The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Here's the pairing for the war:
1.Minimidget VS mr.619
2.CyndaquilMaster VS 7Lucario7Master7
3.CFOURCOLTSFAN VS gengar the baller
4.Zangoose VS GHJamesGH
5.Shadoworganoid VS jirachinick

Make sure you PM your opponent. You have until 12:00 AM on Monday to play your best 2/3 match.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Good luck team. And like I said in Typhoon, without the the loser having to put the "We lost" rule in the title.

And I'm testing Heailx (Steelix Prime tank) right now. It is an AMAZING deck. High damage, high HP, lots of healing, and the use of SME makes Steelix KO and lot and hard to KO.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

I'm assuming you mean next monday right?
Also Gliscor can you help me like download it(give me a link stuff like that....)
Also there's a guy @my league toying w/ that idea, IDK i seem to always have too many cards in the deck, i'd like to try it out but can't get the list right..
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Just press Windows Download or Mac OS X Download depending on your computer. They're right above installing RedShark on Windows.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

i've got it downloaderd, i pm'd gengar the baller, i'm hoping we can do it tommorrow/friday.
wish me luck, looks like i'll be going w/ LuxChomp w/ ERL tech(no mewtwo counter though...hope that doesn't hurt me...)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

^YOu MIGHT want to add a mewtwo counter now.
He can read these posts too you know. If he does, he will just play mewtwo and your done...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Hmmmm, maybe or just switch decks....
forgot about that too...
i'll think of something good :)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

@Coltsfan: Do you want my Healix list? I can PM it to you. It's still in the testing stage, but works. And maybe you should delete your post just in case =P
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Naw, i'm playing something completely different...
It's TEETH :p
Also i'm playing him tonight, i need to win to exact my revenge for cleveland(he's a florida player.....)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Gliscor said:
@Coltsfan: Do you want my Healix list? I can PM it to you. It's still in the testing stage, but works. And maybe you should delete your post just in case =P
I was wondering what's in Healix besides Steelix and Blissey. Do you think you could PM your list to me.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Gliscor-I think i'll try it out, i can help test it out if you like(OMG this should be our team's SD :p
Also i swept gengar the baller 2-0, james i guess read our posts and told him i was playing L-Chomp, i made a quick gyrados list(IDK it seemed good but so weird, played Cyrus conspiracy but it was cool) and he played Donphan(granted it was teched out to have a chance against me but bad prizes did him in) so yeah i won :)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

^Nice that's 1-0 us, still waiting to be repaired, 7Lucario7Master7 isn't going to be on due to Canadian Nats.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

told ya i'd switch decks :p
Also IDK in my steelix i don't play Blissey(i play healers, 4 special metal and a bunch of healing cards, although mine is more like speedlix, my goal is engineer's a Sp. Metal, bts Onix into Steelix, attach DCE and start tanking T1 :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

i think steelix should be our SD....
IDK but that'd be kinda fun.....
Also i'm playtesting today w/ my sablelock deck, i play Gira X+Warp Energy to replace moonlight
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

My list uses Blissey but also Lunatone for early game. Since odds are I won't be able to quickly discard with Blissey, Lunatone is another options unless I can, or I later play Blissey. I also have Nidoqueen too, but might take that out.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

hey sorry guys i was at summer camp. I need someone to help me configure hamachi. I already have a deck built on redshark
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

For the Red Shark Tourny, Im using my African Safari deck. (Hippowdon RR & Donphan Prime)

I just went 4-0 with it today. (against several LuxChomp) My list is in the Fix my deck area)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

My mini Red Shark incomplete report for the War

Game 1 Jumpray vs. Jumpray
He gets a Sunkern start and goes 1st. He plays Uxie with me having Luxray active. I get a great hand and am able to get 2 Bats, 2 Turns and a Jumpluff using 2 Uxie and Collector. I Donk him.

Game 2 He gets the same start and goes first again. I Bite him with Jumpluff on the bench and KO his Sunkern after a Flash Bite. He has to send out Regiice, but sees I played Baltoy, which was the only DP-GE card I played until this point. He says it's an unfair match-up. I thought I would have won anyway, but I didn't know what would have happened if he played a Luxpluff DP-On so I agreed to a DP-On match-up.

Game 1 Cursegar vs. Luxchomp :/
I thought he might change decks and he confirmed it so I switched too. He plays the one deck that is hurt the least by the format change. I get a terrible start, not getting a Tomb for 6 turns, once I do I set up a Claydol and Gengar X. I Dark Palm a couple key times and get a Psychic Energy with Cosmic that sealed the game.

I think he had to go because he left without playing again. So currently I'm 1-0 for the war.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Okay, Im having a problem with my Clan War match.

I had been in the Hamachi network for the past half and hour waiting for my opponent to join. We talked Via PM and he is unable to log into hamachi. He is using a Mac he said. We think thats the problem.

I dont want to lose my match, but its also not fair for him to either.
What do you guys suggest?
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