacker. OHKO on non-X Luxray w/ out E-belt. Slap it on, and bam! Luxray counter. Though IMO Relicanth is better.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

My fun deck is fun. I'm playing Snorlax for fun people, and it works well. IMO it is overlooked, really. Take his Toss and Turn attack. 50 damage when he is asleep? With a DCE on, it's pretty decent put at the same time Belt really helps for speed. Snorlax Lv.X draws too and helps put the regular Snorlax asleep. Plus, running Bats doesn't hurt at all. Wigglytuff from GE helps too. IMO the deck is a good BR deck ;D

@Shadow: 4 Supporters? Watch out for Tomb ;)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

Garchomp rush looks good, but maybe if you didn't include them Pokeblowers? Then maybe put in 1-2 Crobats with 4 Poketurn to OHKO the Luxray with Claydol, IDK maybe it's great the way it is but there seems like there could be more.

On another note, I have one more year in Seniors because I was born just days after 96 so I have 1 more year to make Nats.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

you can just go to nats....
you mean make it to worlds..
next first year in masters...
i will only be playing SPs unless some incredibly broken Legend/Prime is released(Scizor doesn't count but might play it for a BR since i have a good list for it already)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

No, I have to win my way to Nats, because my mom won't take me to Nats unless I get a Travel Award.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

@Gliscor: Yeah. Tomb is my death. However, Gengar is really the only deck with tomb. But Gengar is already a really hard matchup anyways. He resists me. ECT.

@Cyndaquilmaster: Did i say pokeblower? I meant PokeDrawer. Excelent search.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

I'd still play more supporters or something to beat gengar, it could be popular, in my area it is.
good luck w/ it, also it looks like I'LL FINALLY be able to go to a BR, using Fulop's LuxPluff list :)
Then if i go to another one(might go to two this weekend) i'll be playing my teched out kingdra list....
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members*

Gliscor said:
Both Blissey and Prime Blissey in the same deck. Theoretically, the works by using Prime Blissey to heal and DCE/Upper to do more damage, but against certain matchups and some decks, the damage output isn't so high. The best matchup I can think of off the top of my head is Flygon and Salamence, but even they can deal with Blissey.
Could this be in combination of Ambipom G when your battling Blissey?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members*

NeoTyphlosion said:
Could this be in combination of Ambipom G when your battling Blissey?

You need to PM the Group Leader if you wish to join and then post. But until then, don't post in here.

dmaster out.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

Since I have been gone for a while, I still have my ol GeChamp, so I'll use it at BR. I do plan to make Cursegar though. Anyone think GeChamp cab still do ok?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

shadoworganoid said:
@Gliscor: Yeah. Tomb is my death. However, Gengar is really the only deck with tomb. But Gengar is already a really hard matchup anyways. He resists me. ECT.

@Cyndaquilmaster: Did i say pokeblower? I meant PokeDrawer. Excelent search.
No, I'm just saying you might want some extra damagers like Crobat to get OHKO's.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

I like GeChamp in this format. The reason being a LOT of evo's aren't playing Unown G(Jumpluff comes to mind), and IMO GeChamp can beat pluff too because if you keep a small bench they can't OHKO and you can w/ the X and they risk fainting and they play a lot of powers to fill up bench. Against L-Chomp, well they kill your claydols but w/ warp point you can get free prizes as they typically play 1 unown g. Curse Gar, if you get set up you can kill tombs and snipe their bench, so i think it can do good w/ a solid list. I'd prolly play a Ditto w/ a Multi for some matchups though.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

jirachinick said:
Since I have been gone for a while, I still have my ol GeChamp, so I'll use it at BR. I do plan to make Cursegar though. Anyone think GeChamp cab still do ok?

I think it has potential for a battle roads.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Battle Roads, Battle Roads, Battle Roads!

We may find out on the weekend, IDK though if I can go, hopefully I can and it can work, but I'll test it at League
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