The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Guys, I picked up some packs today and figured some stuff I got would run well with Gyarados.

Combee SF: Draw Power.
Poliwag (HS Unleashed-Abbr.?) and Stantler from the same set: Call for Family attack used to get Magikarp for discard pile.
Department Store Girl AR: Used to get Lucky Egg, draw power when your Magikarps get knocked out.
Emcee's Chatter: Draw Power.
Rare Candy: Obvious.

What do you guys think?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Those seem good if you have a limited pool of cards, I could spend about 2 paragraphs talking about Gyarados or I could give you a link to Gyarados.

So buying SF packs is good for this deck, as well as Platinum. SF will get you Sableye, G-Dos, Warp Energy, and Cyclone Energy. PL will get you Crobats, Pluspowers, Poketurns, Broken Time-Space (BTS) and Pokedex, which is good in other decks. Combee is good, but not for drawpower. Felicity's is the best even though it is getting rotated soon. You might want to consider Voelkner's Philosophy RR, it gives good drawpower and can discard Karps. Don't use Claydol in this deck as it's hard to get if you just got into the game, and Felicity's/Voelkner's will give you all the drawpower you need. Uxie is optional. Only reason I suggest Volkner's is because Felicity's is getting rotated August and it doesn't make sense to get a card you can use for a month.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

minimidget94 said:
I contacted the guy I was supposed to play for the RS war, but he never pmed me back. what should I do about that?

Well I guess it does not really matter we are done with this tournament, so, pretty much your good.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

^How? I only heard that there was 1 match completed. I didn't get to finish mine, Minimidget didn't play, and we won our match. That means the most it could be is 3-0 us, and I'm, pretty sure Zangoose didn't finish in time. So unless Ace310j forfeited and didn't tell me, it's still going on.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Guys, at the risk of this clan dieing somtime now that the member count is low, I think I will take my leave while I have the choice.
I dont want to leave because I was forced out. I want to leave because I chose to.

So I will follow the foot steps of the other few members and head over to Team Typhoon for a while.

Sorry Gliscor. And thanks.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

minimidget94 said:
I contacted the guy I was supposed to play for the RS war, but he never pmed me back. what should I do about that?

Yeah, sorry for posting here. Was browsing around.

I DO have a life. I cant come on Pokebeach every single day to check my PM's and do battles.

Sorry broskie.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

I realize that you have a life, but I sent it on the 11th. but whatever, so when are we going to play or do we not have to?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

OK, I'm on right now to apologize of my activeness in the group. I've been really busy lately with art, articles, and just stuff in life. For now, I'll show up but for about another week or two, I'm going to leave everything to the Co-leaders (they've already been picked out BTW.) I'll edit this post once they respond to the PM.

As for Gyarados, it's an amazing deck but is also a deck that I don't recommend for beginners. You have to think ahead a lot, and play carefully. Plus with so many threats to Gyarados in the format (Sablelock, Luxchomp, Judge) it's kinda iffy. I recommend running Scizor/Cherim (both from SF). It is an extremely cheap deck, very easy to play, and does quite well with a decent list.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

^Yeah. I think that the concept itself is also a bit weird for begginners. Jumpluff, though a bit more expensive then ScizRim, is also a simple concept that is a good deck. Shippet DONK, IMO, is the best pre-rotation begginner's deck, due to the low cost and fairly simple idea.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Since Gliscor said he'd be away, let's try a new topic. We can either, a) discuss the rotation, what decks are good, what you're going to use to replace staples like Roseanne's and Claydol. B) Discuss the new set coming out and what you hope for at the PR. Or C) Talk about Worlds, who's going? What do you think will win?

I think that the best replacement for Claydol is 3-1 Uxie X with an Unown Q and 4 SSU. I don't think that Magnezone Prime is able to keep up as it draws you 6 but nothing else. I like IQ for energy searching, Energy search is a one time thing and you can probably get it from Uxie. Collector can get you basics, as it can get you an Uxie, your main Pokemon, and a tech Pokemon up and running quick.

For the next set I really want Vileplume and Scizor Prime.

Sadly I'm not going to worlds but I expect Sablelock to do well. Something involving Luxray will be seen like last year where Raybees was first known. I'm really hoping that a rouge will win it, but I'm not counting on it.

So let's start some discussion, any of the 3 can be discussed.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Claydol can easily be replaced by Uxie and SSU. As for Roseanne's, I'm not sure because I forgot what it does and I'm too lazy to check atm.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

It searches for a combination of 2 Basic Pokemon and Basic Energy. Collector does part of its job getting basics, but the energy searching is missing mostly.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

I know it's avoided in most cases, but really, what's the problem with Energy Search?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

because, it would be better to just run more energy (in most cases). Plus, its severely outclassed by interviewers questions and cyrus's conspiracy
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Yeah. what does everybody think of putting in a Cyrus Engine in decks to speed them up? Non SP decks, is what I mean.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

i like it in some cases....
IDK it will be used though :)
Sorry guys i was on vacation in Florida :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

CyndaquilMaster: Cyru's Conspiracy? If so, yes because I use it in non-SP decks and seems to work well with MD-on, since Roseanne's being gone.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Ill be trying it in kingdra, with 2-2 luxray and 1-1 blaziken (maybe take this out for staraptor FB) and 2 crobats with cyrus, a gain, a radar, 4 turns and 3 spray.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

IDK about using Spray. To me it seems to risky in a deck that uses 3-6 SP's.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Im still in testing, but I think it may work. Just how my rough build is right now.
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